>tfw no tall skinny pale British boy to love unconditionally and hold hands with
why wont any brits come move to the us with me
Tfw no tall skinny pale British boy to love unconditionally and hold hands with
hey thats me please post contacts thanks
neck yoruself faggot
Are you the kind of person that a skinny pale British boy would be attracted to? Have you thought about this from their side at all? Put yourself in their shoes, and think about what would make them want to move to the US to be with someone. Then do those things. If you can't imagine what they would want, you don't have nearly enough empathy to actually be in a relationship with anyone.
shut up bitch, stop dreaming about TYRONES
I would, I fit the criteria except I am only 5'10. I love US and want to leave Bongland as soon as I can. Super pale, blond hair and blue eyes.
I thought britons were supposed to hate burgerland. Tell me why you don't.
masturbate to sleep while dan and phil blast in the backroung faggy
I don't know, maybe because I hate Bongland so much? It's the most depressing shithole I have ever had the misfortune. I hate the accents as well, they make me cringe and it's one of the reasons I don't talk much.
All I want is a qt American girl to rescue me and take me to America.
what brit would leave Britain for the shithole of bugerland. Seriously. Your country is fucking trash
I would, I fucking hate this shithole. I'd rather spend a thousand lifetimes in Burgerland than half a lifetime in Bongland, which is why I've been contemplating suicide a lot recently.
I'm 25, btw.
Majority of British boys now have brown skin, so I don't understand what your mean by pale
I fit your criteria. Pay for my flight and i'll drop everything(aka nothing) to come
OP never will never will, they're just moping about something they haven't even attempted to make happen because it would take too much effort I bet.
5'10 blond guy here. You don't even need to pay for my flight, I can more than afford that.
You just need to give me somewhere to stay, and a warm, wet vagina to rest my cock in.
wow I'm tall pale and British
post discords please
how easy is it to relocate to the usa from bongistan
You must live in a council estate to think these kind of things as these are the places where many foreign people live in england. Or read dumb shit news papers like the sun and the daily mail that spread these kind of false facts. The majoryity of British boys are white you idiot fuck
What about a warm wet butt hole? Because I am actually a 19 year old beta male larping.
I want u senpai
Fuck it, I'll pay for my own flight and rent, I just need a green card lol
I'll take it, senpai. Let's make the arrangements.
I'll pay for my own flight and rent, and I'll let you cuck me with Jamal and Chad.
Checkmate, fellow bong, I am 100% British.
I'm 6'2 and have basically white skin.
Are you a girl or a guy? I'm in Berkshire.
Next to impossible unless you go illegal and overstay visa, OR unless you already have a job lined up and some company is willing to sponsor you over there.
It's really, really lengthy and arduous process moving to US legally.
>tfw tall skinny pale British boy
>not gay
>All I want is a qt American girl to rescue me and take me to America.
This. I'm traveling to the US for Uni. Hoping I can meet a cute american girl to marry and move to america with.
Girls with those midwestern accents are so cute.
No one claims that Britain is majority non-white you autist. He's clearly being hyperbolic.
>tfw go to America on work visa
>tfw everyone thinks I am super smart and interesting
>tfw girls smile and flirt with me, think I am so charming and gentlemanly
>tfw boss loves me and gives me a ton of minor promotions, constantly giving me immense praise for the most simple and menial of tasks
>tfw coworkers are literal retards, takes them months to be trained in the simplest of tasks, takes me being shown once
>tfw it seems like everyone is on drugs, they all seem in a trance, and so stupid
>tfw dominating Burgerland, literally an average intelligence idiot back home and am near genius level intellect in Burgerland
I am a literal 4/10 in Bongland. Everybody hates me and thinks I'm a posh retard, bully me constantly and disrespect me on a daily basis.
This kinda makes me scared to travel to the US if I'm gonna be surrounded by actual idiots. What state is this?
