>go to job interview
>get crushing handshake
Why do normies do this? It hurts.
Go to job interview
its like a game for them, they crush it excpeting you to do the same for the next time etc...The first to make a noise/beg lost.
Handshakes are the biggest mindfucks out there.
Every time someone gives me their hand I'm always confused at how much force I should put into it.
To assert their strength over you.
Normies are all about dominance and power, male normies like to show this off through aggressive displays such as being a loud and confindent leader of a social group, having tonnes of material possessions and ofc, simpler things such as crushing your hand.
Do it back user, not too hard, but match his power or slightly exceed it, don't let them gain a psychological edge over you.
>Go to bank for interview
>get job
>start training
>talk about shaking hands
>they list 8 different types of handshakes
>for some reason I start talking about the last one
>the worst kind of handshake
>the wimpy handshake
>start going into autistic detail how I feel when shaking someones hand
>"I don't really know what to do and I sweat a lot and my hand is sort of wimpy"
>everybody looks at me
>realize what I have done
>instructor gives me a weird look
>"Guess we'll have to work on that user"
What the fuck was I thinking
>they put out hand
>go to shake it
>they grip to early and grab your fingers
>they shake you hand holding only your fingers
Next time i get a bad handshake im calling the person out idgaf.
>tfw I panic each time I have to give someone a handshake
>do it too strongly and won't let go
>people told me their hand hurt afterwards
Better than a limp handshake I guess.
I'm in a job where I have to do this all the time and next time someone does that to me I'm going to scream out "I submit!" just for you OP.
Just do a firm one. I can't respect someone whose handshake feels like touching a flaccid dick
You literally just match their grip strength, even children know that, you autistic tripfagging shithead.
>have small hands
>friends used to crush my hands hard every time we shook hands
>didn't have any strength to do it back to them
being a handlet is suffering desu
That means you have a small penis.
I thought 6 inches was average though
Yeah but 2 isnt
Normies get a psychological kick out of "beating" other people at stupid arbitrary shit like handshakes, sports, or smash bros.
Also, a handshake is a two person ritual. Oversqueezing is a fuck up on their part, not yours. That being said, its ok to try and match their strength, but some weird ass Chads might take this as a challenge
Originally Keked
hey FUCK you pal fuck you
It's a sign of dominance you retard. Go in firm.
You just have to give a hard one as well that way it stops it from "crushing" your hand pleb
Love giving handshakes, but despise anything else, especially hugging.
It's awesome to give a firm handshake and adjust your gripping ad hoc.
why is it weird to give soft handshakes...? I don't get it, I'm not strong and don't want to make an effort to squeeze some asshole's hand...
Pussy just do it!
you gon get killed nig nog
I'lI pass.
Shank my hand properly boii
l'II pass.
mother fucker you better shank it
no you see you have to pull yourself up by your bootlaces and THEN shake his hand
Name a more robot character in anime than Crona.
You can't. Good taste OP
l'Il pass.
Son, when someone want to handshake you, you just gotta shake his hand firmlier. A strong, firm handshake is the way to show power upon somebody else. This his how the world is ruled son
and the look on there face when you fuck there hand up is grate. they need to be prepared for that shit
thats cause you're just a fucking moron
Those people are assholes that weren't taught how to do a proper handshake. What's worse than those are people that grab your fucking fingers and squeeze so you can't squeeze back. Also, you're not supposed to squeeze their hand as hard as you can. That's disrespectful and can be seen as a challenge. Just grasp it firmly. Don't fucking break their hand
>work as greeter for car dealer
>short, slim twink walks in
>extend my hand
>he seems kinda awkward, so it takes him a second before he extends his hand
>his hands are super soft and he gives me a very weak hand shake
>give him a death grip and watch the pain in his eyes
>let go and he immediately starts rubbing his hand with his other from the pain, while he walks away in shock
>get a chub
anyone have a fetish for this shit, it's super hot knowing someone is unknowingly showing you that they're submissive.
Yeah ok Chad
I wouldn't consider myself a Chad, I work out a bit, but I don't have any friends and on my off time I watch anime, my man.
You're supposed to train your wrist muscles until you can fracture their palm bones with your handshake grip. Show the normies who's boss and don't let go until you've made their hand unusable for the rest of their lives..
Just give a handshake that is firm but not crushing
give them a crushing handshake back you faggot
Because people keep telling other people that how strong your handshake is gives people a certain impression of you. In reality, everyone is so worried how their own handshake comes across and never even notices the other persons shake, so it's ultimately pointless.