post your funniest pic
Post your funniest pic
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i always enjoy this one
Oregano original picture
This one got a good laugh out of me a while back.
Tails Gets Trolled, of course
Kek. I don't think I can beat that.
I don't get why people say you have to be smart to understand rick and morty
Its just some dumb cartoon
>and it's horrifying
He must kill.
R9k gets therapy
People think that you have to be smart to like the show because Rick is "smart"
It's not any deeper than that, it's a stupid argument and rick and morty tanked hard in season 3 anyway
Aussie love
is there some backstory to this one?
What's the original pic?
oiginal PIC
Jow Forums stories are the best ones imo.
i don't have many pics, but here have this OC from a long time ago
it that a pkk ? aesthetic af guns. desudesu
>amerimutt meme in the bottom
not really funny witcher picture.
>finding this funny
>saving this
>using Jow Forums
>being in the army
Russian T-I-G-E-R-S are no match for P-O-L-A-N-D
originally made me lol out loud
>(And thats a bad thing!)
when will journalism die off
i dont get this tigers meme.
It's "PPK", you tard.
On top of that, it's actually a Makarov.
Rick isn't smart at all though, that's a big part of the show that seems to go over everyone's head. He's a small minded asshole who is meant to be unlikable; if you're relating to him or thinking he's cool it's probably because you're a bit of a bellend yourself.
It's a critique on that kind of narcissism, you're meant to figure out Rick is wrong about everything as the show goes on. Seems a lot of the fanbase misses that completely though and see's him as some kind of god figure
The Russian government contracted various people to make propaganda via those polandball knock offs. One of the things was Russia saying it has everything since it's so big, including tigers. And then Jow Forums and Jow Forums found out.
t. salty noguns
I have always enjoyed this one as it truly expresses how little their brains truly are.
It's like people saying how cool Tony Soprano is, they're brainlets who can't read between the lines. You'd think the one episode where Rick tried to disintegrate himself would have made things a little clear, but go figure it didn't. >rebuild the sisterhood
hello fellow Jow Forums fren
this image makes me laugh every time
whats up with that small ball change?
>rebuild the sisterhood
>they actually tried before and failed
>probably they destroyed their attempt at building a sisterhood on a mega cat fight
Moreso Jow Forums, Jow Forums is just /b/ with flags and less porn. And no guns.
I always thought this image was hilarious because of the monkeys face. No one else seems to though.
I wonder if anyone has ever fucked a monkey. Surely someone at some point has fucked a monkey or ape.
>because of the monkeys face
uma delicia
I'm a US commie.
Hitler was a mouseketeers, aka one of the first ones to draw Mickey Mouse. Hitler was an artist afterall, but was rejected from an artist school.
And Walt Disney was a hater of jews, also, of course.
why is this shit still a thing?
essa porra vei...
meant to link you here to explain the joke about Hitler.
my bad user. you gay nigger.
AIDS came from them user.
And pubic lice is related to gorilla lice.
>I'm a US commie.
>I'm an unemployable, mentally ill, sex pest who envisions myself in a management role post revolution
Fixed that for you.
>rebuild the sisterhood
they literally tried before and destroyed a damn company in the process
ill dump some shit ayy xd
fuck you its still funny
onga bonga orngal
aaand im out with a bang
>It was an idealistic vision swiftly shattered by the nightmare reality: constant bitchiness, surging hormones, unchecked emotion, attention-seeking and fashion rivalry so fierce it tore my staff apart.
>When I read the other day that Sienna Miller had said there was no such thing as 'the Sisterhood', I knew what she meant.
That's one impressive paper shredder, most I've seen struggle with anything more than 5 pieces at a time.
>getting employed when you're going to get robbed
>thinking I don't want to goat herd whilst no one owns the land anymore
Holy shit, that's unbelievable originally
Turks or greeks!?
I don't know if I should laugh or cry
most original post of all time
>amerifat memes are made by rick and morty fans
Jon Stewart is an unfunny fuck but that book plus the earth one were comedy gold.
Damn, that's depressing but accurate. Public schools want young robots to know their place and submit to normals from the beginning.
>be the betacuck getting shat and stepped on by everyone
>In this climate, I didn't dare employ any men because of the distraction and - even worse! - catfights they created. I hate how much that sounds like stereotyping, but I'm afraid it's what I found to be true.
this one gave me a chuckle
>weird random shit
>makarov gun
how can you not associate weird shit with slavs ?
i want to fuck the fishnet tiger with the cock
also the retarded pee tiger
I'll leave this one here...just for you
my favorite greentext story
Gonna dump this old image
this is the best greentext story I've ever seen
oh my god my fucking sides
Well i mean it kinda fit with the thicc meme
I've got a few pictures that give me a sensible chuckle every time I see them.
Hard to believe that happened here going on three years ago now.
this has been my favorite image for a long time, but I haven't had any excuse to share it until now.
Thats not how life works u pathetic turd
There's a reason why I never wanted to go to any meetups with you fucks.
I don't have anything to say about that picture.
Yeah, meeting people from here is generally a bad idea, there's some real psychos sometimes. If you end up eating cum you're getting off easy
Damn man I even got trips.
Agreed, I wouldn't go to anything like that. I'd meet with some people I know FROM here, but I've known them for years now. Not a random meetup like that.
>not using a coaster
Who was in the wrong here?
People who say that are either children or idiots.
>their female
>mutt meme got 7300 updogs
what in the goddamn, there's no way they know what it refers to
do you realise people are looking at the car, not the driver
you can have the most expensive sports car in the world and nobody will fucking care about you, it's the car turning heads
oh fuck off
Lithuania does commit to its obligations to the EU unlike the Hungarian and polish cunts
It's a meme, a small percentage might actually think that but in typical internet fashion it's been blown way out of proportion
>capitals fan
nice guys truly finish last, in hockey and in grade school
here u go, that one is spicy and high IQ
>a dinosaur
God I hate stories that aren't true, that guy almost got away with it.
holy shit its all of reddit in one image
gee i don't know, now if there was only a way to tell, hmmmm
They mean well, but they cannot understand our pain. They've never been left on the outside of human civilization looking in. They have deluded themselves into believing that they can empathize with us just to quell the guilt they feel from having failed us.
Still gets me.
Best on thread checked and kek'd
lost so hard
This isn't even funny buy i crack up everytime i see it.