This was Idaho. I think it's drugs, dude, like medical drugs. People there are honestly retarded, I try to have simple conversations with girls sometimes and their eyes glaze over and they say stuff like "ohhh you're soo smart".
It's a weird place, for sure, but you can absolutely dominate with a mere average level of Bong intelligence.
>This was Idaho.
That sounds like the dumbest state in the country, though.
>It's a weird place, for sure, but you can absolutely dominate with a mere average level of Bong intelligence.
I'm just tired by how small and depressing life in the UK is. I haven't ever even left the fucking home counties. Living in the US, at least in a state which isn't retarded, like maybe Maine or Washington sounds fun.
Don't get me wrong, it's still orders of magnitude better than Bongland. Anything is though, to be fair, senpai.
UK has become a literal dystopia. It's just horrific, I don't know how anyone can truly be happy living there but apparently there are happy people there from my experience.
>UK has become a literal dystopia. It's just horrific, I don't know how anyone can truly be happy living there but apparently there are happy people there from my experience.
It's just so fucking grim here, man. The only thing that keeps me going is friends living here. We have quality TV, though. And there's a comfy vibe about this country. You know, sitting inside with a cup of tea and watching it rain outside.
The dystopic vibe has almost grown on me.
>tfw average height, broad shoulders large build northern english boi with a very broad accent
so close lads
I fit all those criteria and i love anime posters add me pls
You are a different class to southerners.
>preceded by a bunch of conditions
6ft 3" Not skinny, Medium build about 85kg
i have an email, but no discord i'm sorry i can post that i guess
i don't know so you are probably right
that's tall enough i am only 5'2ish
okay but my apartment is small
no thanks, i'm not interested in a sexually concentrated relationship
cucking is nasty, that isn't necessary
what is "basically white" skin
i'm not gay either
No, as in I am extremely pale. I meant basically white as in, it is quite literally snow white.
Love isn't unconditional. Everything has a price. People who project this sort of thing don't deserve what they covet.
>ohhh i want a tall chad bf who loves me unconditionally!
>oh, but no short guys lmao
>but our love is unconditional and undying!
If you don't want to have sex how do you expect to get a bf?
Are you going to post your email?
Be my gf
I'm not british
ITT: larper and bunch of beta orbiters
Come move to Britain
>Not fat
>Not afraid of guns
>Fish and Chips
>Things older than 1776
>Socialised healthcare
The list goes on also accents not annoying as h*ck
>responding to b8 thread
2016 elections was a mistake. You're all retard newfags and you should off yourselves
>Home counties
What's wrong with them?
Better than being some subhuman from coventry.
City of culture my lad
The UK has basically become a dystopia except for northumberland/ lake District or midlands
The north is a grim shithole with absolutely zero future. The midlands is a hive of retards who unironically buy tabloids and watch catchphrase.
The cucking was a joke poking fun at Britcuck nature, and the warm, wet hole to rest my cock was a joke too. Jesus, you sound like a humorless bitch. Can't imagine what this relationship would have going for it if there's also no sex.
Still interested though. Seriously, let's talk and work something out =]
Implying the lake District isn't the only place not ravaged by Thatcher and blair
Fuck off subhuman britfag
Don't fall for the b8 my dude it's clearly a troll thread. Go make yourself a cuppa and watch the chase to make yourself feel better
> be british
> wake up
> go for morning adhan
> get raped on the way back
> go home
> try to shower and brush fucked up teeth
> go for morning beans,eggs and tea
> muslims break in and rape me while im eating
> they leave
> go watch my favorite tv programs about my great queen and have tea
> later go on Jow Forums and post funny frog posters
> get arrested and end up in jail for a "hate crime"
> rape by tyrone
> "what a great country i live in"
I fucking hate it here. It's killing my soul.
Suck my big fat titties you cunt.
Seriously they are really big and lonley
not to get into the many lacking shit of our country I'll be brief with the over policing done to us
The US is NOT better than the UK don't delude yourself that it is
Exercise every day, go out running and lift weights. Get ripped. Start to read books. Choose a hobby. Go out for walks in the countryside. Believe me if you feel depressed being an underpaid wage slave serf is not going to make it better. Just for example the US has nearly double the suicide rate of the UK because it is just WORSE.
