Finally admitted my love to a girl I have liked for a while, tried to be poetic but not creepy. How do you think I did?
I am so incredibly nervous.
Finally admitted my love to a girl I have liked for a while, tried to be poetic but not creepy. How do you think I did?
I am so incredibly nervous.
id say you did bretty good if shes a nerdy chick
nice one op
Please tell me that this is fake.
You're fucked unless she really really likes you.
Thanks my bro. I sit next to her in chemistry so I think so
Why?? What's bad about it? Ahhh please don't stress me out this took alllll my courage,
cringe is not enough
to describe this bullshit
you're the new king of spaghetti
and this poem is also fucking shit
like this fucking shit post
Pure fucking autism.this is fucking top kek material.Must be fun having aspergers.
Pray to every deity there is that she really likes you. Not to be a negative nate about it, but odds are she doesn't.
This better be staged for your sake, OP.
I seriously do not understand how you pricks cannot just behave normally. For fucks sake, just tell you like her and that is it, there's no need for spaghetti
>romance is not dead
I thought I was gonna see her replying favourably to your confession, chances are she won't.
Well I hope so!!! I put it all on the line. All we really do is talk in class and message a bit but I've never really talked to any girl this much before.
What is cringe about this??? I rewrote it maybe twenty times to try to make it perfect :(
Is reaching out to someone Aspergers these days??
What is your age? This is hilarious.
Are you Thanos or some shit?
i hope this is all a act and judging by your punctuation it probably is.
she's probably taking so long to reply because she's getting BLACKED or bukkaked by a bunch of Chads.
legit why couldn't've you just asked her out on a date as every other human being would... oh yeah, because its shit bait
I don't really pray nevertheless I'll be hoping dearly. I have never had a girlfriend before
I started with that, but it just didn't feel like enough. Any random guy could do that. This is me being me. I stand by it.
She's been offline since I sent it so no word yet!! Bated breath
>I don't really pray nevertheless I'll be hoping dearly
*tips fedora
Oh boy this is gun be good, you come across like Elliot Roger, I'd block your ass personally.
What punctuation? If you're referring to the string of commas beforehand that's because I accidentally sent a version I didn't like so I bumped it up a lot and resent this version
I don't understand how can someone be so stupid. Go for the next chick, this one is already lost.
I just looked him up, honestly I'm not like him at all. I was just trying to be romantic!!! Why don't they have romance classes at school?? Not everyone is Shakespeare
Are you mostly a lurker on Jow Forums?
This is you, i'm bookmarking this thread.
Firstly, hello.
During my time on this planet I have gone through phases. I started with a great fear of death, imagining my thoughts trapped in darkness for all eternity. Then, I found enlightenment. I became okay with death, in a non suicidal way of course. Regardless, I was at peace with the universe. My lady, you have disturbed this peace. I am no longer okay with death, for I fear losing a single moment with you. You have given new meaning to my life, a new spark in my heart, and a new beacon of energy as my cosmos. Now I realize we have not known each other for long, but a truer connection I have not felt.
This was the initially version btw but thought it was a bit weird to mention suicide so I cut that out
>google reverse image search
>0 results
I spend a lot of time on this board but wil comment here and there. I don't often start threads myself though
It sounds like you want to make a suicide pact or at the least that you want something to do with her death. Sperg on sperglord, why is it so difficult to say "Hey, I like you, hope thats not weird, do you like me too?"
People like this actually exist. Time for the good old "Sorry that was my friend"
I seriously hope for your sake you're just baiting me good.
Welp she just replied but only sent three dots
>During my time on this planet I have gone through phases. I started with a great fear of death
You're fucking ridiculous mate ahah
you have lost the battle soldier.Time to retreat.
That's a good sign she liked the poem
Send another one
I can't reply anymore.
What is going on. Help pls
You lost connection, probably some shit bug
Call her number
She wants you to read it to her in person bro. You know her address?
Is this OP? I refuse to believe this. I mean it's hilarious but I dont want it to end so swiftly.
Yeah, Facebook can bug out sometimes, it's happened to me. Just give her a quick call and it'll all be fine.
i don't use a phone but maybe she blocked you?
Oh man i feel bad for you. Back in highschool i used to share the same table with some loud normalfags and pretty much the same thing happened. A guy wrote some kind of poem on facebook confessing to this girl sat next to mine and for the rest of the fucking day all they talked about was how cringey and stupid that guy was. Over and over again. I dont mind yours, but normalniggers dont react with this kind of thing with a clear head. I hope this isnt the case m8.
user I....
