Girls with mental disorders are attractive
Girls with mental disorders are attractive
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Havent seen Norikon posted here in a while. is she still into old war planes and marches and shit?
True. Anything else you wanted to share?
>tfw just want to help a mentally ill qt
>also wildly dependent and in need of help myself
Why the fuck do I even try
You don't try though, that's one of your biggest problems.
you guys are all sadists for believing this
That was very rude of you, user
Yeah you guys say that when it comes to meme disorders like depression or anxiety. I've been rejected by every robot I've talked to because of my schizophrenia.
Seems like being a sensitive bitch is another of your problems.
my mental disorders ruined my life and disabled me. you guys are talking about edgy stacies, not the actually mentally ill
This so much.
Guys who claim to like mentally ill girls really just want one of two things. They have a misguided savior complex, which means they usually end up doing more harm than good. Or they are the narccisiccistic type and want a yandere they think will worship them.
I feel like people make mental disorders a fetish and glorify them until they've actually been with a person with some.
Got contact?
>being surprised that entitled, self-interested incels only want mentally ill gfs for the wrong reasons
You're making yourselves look bad, roasts.
What is your end game?
Original spices
100% accurate. I'm pretty sure most of the people on here who glorify mental illness have never been around someone who was severely mentally ill. It's pretty shite most of the time.
hapas are a disease
Cuddle a schizophrenia girl
Every person I've seen into mentally ill people tend to be huge subbies who do nothing but further encourage and enable it.
I think its more of a "they are so fucked up only I can understand this person" approach they want their partner to believe.
>Guys who claim to like mentally ill girls really just want one of two things. They have a misguided savior complex, which means they usually end up doing more harm than good. Or they are the narccisiccistic type and want a yandere they think will worship them.
but l just want them to stomp on my balls and insult me, tell me l should never have been born, laugh in my face and make me drink their urine
l guess the only way a girl could pretend to enjoy this is if l pay them or if they have a mental illness
Wait, suddenly my worst trait is attractive? Since when?
just too bad that not a single user, human, or normie or whatever knows how do deal with it
my 2 major mental illnesses are gender dysphoria and schizophrenia
would you date me because I used to be a girl and I have a vagina? I look and sound like a man and I have a lot of delusions and hallucinations throughout the day
also is it gay to date an ftm or is it not because it's gay to date mtfs?
since now, send me your discord cutie
be my ftm bf to fuck
Well, she made the mistake of posting here
She quickly deleted the post and a few social media accounts and set the rest on private
If your face is cute and you have perky titties I'd let you peg me.
Everyone always wants the very best image of their respective niche. Females who say they want a nerd boyfriend really mean they want Chad with glasses. Men who say they want a mentally ill girlfriend just want a Stacy with self harm scars.
Maybe. But you are probably just going to try to get me attached for your own ego masturbation. Send your contacts at [email protected]
i'm pretty if i ever dated anyone who found my suffering attractive i'd become very abusive
> is she still into old war planes and marches and shit?
yeah she was subscribed to a few nazi channels and varg vikernes before she made all her shit private lmao
she's half-asian so I believe she had identity issues like ER did
I just put two of my dogs down yesterday, so I'm not exactly chipper lol
parte deux in case anyone needs the post# to go look in the arkives
who is this and why does she look exactly like a tanner version of me. it's freaking me out
Please kys. How the fuck do you ever get to the point where this is what you want?
my face isn't cute, it's ugly and round with facial hair and lots of acne, but I do have somewhat perky tits, they have stretch marks on them from binding (chest compression) though
I also have bpd (aka mega bitch attachment problems disorder) so you're going to have to put in a month or so of attachment to me and I still might choose to be single for the rest of my life, I'm afraid of sex too so I hope you can stick with just being a virgin for most of our relationship unless I actually open up to you (which is rare, only recently have I actually opened up to my father and he's dead now) still have problems opening up to my mother, also I take semi frequent trips to the mental ward
you find a girl with a fetish for this kind of stuff, not someone ill you have to take care of first
Cool, got some contact? Discord or something?
Only if they're weird but also cute
Stacies with muh meme anxiety/depression are even more infuriating than regular stacies
Elliot Roger#1396
>and why does she look exactly like a tanner version of me
Okay, added you friend
i wont lie that i am attractive, but my mental state is completely terrible and pushes people away
for me personally what makes them attractive is the fantasy of taking care of her or being miserable together
also i find them more relatable but WHO CARES LASDMO
you won't push me away, post discord
you again.. hello. You type like a girl user.. "Subbies" Thats a weird word to use.
[email protected]
Email me attractive crazy
post eyes
>you won't push me away
i dont trust you, so thats a no. 5 bucks says you are just amassing contacts anyway
And you come across as a 16 year old lonely kiddo.
How accurate am I?
How is subbies strange, all r9k shitters tend to be on the submissive side I like to think
how can you base trust from just that post? talk to me and find out
Close, but far.. And yes, I notice that everybody on Jow Forums tends to be submissive and looking for a mommy femdom gf. Disgusting..
she posted old stuff under zombiebeatz2000
new stuff here, she doesn't post herself though. Pretty sure this is her bf
don't know if she still posts on Jow Forums, kind of looks like eggman's ex desu
At least they are able to answer simple questions properly, something you seem to be unable to do.
Stay in school kiddo.
But yes, I find mami gf shit to be pretty revolting.
This is just a fantasy of people who didnt had a gf like this want.