Don't buy into the 'best country' propoganda- we've always had it better.
The TV licence is an optional fee to watch the BBC which is how it is funded , not to own a television. Don't buy Jow Forums lies.
I'm a Brit in burgerland for college. Don't think moving here will solve all your problems. It won't. The grass is always greener on the other side.
Your accent won't make up for any social problems. I'm still here. It can even make it harder as you have less in common with people and you have no family for support.
I'm not saying don't come to the US, it is a great country in many ways. Especially nice having no retarded class system. Just don't come here as an escape.
Canada is obviously the best country in the world
we have both the benefits of the states and eurotrash country without any of the things that make you guys shitty
>US is not better than UK
Yes, it absolutely is in every way.
>start making changes
I don't want to, I hate leaving my house and British people make me fucking sick. I detest them, I literally fucking despise them.
Our countryside is fucking shit and empty.
>double suicide rate
Yeah because guns are everywhere. If UK had the same amount of guns as US, people would be offing themselves left, right and centre.
Allowing people the opportunity to quickly and easily off themselves is a kindness and benefit of the US. UK keeps them alive and living in this concrete jungle mental prison.
>we are always better
Oh fuck off you jingoistic cunt. The UK is a fucking shithole and has been for centuries, that;s why they so desperately spread out ot conquer new lands and ll their elites flocked to these colonies.
Canada is full of non-whites, and a predicted future of white minority status like all western euro countries. You also have none of the benefits of the states. Your country is a meme
Also The UK has many great things over the US too. Don't blame your country for your problems.
Name one. If you can even manage that name five. If you can bullshit five then try ten.
There is nothing better about the UK, it's shit.
>tfw alll of this but slightly tan
Sorry for wasting your time, OP
Hbu go to a Uni and meet some international student brits instead. Or go to a place internationals frequent in whatever city you live in the U.S.Seems like the best option you have. That is unless you're really desperate for a brit bf and end up with some R9K brit loser.
The BBC would literally broadcast the signal to all houses with tv and attena (during analog), it got it's self bundles with free view shit and you cant opt out of the BBC literally if you want to watch normal free view but not tv they will treat you like a theif.
The funding is also ment to go towards a unbias programming which is not the case imo.
Yes it is optional but they try their best to scare the public into paying up. The gov is happy to let it happen too.
In the Digital age there is no reason it should be a thing, I should be able to sign up to a package deal ( e.g. like sports channels or movies etc)
> Yes, it absolutely is in every way.
Funny. BLM tried protesting here and got arrested. They've free reign in the US. lol
>got nothing in return
I truly feel sorry for you my lad. You sound like you are already full of hatred and expatriating isn't going to help this. The grass allways seems greener on the other side. The attitude of not wanting to change is exactly what is keeping you down.
Have you ever been to the lake District? The peak District? The Yorkshire dales? All of these places are beautiful, and absolutely contradict your statement about the countryside.
This kind of attitude is what is destroying our once great country. Do you think that soldiers threw away there lives in the hope that the British would roll over and give up? NO! This kind of hatred is counterproductive.
Start being the change YOU want to see! The main difference between the UK and the US is the social hatred for the nation.
If you truly want to go to the US go for it, but I think there may be some deeper underlying problems apart from the state of the UK in your life. Try to see life from a happier perspective for a start
Have you ever even been to the US?
>UK keeps them alive
Unless they're babies dying in hospital
we just stop the parents from looking for better medical care and turn off life support
>Just beeee urself! xD
Look, I fucking hate this country, alright, I hate the society, I hate the politics, I hate the people. I hate the way they look and act, I hate their interests.
I do not fucking care about any of that, you fucking moron. I hate it, it actively makes me ill. Yes I'm an antisocial cunt and I generally despise most people, I don't feel that way about America or Americans and tend to get on really well with most I talk to, whether online or in person.