She blocked you...
Time to move on.
shite mate, I'm really having a bad time believing this.
No it's a bug with facebook, he should ring her, infact that's what I would want.
I don't have her number but I'm gonna try messaging her on my second facebook account. Not sure if we are friends on that one though.. Seriously freaking out!!!! What a shitty time for facebook to fuck up so royally
Dont listen to the vaginal jew, she's trying to trick you
She blocked you user, try to move on now
There is no way she would do this, and no way she would block me. We sit together every class and have done for several weeks. We get along really well I think
oh, oh, oh...
>"I have a feeling that you're riding for some kind of terrible, terrible fall."
Go to her house, take a gun it's dangerous out there.
Oh well if you refuse to believe, wait until you see her again, sending messages on Facebook never really work, should of done it in real life at least, doing it online and with that kind of message makes you look weird and cowardly
could the bait be any more obvious? oh well, at least it's entertaining. Maybe at the end they'll be getting married with user here assuming the Habsburg throne
God erhalte user der Kaiser!
Dude both picks show you coming off as a creepy neckbeard who's into roleplaying
Don't be so fucking retarded
give up and stop being a stalker too
>three dots
oh boy
Wait, hold on I'm sorry for being so callous, I- I- *snickers*
oh, oh, oh..
Cringey losers like you are hilarious.
If this isn't fake you need to completely reevaluate your life and most importantly never speak or be near her again. Consider therapy.
We don't need another poleaboo on our hands going to prison.
You are denying possible reality user. That girl in my class was a manipulate bitch who made use of guys like you to get attention and free gift m8. Im not even kidding, these faggots talked so fucking loud and repetitive that its pretty much ingrained in my brain now. Dig her user, im 90% sure shes laughing at you with her real normannigs friends right now.
You should definitely do this.
Also ask what her favorite anime is so you can cater to her tastes
>imagining my thoughts trapped in darkness for all eternity.
Keeeeeeek. You fucked up by giving her a fake deep edgy sad letter. Also she probably won't know it's a poem, it looks more like a fake deep sperg vomiting words onto the page.
All and all op I do wish you luck maybe she's into it, and if she is I'm happy for you, but don't get your hopes up you kinda sperged on this one.
An inbred Habsburg ON MY BOARD?
You inbred shit better get out, didn't you learn during the Spanish succesion war?
> this guy didn't bother to read the following replies
>both live together forever
Yeah she's about to be confused as fuck, and probably put off by that. Protip next time don't be a sperg and say that you like her. Not love, like. Don't come off too strong like you are here. Also you didn't really directly ask her out
Well it's fucking over.
Why are girls so hard to read :( I'm just gutted.
Laugh all you want but I seriously thought that I had made a friend, and that friend had developed into a relationship. I just suck at talking to girls. I suck at writing to them. I try to phrase my writing as I speak in my wry sense of humor. I thought I finally found someone who got it.
So go ahead, laugh all you want. But just know that somewhere out there is a guy sitting alone in his room heartbroken, with all of you laughing at his expense.
I don't know how I'm going to show up to anymore of my lectures either. I just don't know how I read this so wrong. I guess I've learned my lesson. Never reach out, never try to make friends. I thought university would be different.
Nothing ever changes.
>why are girls so hard to read
Well people are pretty hard to read yeah but you're just a fucking sperg ffs
Oh no you didn't send two did you? Op please tell me you didn't
holy fucking shit OP that was so autistic
I'm not here to laugh at you, but that message you sent her, it was just purely fucking weird and akward dude thats not how you get a gf in 2018, 'fraid to tell you
Sorry m8, dont blame urself.
>but I seriously thought that I had made a friend, and that friend had developed into a relationship
>*i started moving away from you in lectures*
Oh man,i hope this is seriously fake;if not please go through some self introspection and learn how to take hints from normies.
It's fucking weird to mention death in general when you ask someone out. Also normans especially girls don't want to hear about anything depressing it puts them off.
This is fucking magical
> post stalker tier poem
> follow up with weird message
> is surprised when called creepy
People that honestly think that that would of been sweet and can't take a hint are worse than fucking incels because at least they understand who they are
You should just off yourself
Since she's in your chemistry class here's what you need to do. Recite this poem to her in person; typing it online doesn't come across that well. You also need a venue where she'll be likely to hear you out. Maybe follow her into the bathroom and corner her, then recite the poem. It'd be a lot more likely to work than on fb messenger.
Yeah you sperged this one hard mate. She 200% blocked your ass.
>would of
I mean you're not that much better.
