If women only desire 20% of males and find 80% of them ugly.. then how did your dad get laid?
If women only desire 20% of males and find 80% of them ugly.. then how did your dad get laid?
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but that's statistically illogical
my dad is chad
Maybe memes created by bitter basement-dwelling virgins don't actually reflect reality?
it was a different time, user
a different time
Anyone can marry a used up roastie who has passed the wall, but most guys would prefer to have a proper relationship than be a betabux provider. And now with tinder and increasing feminism, it's becoming impossible.
my dad was a chad by back then standards, nowadays as a young dude he'd be something like 6 or maybe even 7/10
But then why do both men and women have less sexual partners than before?
if you get drunk enough anyone becomes attractive
>thought the 80/20 meme was real
Bad news, OP - there is no Easter bunny
Women want multiple things and can rarely find them from the same man. If anything, they can never come from the same man because they serve opposite purposes.
Namely, The Chad, "alpha fucks", and The Provider, "beta bucks".
The man a woman settles down with will see a different mindset than Chad will, because it's for a different purpose. It's being comfort and being provisioned for.
Most men will be married at some point, and it will almost never be because the man fills the woman with primal lust.
>meme meme meme, meme, memey-meme meme meme-meme
mine was a badass chad in his day.
i had less hair than him when i turned 18 and he turned 44.
>young people of both sexes are having fewer non-marital sex partners, more young women are remaining virgins until marriage, Gen Z is overall more socially conservative, and such
Meanwhile, on arcanine
>cock carousel! Betabux! 80/20! Alpha! Game!
Just because you exist doesn't mean the man who raised you managed to reproduce.
>when your low IQ decides to use it's maximum power
Uh, it's precisely because of your low IQ that you're not getting sex.
>get back to another place!
>you must be a roastie!
>back to Jow Forums!
Pretty clever
Not that expected wit from a moron that thinks feminism is NOT dying
this so very much originil
>If women only desire 20% of males and find 80% of them ugly.. then how did your dad get laid?
He got laid because that statistic is a Jow Forums meme, based on some unverified archaeological claims about breeding patterns of early humans.
Vast majority of men and women have at least one sexual experience in their life.
Because even dumb women knew that they all can't catch the 20%. Girls are more deluded these days, thanks to most of them going to uni and having easy access to Chad.
My dad was a Chad fighter pilot. The day I was born he was blowing up Iraqi tanks in Kuwait Makes me feel like even more of a disappointing failure.
if he flew an A-6 Intruder then your dad could be responsible for anywhere from 50 to 1,000 Iraqi deaths
>Gen Z is overall more socially conservative
Keep telling yourself that
>lol so BASED they will save us from millennial LIBKEKS who r TRIGGERED and need muh SAFE SPACE lmao MAGA
Although you are right on everything else and this board is retarded as fuck
Actually now I regret going after you sorry
Women settle with betas as they age and feminism wasn't as advanced.
>le most men are cucks meme
Youre just playing retarded right user?
What did Raimi try to portray in that scene where uncle Ben bashes that black dude's skull in?It was truly a different time.
1. This statistic is a misinterpretation of the Pareto principle which is nothing other than "80% of the ground belongs to 20% of the richest people in a country". This famous "80% of women found 20% of males attractive" is a unscientific statement without any actual evidence whatsoever.
2. My Dad met my mom in the 80s, a time where cell phones, the internet and therefore dating apps doesn't exist and you stuck with the potential partners in your home town.
This was back when being a fighter pilot was easier then what it is today. Everything is much harder than what it was back then. Gotta go through so many hoops just to get one thing.
Finally, someone who knows his shit
Women treat you different based on which archetype you present yourself as
82% of all men are rated below average.
According to one statistic from the owner of, I think, OKcupid. There is a reason why there is only that one single statistic which barely fulfill the terms of being actual scientific.
Wut? Everything is easier today than ever, especially getting sex.
