Do fembots ever worry about their height?
Do fembots ever worry about their height?
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yes i'd like to be a foot taller please
Yes :( Im 5'10 and I feel like a monster.
Bitch looks like a giant black hitomi tanaka
it's not so bad if youre a slim attractive 5'10 but most of the tall girls ive met in person have had broad frames and gawky. always felt bad for them
Maaan don't go making me hard like that. Not cool dude
same here bruh. its fucking annoying and i get its frustrating to be a manlet but its equally frustrating to be a tall grill
I've been 5'7 since i was 11, I'm to awkward to be tall
Nice sister user how tall
Nah, I don't mind being 6'4.
>frustrating to be a tall grill
Except it isn't. There are men into that sort of thing, women on the other hand are not into Manlets for the most part.
I knew this pic reminded me of someone.
I'm 5'1 and I hate it. It makes my whole body look chunky.
Hate being 5'2". I'm underweight but I just look ridiculous instead of beautiful.
No, I'm 5'2 and my boyfriend is 5'1. The only insecure part is that I can't reach shelves without climbing on them at work.
5'10 isn't even tall, I've met plenty of girls way taller than that. Stop over exaggerating you dumb cunt also be my gf.
If you judge men for their height then why should I feel sorry for you?
How tall would that make you?
tall girls are cute, don't worry.
You're a big girl
and propably a big cutie
shortstacks are in high demand
Do you like that your bf is even smaller than you?
Damn right I'm a big cutie
I don't actually.
I used to like a shorter dude because he was confident, funny and polite. Most tall guys are douches anyways.
Would you date a much shorter guy?
t. 5'4manlet
Oh. Internet kiss on your forehead, then, because you're awesome.
same but im a guy, if only i didn't get too complacent about height, i wouldve heightmaxed when it counted
Sorry dude, super gay and married. My wife's the only one who gets to play with my P's
>Do you like that your bf is even smaller than you?
Yes. A lot. I dig short guys and he's chubby so it's even better. Only negative to a short bf is that it's hard to lay on him outside of a few positions.
If you're a short guy you can easily make up for it with confidence.
I'm 5'7" and my ex gf was 5'10". Wanna go on a date?
>hard to lay on him outside of a few positions
What does that mean?
I know if I was 4-5 inches shorter my life would have been a lot better. I wouldn't be bullied, ridiculed, maybe even guys would take interest in me.
kek you couldn't be any more wrong
Like when watching TV or playing games together, I can't lay stomach-to-stomach on top of him. I can rest my head against his stomach-crotch area, or I can lay on him in a kind of cross position. I'm kind of bony so usually my ribs or elbows end up digging into him.
Pic related is what I can't do.
It's not your height, it's your weight.
Sorry to hear that you got bullied for beeing tall.
>tfw you'll never comfort and reassure a girl about her height
How tall are you that you got bullied though?
You sound like very cute couple
Im kinda interested in a certain boy, sorry. He's actually around your hight but im too shy to do anything about it (yet).
My BMI is 20.
Almost 5'10". Thank you for being so nice, it means a lot.
it sucks being a manlet
only super short girls think I'm tall but I don't really like super short girls and the only tall girls that would want me are weirdos with short guy fetishes because their dad was short
>weirdos with short guy fetishes because their dad was short
w-what if their dad was on the taller side?
YES motherfucker im 5 feet 0 inches
bitch im a midget from wizard of oz
That's complete utter horseshit. Short men have no problem getting taller girls.
How do you know I'm not him?
then you're just a weirdo with a short guy fetish
Ask him out and when he rejects you we can go on that date.
>Short men have no problem getting taller girls.
now that's complete utter horseshit
As someone who got bullied for beeing too short I can understand your pain.
Do you actually have a short guy fetish?
How tall are you and why are you in denial?
I do, I prefer shorter guys. But I can understand your point of view, I wouldn't want a guy who calls me "mommy".
5'7" and there's nothing to deny. I'm not saying it's impossible for a short guy to get a tall gf, but it is far more difficult than getting a gf my height or shorter.
You are literally the optimal pussy slaying height, wtf. Go out there and get some.
You want a short guy who will dominate you in bed and make you feel like a little girl, right?
>I wouldn't want a guy who calls me "mommy".
Okay, but would you at all be into pegging?
