that even the most pure of women will leave you if you ever put the right guy in front of her.
no matter what you do, if someone better appear she'll dump you in a instant.
just stop trying to be happy by looking for female approval and start doing stuff that makes YOU happy.
you don't owe anything to women and neither they owe you anything.
Remember this clearly this my robot fellow
its okay though, all they can do is nag you and bitch at you for not doing what they want you to do.
simply try to find happiness in other stuff rather than to get a damn gf/wife that will cheat and divorce your ass anyways.
because running from yourself in the form of relationships will never be the answer, you'll suffer anyways and be left worse than before.
Nice redpill that you got going on but do not generalize.
but its true though, I mean, in these times you can't ever start a relationship or even a 1 night stand without having the risk of getting your ass jailed by some unfaithful whore.
shameless selfbumb
I agree. People are right that incels shouldn't be bitter and plan murders and shit, but the blatant denial of sexual inequality really bothers me. If woman could just own up to their preferences I'd feel a lot better.
maybe the people are lucrating from that sexual inequality? or they are just plain dumb
>blatant denial of something that only exists in the minds of angry delusional virgins
Kek, fucking teenagers.
I think people just don't want to admit to themselves how shallow they are, especially woman. That's why taking dating advice from woman has always been folly, they just beat around the bush to avoid sounding like a cunt by saying what they really want, which are usually a bunch of traits totally out of any man's ability to fix if they lack them. That's why they say things like "personality" because that's changeable to some degree and can be blamed on you, but you can't change your height or dick size.
You should not take dating advice from women, but neither should you take it from bitter virgin manchildren.
It's easy to see you dipshit as much as it seems like a ridiculous theory by incels you can spot it everywhere they may be angry and delusional but there are certain things they're not wrong about
Even men who are very successful with woman corroborate a lot of the things these bitter virgins are saying.
women want it more than us, they are just better at hiding it than men
personality is genetic
I am pretty successful with girls and think most of the time the bitter virgins are full of shit when it comes to women.
Examples? You and the other angry incels are a tiny minority. Everyone else is fine with getting sex.
That's cool,however I'm more inclined to believe the guys with data, statistics, and evidence to back up their claims. You must understand, if this was a trial I have to side with those presenting evidence.
Hey I remember the yt vid this was under. Joe rogen with some random girl talking about incels. Felt good to see some blackpills in the comment section
I honestly don't know what to think about this.... Its like a part of my minf just shattered and I can't tell whats right or wrong anymore... I can't even say its this boards fault because I forced myself to read this all
I just want a hug now...
I thought I was the only 20+ virgin :(, turns out theres more of me I guess :(
>I am pretty successful with girls and think most of the time the bitter virgins are full of shit when it comes to women.
get the fuck out of my face with that.
even fucking chad himself is disgusted by the same shit these virgins complain.
don't believe me? see this shit
Here's more testimonies from guys who actually get laid
This isn't just bullshit being spewed by virgins, men of all walks of life are waking up to the truth about woman and dating.
you just got to hear the truth, this is not something you want to hear but what you need to hear.
this is just one of the harsh truths that nobody wants to tell you for some reason, because hearing and reading this is actually necessary so you are more prepared to face the world out there.
by being here you know the world ain't a nice place because it rekt you and nobody bothered to guide you or telling you what is truly right or what is truly wrong.
have self-respect and don't beat yourself for shit that don't matter anyways, animals even kill for a chance to mate, but we got to were we are now is because we realized there is more to life than getting your dick wet and reproducing.
believe me when I tell you that people like you will never ever be fucking happy with a woman and in fact be more miserable than ever, dead inside even.
go to a mall one day and observe the cucks buying stuff for their girls and you'll see how dead they look.
You're more likely to believe meme statistics from bitter virgins than guys with real life experience and success?
>go to a mall one day and observe the cucks buying stuff for their girls and you'll see how dead they look.
This. My friend actually has a cute gf, a robot would see him at the mall and get jelly, but I know better, all he does is complain about how needy and crazy she is.
Its all a trap. Even approaching a girl is signing a contract saying "I'm worthy of you and I'm here to prove it!" Then the games begin. Then you think all the bullshit is just a part of relationships, but no, the bullshit is for the beta males.
user would you please watch the videos on and even fucking chad and tyrone are fucking disgusted with how bad shit is out there with women.
of course it is, only chad is given a free pass but somehlw betas have to pay for something given for free to others.
They have absolutely nothing to do with the subject at hand.
Why are you lying on a Cambodian puppetry forum?
>1 possibly fake anecdotal account is worth more than definitive statistical data
>They have absolutely nothing to do with the subject at hand.
go out there and try to get laid with a chick with you spending 0 on her ass.
come back here and tell us how well did that go.
you truly don't understand the 20/80 rule here right? if you were a chad you'll drown in pussy.
The reason you're not getting pussy is because you fell for the 20/80 meme.