And it's a different 82% for every woman. That's why any man will only have about 20% of women finding him attractive.
men have less sexual partners, women have more.
That's bullshit and you know it. Why do you make lies that are easily proven false? Are you one of those tranny psyop posters?
Obviously its not that extreme op
Its to illustrate a point
Combined marriage.
>If women only desire 20% of males and find 80% of them ugly.. then how did your dad get laid?
Because women settle for men they don't especially desire? It's their biological imperative.
>Reality young people of both sexes are having fewer non-marital sex partners
not according to this.
>64 percent of women having had NSA sex while only 51 percent of men have
I got you now thot!
This doesn't happen outside of incel cuck fantasies.
Apples and oranges. Why are incels always lying?
>Why do you make lies that are easily proven false?
Are u sure he is your bio dad? Maybe your mom was a whore who cucked him....
My dad is a lawyer.
disprove my source.
thats not so much of a difference though, 64 vs 51 definitely not 80-20
The fact that its easy for you proves that you're in the top tier in female... thing
my mom thought he had money cause he was a mailman
idk why she thought that was some good job
he was a fucking drughead though so any money he did have he kept blowing it on shit
he's clean now but that's way past when she divorced him
the fact that he was able to hold her down that long is an anomaly in and of itself
he can't keep relationships, even friendships, with people for longer than 5 years unless they were people from NA or AA
it's try women slut it up with perceived genetically superior males then settle down for betas. fortunately there's a new movement called mgtow and all you roasties can all die alone now hahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Are you actually going to seriously claim there aren't women who settle for men they don't find desirable? I understand you hate incels even though you come to a board filled with them but that doesn't even make sense, there's probably women in your life who would admit to you that they've dated guys they didn't find attractive just because they were nice and successful. Women are less shallow than us so they DO settle for men they don't desire in order to create families, it's a biological imperative that cannot be denied.
my father is tall, dark haired, green eyes, handsome, smart and witty, total alpha who flirts with young women all the time
Conservative estimates put cuckoldry rate among humans at 3%. That means that 3 out of 100 married men have are cucks.
you don't understand the rule. 20% of men have no trouble getting NSA sex while the rest can still get it it's very difficult.
on the other hand any woman can have NSA sex any time she wants and she will always go for the top 20% of males for it.
My dad met my mom in the 80s. It was magical back then, anything can happen! And that's how I fucking happened.
I lied to my mother that I am seeing someone, my father over heard and asked if I wanted to borrow his car.
It's easy for everyone. Incels are volcels in denial.
And you don't think men settle for women they don't find attractive?
Source? And your definition of a cuck?
>Women are less shallow than us
bullshit! they're only settle when their old used up hags and have no choice but to date down.
This retarded lie needs to stop. Any man can get sex if he wants to as long as he is not the bottom 1%.
most men do because they don't have a choice this guy is a moron.
You can even measure it endocrinologically, in estradiol, testosterone and progesterone.
Their sexual preferences shift in accordance to their menstruation/ovulation cycle, ie their shift in sex hormones.
It's been extensively tested in blood work, fMRIs and impulse tests, I dont understand why people are still not aware of it.
Women had completely different selection pressures and have evolved differently, with regards to hormone volatility, brain architecture, neocortical synaptic density and mesolimbic pathway density. You cant approach them as you would a man and expect to understand how they tick, it's nonsensical.
Different time, different societal rules m8, different welfare systems so they couldn't just float about single and live off the state easily
My father was a bad boy cocaine addict in a rock n roll band.
He died at 49 years old after ruining my life with his terrible choices and alcoholism.
Go figure.
why aren't you getting sex then?
>It's easy for everyone.
What kind of degenerate country do you live in? I have normie friends and even they would never say it's easy to get laid, it definitely takes effort (as it should, for both genders) and a lot of men can still fail even after putting in effort, and that's also okay.