No, I want to dominate him, sorry user.
please be my gf and dominate me femanon
That was another user.
I don't think you're a weirdo for having a preference for shorter guys, even if it's rare.
How short do you like them ideally?
Yes, he would have to be really turned on by pegging though, if he was in pain I wouldn't enjoy it.
Eww, that's unnatural. Girls are meant to be dominated. Tall or short.
Can I claim all tall women for lesbians? Will that piss enough people off?
Go ahead, we don't mind as long as you film it and share it with us.
Man I want to be mad at you but I'm a sub, my wife on the other hand loves beating my giant ass
Nothing wrong with a bit of switching now and then.
It's not as rare as you may think. As long as he is shorter than me I don't care, but I especially like 5'7 and 5'3-5'2.
>Will that piss enough people off?
Just tall women.
How tall are you anyway?
>tfw fall right between those sizes at nearly 5'5
i knew this japanese chick who was pretty tall, about 170cm. when she talked to other girls sometimes she said "you're so cute I wish I was small like you". She kinda had the "bad girl" vibe going for her, as in the way she dressed and acted (rode a motorcycle, wore leather and shit), but I think deep down she just wanted to be cute and she was just putting on airs because she thought she couldn't be because of her height. I wanted to tell her otherwise but I'm too scared of relationships to start one so after I came back to america I just stopped talking to her.
Someone vocaroo .
Sounds like my wife without the motorcycle. She's 5'8 and has that tough girl attitude but she's a big softy at home.
>tfw no 6'8 amazoness gf
I don't even have a mommy fetish or like any of that "gentle femdom" gay shit, I just want a tall girlfriend. Though short girls are super cute. For some reason I just like super-tall or super-small girls, middle-of-the-road doesn't really do much for me.
Why fuck is femdom and giantess fetishism intertwined with mommy fetishism. Like fuck man im not interested in wearing diapers and baby talk
sure i'll vocaroo my own post
Thank you user. You have a nice voice.
I'm a lightly masculine lesbian, so being taller would be kinda nice
Any femanons ITT single, and open to robots?
Any femanons ITT want to post tits?
Stop hanging around manlets, 5'10'' is a common height for women here in the Netherlands.
No it's not. Even in NL not many women are 178cm tall.
A better way to relate it would be to say that men in NL are taller. When women tell me they feel so tall because they're 5'9" or something I simply don't understand because I'm 6'4".
No but I'm pretty average for my country.
Perfect time to answer
No to both sorry.
Do you worry about your breast size?
Fuck off stupid normalroastie slut
I wouldn't say worry but occasionally I get envious yeah.
Don't reply to roastie sluts
Chestlet? Don't worry, guys are fine with it as long as they can suck on them and play with them.
Bs, which is chestlet territory. Like I said, don't really worry about it, but I sometimes wonder what being a titcow would be like.
Fuck off stupid whore
Stop enabling whores
>be gf
>reeeeee whores
Like clockwork.
Not that femanon but I love talking about boobs, I don't because I already know I'm bigger than everyone
If you can't prove it then there's no point in boasting. You're not that lesbo, are you?
Yeah no shit stupid whore. If you aren't single get the fuck off this board
What's the catch? Are you a landwhale? In any case please talk about your boobs, we are listening.
There's a lesbo with huge tits here?
Yeah but I only come to r9k to fuck with and tease robots, I could care less if people call me a larper. And I am the fag
Long story short my body is busted
>Eww, that's unnatural. Girls are meant to be dominated
You must really have a hard time living in Western feminized civilization then were so much as looking at a woman the wrong way can end it all for you lol
Why are you even on this board? Fuck off
oh god plz no! i would die if he knew how insecure i feel about myself.
oh wow, thanks user =/ really giving a girl some hope..
I hope he rejects you, shitposts on here about it, and you kill yourself honestly
>be friends with nerdy girl from school
>we become sort of friends
>she tells me "oh I remember you from a few years ago"
>"you were that weird and short guy"
Suicide is close boys
Nothing wrong with taller women. Most guys like shorter women, but I much rather prefer a taller woman. Shit, I can't reach the top shelf when I want to get stuff out of my cabinets, and a shorter woman isn't going to be of much help there
You have a fucked up body but also huge tits? Have you ever posted it on /soc/?