Oh God I'm gonna puke
I can feel the fucking adrenaline running through me, a reminder for me that I need to make it. A reminder of what I missed out on when I was younger, a reminder of how ruthless people are.
>The reason you're not getting pussy is because you fell for the 20/80 meme.
says the guy who don't know ths difference between female attraction and a female settling down with some dumb schmuck she can destroy later.
I learned the lesson early on.
99% of guys will get laid by someone who finds them attractive. Stop lying.
because the girls want something else rather than the guy in question but the shit he have, be it a car, a house, a bank account, etc...
While every guy who fucks a girl does it because he loves her unconditionally and will do anything and everything for her?
some poor guy was nearly hauled in jail because a woman said so.
>While every guy who fucks a girl does it because he loves her unconditionally and will do anything and everything for her?
not every guy, generally good people, betas, cucks, etc... fall for that bullshit while ignoring the reality of this world.
also that kind of thinking is the one of a fucking slave user, it almost if the guy in question is asking for a damn divorce.
You're a fucking retard. You are actually projecting your cuck fantasies on the entire male population. Nearly every man has fucked girls he didn't really care about and just wanted her pussy.
>You're a fucking retard.
of course, what else is new?
>You are actually projecting your cuck fantasies on the entire male population.
what fantasies?
>Nearly every man has fucked girls he didn't really care about and just wanted her pussy.
thats just real life, what point are you trying to make? that everyody can get laid?
>Nearly every man has fucked girls he didn't really care about and just wanted her pussy.
You get pumped and dumped by Chad again, roast?
probably since the fag is too emotional and cannot accept the fact that women are as bad if not worse than men.
>the roastie/cuck got silent after that
>probably rage quitted because he/she couldn't handle hearing that shit from handsome men
Comments like these are starting to make me really hate normalfaggots. They come on here with this smug, condescending attitude, talking down to us, pretending they're superior, for fucking some fat hideous landwhales. Go eat fucking shit you normie fuck, I hope you get killed.
Sounds like a troll to me. No on can be that dense.
you see...misery loves company and these fucking normalcucks are just projecting their damn insecurities on us.
they don't want to admit they are inferior mentally and emotionally since your average robot at least is aware and accepts that fact too and the robot ironically matures a little.
besides that robots are in a better position than these cucks anyways and it irks them that the people they perceive as losers are actually better and happier than them.
You can't blame them. If you have any hope of having kids and a family, black pill is gonna be your worst nightmare. I think the main reason I took it so well was because I never wanted kids or to get married anyway, I just wanted a cool gf and maybe a few hookups before I die, but now I know how unlikely that is, so I gave up on that dream to focus on others.
Robots are too smart and self-aware to get a gf or a job?
because real robots realize where they are in the natural order.
also they know how women are and know that the happy ending they seek is nothing more than a foolish fantasy.
women are only genuinely giving attention and interest to chad.
also the robots have to many problems ranging from mental to emotional for them to function correctly on a job.
that's a good thing user, I am here hoping that you truly achieve these dreams of yours.
Bumping for more redpills
Keep it up boys
Thank you kindred soul!
Consider reading the following article:
It is possible to get laid if you put in some effort.
If you really don't care or want to have sexual relationships, It's totally ok for you to focus on other things that make you happy, however, if you want to, don't give up just because some guy told you it's impossible.
Bumping for more redpills
this fucking meme always irked me
'who hurt you?'
they are not even looking for the guy in it for his looks but the size of his wallet.
there is nothing that bitches desire more than fucking security and stability, some rich schmuck can provide that, even better if it is a chad.
This stupid nigger didn't fuck her himself and wrote 'I can't see a promise for tomorrow' which is fucking pathetic, and it's off reddit where you should fucking off and stay, the cunt was looking for any excuse to get away from the snivelling cunt just like every women you ever know will. Fuck you and saged.
indeed but I believe that he should be really careful if he wants to pump and dump.
a woman will never ever forgive a beta that pumped and dumped her dumbass, she'll do anything in order to get back at that beta for oing something that only chads are allowed to do.
if he wants to try that shit, he better dye his hair, put some realistic contacts and a high quality silicone 'skin' in order to cover most of his imperfections, the motherfucker better use protection too and hide the condom at all times, he has to destroy that condom so he doesn't get sperm-jacked and have to pay some whore 20 years of child support she'll never use in the kid anyways.
that was used as an example, to not be the like the cuck who wrote that shit.
nobody wants to be like that cuck and the one who wrote that shit should have known better, at least the dumbass got away from her.
he was going straight up for a fucking dkvorce anyways, he wasn't a chad but some betabux to use and discard after he was used.
It's always those leadership conferences/retreats that this shit's going down at.
isn t he kind of a chad?
