Can the mods please sticky this?
We have people killing themselves and otherwise ruining their lives because of sexual scapegoating issues on this board.
Worse, there's a faggotry hugbox developing and it's making things worse for these anons.
Can the mods please sticky this?
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Jesus christ what a gay story. In reality thr uncle would be clubbed to death by the father. Either way its useless user, some people are just borm gay. Let them rot or something idk
>some people are just borm gay
categorically untrue and you know it
They just need proper mental help and actually address their past trauma, not a tranny/faggot hugbox
Same people who say this shit jerk off to lesbian porn.
any kind of faggotry is immoral
Uncle Pete is Reiko.
Porn is degenerate and vicious.
I think this is true for me but I was never molested but I sort of wish I was. If that's weird or something, I don't know, but I'm desperate for any kind of affection and I don't care where it comes from. You just want to starve me of an option I have. All I want is a hug and cuddles.
what if the people posting here weren't weak willed faggots that let some literally who from across the world dictate their life?
>borm gay
People are not born gay, Homosexualism is a disorder and gays need help to be freed of it.
Homosexualism: disease 302.0
Why is the uncle not arrested for child sexual abuse
Do you go to college or work?
>Can the mods please sticky this?
>T. attention whore
I go to college yes. Origni
It's a children's book, implying the uncle was arrested would scare them and they wouldn't denounce abuse.
Is there a lonely or small girl on your class? Not an ugly one, just more like a fembot.
I tried to talk to one and they told me they had a boyfriend, every girl has a boyfriend, because I am not some 9/10 super chad. But boys from Jow Forums and /soc/ have said I am cute and even sent me nudes but nothing has ever come out of it because of my location.
Daily reminder leftists basically enable child abuse in favor of an agenda.
You heard it, robots. Never take the pinkpill!
what if someone doesnt want gay love they just want a dick in they booty
>doesnt want gay love
>want a dick in they booty
Well that was pretty gay
No emotional connection, probably what that user means. I don't expect Jow Forumsfags to understand something like this, though.
>every girl has a boyfriend
Feels bad, man. But if people think you are cute, you have a chance with other girls (outside of colledge, anywhere).
That's a nice fic
Wanting a dick in your ass is gay love if you are a dude.
who /stillconfusedaboutsexuality/ here
By the same thinking, fucking a female prostitute is straight love.
It really is straight love with no strings attached.
Why people complicate things.
Me? I just want to fuck ass. I don't care, just be eighteen or older.
no I really don't. girls rate me low 4, guys rate me high 6, I only really have a chance with other men. That's the only way I'm ever going to be held and hold somebody, is with another man.
Don't give up so easily, girls think i am a bit ugly too. But i have a nice gf now (a 7/10), it was truly a miracle (and the fact that she just liked my personality).