The great AI has fallen, may his ashes swim through the cosmos forever with his dark edgy inner feels.
Hey man, it's okay. Don't mind the rest. Your intentions were good.
It's just that your language is pretty non-standard. Next time, don't try to be poetic like this. Don't talk about death or you two being together forever, that's way too serious, too quickly. Just ask if you want to do something sometimes, like seeing a movie. See where it goes. Also, don't confess stuff like this online, say it in person.
Best of luck!
seriously what did you expect with that poem tier writing? that shit makes anyone cringe
you're this kid in this video
Well damn dude if you weren't so fucking dumb you could have just asked her like a normal person and instead you wrote some cringy shit and humiliated yourself. I hope you learned from this but already you are trying blame women.
How can multiple people just know that it was a weird thing to say, and I simply thought it was romantic, what a girl would want to hear. Am I that out of touch? It's what I would want to hear if I was a girl. To know that I've made someone change their entire outlook on life, that is powerful. So why was it so bad? Maybe I'm just not meant to be with anyone. But maybe there is some girl out there who would see that message for the beauty that it possesses, and I need to find that girl. Am I just delusional? I really don't know.
>Never reach out, never try to make friends. I thought university would be different. Nothing ever changes.
No you fucking retard. Writing a seriously stalker tier poem that's a mix of talking about death and Reddit fedora tipping atheism over the internet is probably the absolute very worst possible way you could ever in any circumstances ask out a girl, ever. Seriously.
And of course you blame everyone but yourself. It's not them, it's you. I seriously thought this, and still hope, it's elaborate b8
See a fucking therapist or something your school probably offers them for free.
>Am I that out of touch?
Yes. I thought you were 13-15 but you're in university. Have you even talked to a girl before?
If sitting next to a girl and developing a basic crush on her changes the very fabric of your being then holy shit user you're not just out of touch or delusional, I don't even have the words.
Romance is fucking dead and you knew it from the start
Nah m8 your just running away from the fact that you fucked up. A month or year so and you will randomly slam your head on the table cringing over this moment m8.
Yeah you sound delusional dude. Too many movies or something. You talk like you are the MC in a romance movie.
You're too pure for this world lad. So get fucking tough already and man the fuck up, yes the world is shit, yes its probably ending, yes we all feel lost but do something about it.
Getting someone to date you is like lying, never start out strong unless you dont mind the consequence of getting called out.
>hey wanna go out for dinner on [insert date here]
>go out
>still don't get laid
>lost money
pretty much do this until you get laid. or get a prostitute.
nobody wants to hear some poem tier shit. just legit talk like a normal fucking person and you'll still get rejected but at least you won't be seen as creepy. it happens senpai. eventually you'll get laid.
you also need to know your place in society. if you're a fat ugly fuck, you don't get to ask discount 5/10 stacy out, plain and simple
im a solid 7/10, farily fit. workout daily. i couldn't get pussy even if i tried.
hahahaha this is too retarded to be real but it made my day.
Is seeing a movie going to bring us together though? I don't want a superficial relationship, I want to be our souls to be bonded. The dynamics of human relationships are shifting from what they used to be it seems. Romeo and Juliet would do anything for one another. Seems like today a boyfriend would barely put his phone down to give his girlfriend a glance as she is too busy taking selfies to care anyway.
For most of my life i have felt like the puzzle piece that doesn't fit. It felt like Cyd 'got it' like me, and our puzzle pieces connected. Little did I know she was misshapen like all the rest.
My condolences fellow robot.
Listen to something while you contemplate what to do with your life now.
You fucking retard. You do realize that for this message to work two things need to be happening:
1. She needs to be into this edgy death related stuff like you are
2. She needs to like you
There's nothing wrong with it, but you used it on the wrong person, you fag. You can't tell someone you're not in a relationship with or that doesn't constantly have that ''I want to fuck you look'' that you want to live together forever.
OP, u seriously spaghettied all over the place here.
Shoulda just made her wet within seconds of meeting her with a sixpack and strong jawline before asking "Why haven't we fucked yet?"
And then taking her back to yours as soon as logistically possible.
>I want to be our souls to be bonded.
Is english your first language, who the fuck are you? batman?
i really hope this is your friend and you're just fuckin with us op
but if its not honestly the poem wasnt that bad but it seemed very obvious she wasnt into you in the first place so sending that shit out of the blue was very creepy
> yeah just to pure and nice
im guessing you watch my little pony for the inspirational messages as well?
Oh lord, what have you done
I was being kind to him ya dick.