Why doesn t he settle down instead of this mgtow shit?
a true chad doesn't settle down but still can raise a kid by surrogating a womb or letting a girl pregnant who is young and raise the kid.
he has contacts to blackmail the judges so she only gives the chick the necessary to raise and take care of the mini-stacy or mini-chad.
but most of the time, he somehow gets total custody of the damn mini-chad and let the maid take care of him for a while.
he teaches the mini-chad everything about women and shit, then he let the little bastard on the loose to repeat the cycle.
sadly more and more chads are starting to go mgtow and less are starting to surrogate since bitches are starting to press the law to make sperm donors pay child support.
shit with women out there is so insane that being mgtow doesn't sound that bad, they even give you all the warnings and tell them all the tricks these hoes might try in order to baby trap him.
right now chad is playing it safe and sometimes letting some cucks raise their spawns since its easier.
sadly betas are starting to disappear so...he wouldn't be able to put a baby in someones wife anymore if he doesn't want to get baby trapped.
>isn t he kind of a chad?
>Why doesn t he settle down instead of this mgtow shit?
Because he doesn't fuck used up meat socks nor eat sloppy seconds you filthy roastie
He always get the best of the best so why he would fuck some loose old hag when he can fuck young pussy?
Only betas gets the damaged goods toastie roastie or you are in your prime and give your best to chad or get your old ass out here
I fear for the day this place gets you imagine that hiroshimoot actually creates /fem/?
I hope he is smart enough to do the exact same shit /moot/ pulled with /mlp/ and ensure they stay right there.
Why is this?
I mean, what's the excuse? Don't they have the girl scouts?
it seems that girls don't like the fact that boy scouts have boys in it...that they don't include girls in it you know? thats fucking sexist in their eyes.
It's not about inclusivity. It's about ruining everything men have.
You are a girl aren't you? Only a girl can be this much divorced from reality.
she was tryimg some fine damage control and doing the impossible for this thread to die.
ws can't have men thinking like this isn't it? otherwise they will have to take responsibility for their actions since there are no betas around.
care to sent a link mate?
I couldn't find the video you are talking about
There are two types of men who have relationships with women. Top tier chads who have women chasing after them constantly, and betabux who get a whiff of pussy in return for a lifetime of labor.
Unless you are a turbochad, there is really no reason to include women in you life. Turbochad takes the risks in return for lots and lots of pussy. Betabux takes the same risks in return for a lifetime of domestic slavery.
>they go insane over fucking oversized fleshlights
>they ironically show you how little value they truly have
A good reminder
No matter how good things are, never forget their true nature.
I can't wait for sexbots to replace these bitches already
>dated for 4 years and never fucked
there was no other possible outcome for this guy
it teached him a valuable lesson though.
found this gem and I think it fits right here...
here is the other part fellas
Someone posted this in a woman hate thread.
I don't know who came up with this idea that a guy should wait and be understanding until the woman "feels" ready or comfortable to have sex, but it was certainly a vile joke.
indeed it was, hell, they even actively cheat on the damn boyfriend/husband too if he is too boring.
Women wouldnt be abpe to run anything by themselves. Corporations would fall if only women worked there. I think south korea had a few women only departments and they fell apart in weeks.
Women are only genuinely interested in you for what you can provide to them: money, status, time and attention. Nothing else. If you can't provide with all of those things, she'll find someone who can. It's nature.
I think women care far more about status than the others to be honest, and it's not even close. depending on your definition of "rich," there are plenty of people with good jobs and free time who can't get laid.
I say to keep letting them do that shit.
the more these assholes get their wallets to hurt the better for me.
So what the fuck am I supposed to do?
I've got too much anxiety to be a jerk
sadly you'll have to pay for a cheap whore to get laid dude.
at least you get sex, but sadly you had to pay for some used up whore to fuck you instead of fucking tight vaginas like chad.
ergo, you get the sloppy seconds.
sexdoll and sexbots still have ways to go before they are on the wished level and so is VR who is still in a primitive state. the sloppy seconds user.
I-I think I'd rather die with dignity as a virgin
I will never eat the sloppy seconds.
It is better to die a virgin than live a single day as a cuck.
Your virginity is easy to lose.
Your dignity will never come back.
>dad tells me that all women are shallow braindead sluts who care only for money
>naive me asks about precious mother who is perfect and isn't a vapid cunt
>dad looks me square in the eyes and tells me she would have raped him in divorce court if he wasn't pulling in a six figure salary
changed me. made me sad 2bh, must be a pretty pitiful existence to only care for such shallow things.
My mother said she married my dad only because her parents liked him
That plus I remember that today show segment about settling for Mr. Not Quite Perfect
That shit changed me
Women don't marry for love
They marry for status and appearances
My mother told me that she always regretted marrying my father. I asked her why, and she UNIRONICALLY, and SHAMELESSLY said: I wish I had married a richer man.
"God, why did you give us woman?"
That's why I'm a lolicon. No woman is able to be pure, innocent or be able to love after 15
>"God, why did you give us woman?"
-The seventh seal