I had one and holy shit it was hard,i have schizophrenia but boi having a gf with panic attacks and inferiority complex is shit asfk,gotta always say the same shit for anything like:NAH,YOU LOOK GREAT
Her:U dont love me user,u just feel sorry for me
If they refuse to seek help they deserve it
>stay in school kiddo
Homeschooled, user, and I've been completely slacking off in studying. Not very nice..
I think its a large reason why a lot of people here can't get gfs.
>"i want a bpd/schizo/depressed/whatever gf where to find"
>somehow finds a gf suffering from one of the above
>"fuck this is amazing finally someone who needs me!!"
>too much time passes
>"i fucking hate [insert any given mental illness here] girls, theyre fucking sluts and they will break you down till theres nothing left"
????????????why do you do this to yourselves, you fucking degenerate males
Gas all the tripfags in this thread.
its not as if people like you dont lurk these threads often looking to pick up contact info
Gas all the degenerate beta males in this thread*
Interesting....Not everyday I stumble upon a sheltered freak.
How does it feel having any and all social interaction robbed from you and essentially starting life with your charisma stat in the absolute negatives?
A large reason is because they can't talk to people and have the self esteem of a dead rat, I think when it comes down to it they'd settle for absolutely anyone regardless if its a mami gf or not.
But for real now i think because people from R9K either have a fetish of being dominant asfk over a relationship or want to be dominated
yeah only normies say that shit. bpd is the only one that you can't really deal with, although all girls are pretty much bpd to a certain degree. the problem is you women are hardwired to cuck anyone who isn't chad
It feels fine, user. I am completely sheltered, yes, and don't really leave my house.. Its comfy. It gave me a few issues like disassociation but.. thats comfy too.
Yeah, I think a lot of people are guilty of setting up 'standards' to make themselves look good when really they'd settle for anything.
Oh its most certainly fine now, you're still a kiddo after all.
The only problem is you'll eventually stop being a kiddo and be forced to interact with the real world with your negative charisma, so much luck to you when you get older. Enjoy your youngling life.
And are you one of those people?
It would be silly to talk shit about the typical r9ker if you're no different.
Its not. It gets tiresome and tedious because its like taking care of a grown baby.
Actually I'm going to stop being homeschooled later this year. I'll be fine. My brother was in the same place and was fine when he got to high school/University..
Complicated question. I had no standards and just didn't want anybody.
you're cute
post feet
some 19 year old goth who drinks a lot isn't mentally ill
Why don't you post your own feet, user? We'd love to see them. Come on, user..
I think its called chronical edgyness,and its chronical until the age of 24 :( user is not nice to make fun of other people mental illnesses
> I'll be fine
> I had no standards and just didn't want anybody.
Does that sound like someone who's fine?
It doesn't for me, but hey if it worked it worked.
But you're on r9k after all, so its pretty clear you suffer from some sort of mental illness already and probably from a load of self esteem issues.
You don't understand, user..
Do you try to say things like this to others to distract yourself from your own issues?
because i'm a 32yo morbidly obese slav sysadmin shitposting at work and i asked first you arrogant whore
god i fucking hate tripfags, they're even worse than usual these days
Can you tell us about the length of your toenails please user?
If I don't understand you're more than welcome to make me understand.
And no, not really.
You started blogging and I gave you my opinion, if you're upset about it then may I suggest not expecting the internet to handhold you and care about your personal problems?
Would go a long way.
suicide squad is like my fav moviexddddd
masochism at its finest. i guess it's because the majority of the r9k male population has some sort of illness themselves and they know how much they could love another person. literally sacrifice everything for this /someone/. because of this they are (probs mostly subconsciously) aware of the fact that mentally ill girls can do the same and want that love to belong to them.
hence why so many fucks on here are obsessed about "obsessive/clingy gf-material"
all you motherfuckers just want is to be in a relationship with yourself
I've wanted a girl to hit my balls since l was 11
maymays and maymays but i gotta admit Harley Quinn was represented very good as a personality in the movie,but the Joker was fucking awful there are so many better movies how can u call that shit a favorite movie
Go and watch Butterfly Effect 1 and stfu 8)
user is giving u good advice
Btw dont watch Butterfly Effect 2,3 or 4
if ur on R9K u both have some kind of problems and try to distract urselves
Stfu anons and both of u post leg pics uwu
I dunno about a mentally ill gf but i want a edgy qt for sure. Seems to be signifocan5 overlap though.
ya there's nothing cute about not being able to hold down a job/source of income or having strained family relations.
But I'm a guy.
damn right. if she aint batshit crazy, i aint interested. who wants a healthy relationship? BORING
>if she aint batshit crazy, i aint interested. who wants a healthy relationship? BORING
wow nice meme arrow and image macro, you sure added a lot to the discourse
You would add to the world if you would kys
what's troubling you my dude
The fact that replies from retards like you make me think im on Tumblr
The fact that degenerates like you not only exist, but are free to live their degenerate lives
The fact that you are not castrated
Congratulations, this webm made me actually feel sick. And I've seen countless videos of gore and nogs in africa slaughtering each other
thanks for bumping the thread lads
My sister here has zero friends not even one.
You can tell by the way she keeps her shoulders that she either has severe anxiety,low self-esteem or ur parents beat her ass
you are the reason why bad genes keep coming back into the gene pool
why do care about the gene pool you racist
It gets old fast. I had one before.
females 100% have the choice to remain in the gene pool so long as they are fertile. literally no exceptions, not even one.
People like you should be out down you do society no good and your kids come out as goblins the only use you are is a fuck toy