Angry White men BTFO

Attached: Women can be incel too.png (473x979, 174K)

in her 50s, widowed, how is that comparable to incels who have never had anyone?

you're not celibate if you're a fucking widow

These fucking retards don't actually know what incels are, you have to be a virgin unable to get laid to be an incel

Attached: YopHvxK.jpg (456x384, 15K)

>gets widowed at an old age
>immediately starts looking for a new partner

Yet again more proof that women don't love their partners and they're only means to an end.

>unable to get laid

Isn't that just so funny that normaltards can't comprehend the concept which is defined by literally just two words?

>A an old cunt in her mid-50s who got married it's the same as a 20yo male with massive sex drive who never got any contact with the other gender

But how is that possible? If he has a massive sex drive why won't he get laid?

He's ugly

>Inb4 just lift brah

Can't "lift" your face

>Given that I had already lost one husband
That line says a lot

>Woah like if you can't fuck how do you deal with your sex drive
It's almost like there isn't freely available pornography all over the internet, even on this very website!

Ugly men get laid all the time. Are you retarded?

If he can't fuck it means he is impotent.

>Equivocating on the meaning of can't
Durr hurr

So which is it? Is he impotent or just a volcel?

>can, v.
>1. to be able to; have the ability, power, or skill to:
>power or skill
Figure it out yourself

>Hurr durr it doesn't matter if you are ugly, you have a shitty personality. It's your fault brah

Fuck off with this bullshit, Norman

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So impotent. But how can he have a sex drive in that case?

>had lots of sex with her former partner
This is like when someone 1/10000000th Cherokee says they're native american. Fuck out of here with that shit.

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Because he's completely clueless when it comes to anything more intimate than "just friends"?