They absolutely do, what does that have to do with any of my two posts
As you can see if you reread them I explain to OP how a rule like that might work. I don't claim that it's true but the percentage of men that women find attractive is undeniable lower than the percentage of women that men find attractive, we're just easier creatures to satisfy sexually, for example there's plenty guys who like fat girls, short girls, tall girls, etc. but there's far less women who like short guys or fat guys. Again, there's nothing wrong with that, it all makes evolutionary sense.
You entirely missed my point, you're right but it was irrelevant to my post.
oh really? fucking prostitutes is not real sex in my book there's nothing fulfilling about it, I might as well use my hand.
Fuck off stupid whore. Google it yourself. Even wikipedia has an article on it.
Anyhow, you imbecile degenerate thot, other estimates say cuckoldry is 10-30% ...
My dad was a broken guy and mom wanted to fix him. It's ironic that by 25 - he was already married for 2 years and had me and i'm still 25 khv.
Yep. Evo psych 101.
my dad was a brad and that was the 70s, everyone got laid back then.
to add to this prostitution is illegal in my country and the only hookers you can find here are old hideous crack whores.
no it's only easier for you. you must be either a chad or a roastie.
>a non-controlled voluntary response low-sample survey by a dildo company
Pick one
provide counter sources.
Back in the 70s-80s you only had to be a local Chad and compete with like 20 other guys within a few blocks and the fitness meme was just barely starting so not everyone was ripped.
Nowadays with technology, Chads have an effective hunting radius of 100 miles and start body sculpting at age 16.
The Chads of today would totally cuck the entire generation of Chads from back then.
here's more for you.
My dad is very attractive.
this. and women were far less hypergamous in those days.
my dad was a complete loser like me and he scored.
cuckoldry is not even 10%. it's a big myth based on bad statistics: insidestory.org.au
>my granny says I am smart
>your granny is not proof
That is literally how retarded you are
>start body sculpting at age 16.
that doesnt matter if you're spergy. just look at Jow Forums + muscles board - Jow Forums
The meme is 20% of men get 80% of women, not that no women will ever date the bottom 80%, or that those 80% of women won't fuck someone else once they hit the wall.
I am getting sex just fine. If someone is not getting sex it's because he doesn't want to.
so no counter sources then? ok I win.
1) another low-sample, non-selective, voluntary response survey is STILL worthless, even if it is from a dick pill company
2) the numbers of men and women in their fake ass survey are even, fucking up the original point
>it's not sex if she is not a 10/10 kissless virgin who loves me unconditionally
You just proved incels do not exist.
I am a Chad but what difference does that make? It's easy for everyone else as well.
they will only be sexually satisfied by 20% of men while the other 80% will only be used to extract resources and to provide for the bastards of said 20% of men.
It's easier than ever to find someone to hook up with thanks to technology. Why do incels always lie?
fucking prostitutes does nothing for me. I want a woman to actually enjoy my company.
Women have less sexual partners now than before. Dumb incel.
Maybe women don't enjoy your company because you are an angry sperglord.
nope it's only easy for you. tinder has warped your world view.
The strange dystopian fantasy of arcanine robots-
It is like watching one of those post-apocalyptic films made in Italy in the 80s that were supposed to be in New York City but there are mountains in the background and the cars are all wrong.
Obviously not reality
prove that it's wrong with a counter source.
I don't want a 10/10, there's no way i'd be able to keep her with all the attention she'd be getting from other, more successful men.
seeming as i'm a virgin myself yes I do expect a virgin.
Be honest now. Have you ever tried tinder yourself?
My dad was a chad pretty much from birth
He was always angry though and I lived my childhood pretty much as a mummy's boy being terrified of angering him, The only thing I actually had to look up to from him was that he was very intelligent.
I was a fucking beta autist until I was like 18 and suddenly it was like someone hit a switch in my head and I totally stopped giving a fuck about women, started just meeting girls off tinder and fucking them
incidentally I got a gf from it lol