I love America, I have been there before, to Florida, and it was the happiest fucking time of my life, despite being a mere 11 years old.
You're an honest to God fucking moron, you think people just hate the UK because they have a negative attitude. They have a negative atttude towards it because it is fucking SHIT! That is the painful reality.
Even tourists that come here to live and work end up fucking hating it, unless they're from third world shitholes. They come thinking it's going to be like Harry Potter and it's just a fucking degraded concrete jungle.
The UK is SHIT! There is no looking at is positively or rewiring my brain into loving it. I hate it and I don't like being here.
did you go disney land, in orlando?
>Free healthcare
>Far lower violent crime
>Far better education system
>More democratic
>Far lower obesity
>Far better consumer protection
>Better food
>A culture that predates 1776
>YOU speak OUR language
>Rich and vibrant array of cultural landmarks and artefacts EG castles
>The two best universities in the world (Oxford and Cambridge)
>3 year longer life expectancy
> Much lower suicide rate 14.3/100000 Vs 8.5
>Actually produce good literature that is far more popular despite being a much smaller country
>The UK has successfully invaded the US twice and even burned down the White house, whereas US soldiers have never even set foot on British soil
The list goes on my dude
>burned down the White house
That was Canada, not the UK.
Lad, most of us are manlets. I'm all of those things except tall. I'm barely 5'5.
Have you been to the US as an adult, seriously? And have you been anywhere apart from Disneyland?
Have you considered it's extremely hard to gain access to the US even as a trained professional?
Wrong. The soldiers were British. Canada did not exist.
>Allowing people the opportunity to quickly and easily off themselves is a kindness and benefit of the US
So that explains why all but five states have strict laws against assisted suicide. And just recently a schizo guy got tased to death for trying to kill himself.
Not to mention the US's blind support of life imprisonment, torture, and torture while imprisoned for life. Paying three dudes to do the chair is a hell of a lot cheaper than seizing land from a country you don't have diplomatic relations with and building an enormous concentration camp where thousands of random prisoners, some in fact innocent or there without trial, are forcibly kept alive through any means possible, not to mention tortured intensely, which takes hundreds of employees and costs millions of dollars annually per prisoner.
Europe is infinitely better about people who want to die. They give them some pills and say go ahead.
No, I did not, although I did reside in Orlando. It was for three weeks in total and I stayed in a classic American motel, the kind you would see in My Name Is Earl.
>free healthcare
I disagree with that on a political and moral level anyway, and the NHS is a bankrupt laughing stock filled with third world doctors because they can't keep native ones
>far lower violent crime
Not really, actually. I could go super in depth about how you're failing to read the statistics accurately and the variance in reporting and what constitutes violent crime in each country, but basically it's not massively less violent than the US
>better education
I'm an adult, I don't fucking care remotely about education, you fucking moron.
>more democratic
AahahahahahHShahAhahHAhAHAHAHaHAHHAHAhahAhAhAhahAHahAHHaAhaHAhAH! Okay, user, okay...
>far lower obesity
Sure, UK is fast catching up though, the fat man of Europe.
>consumer protection
I'm not retarded so I don't care, I research my purchases.
>better food
Strongly disagree, senpai, strongly.
UK is as artifical and Jewish as US is.
>muh language
Fuck off you stupid, inbred nigger. You are the reason I fucking detest Bongs, you're a fucking imbecile, honest to God.
I can literally Google images.
Why the fuck do I care about unis?
>life expectancy
Don't care, fucking idiot, my life expectancy is in my own hands, fucking retard
>suicide rate
Already covered this
Literally don't care, I can read any British literature from America anyway
>historical wars
Yeah, fucking brilliant, that's quite the reason to live in the UK.
Your reasons are honestly laughably bad, and exactly what I expected from a brainwashed Bong.
Wake up, We Happy Few, Bongland is fucking cancer.
Why can't anyone accept that it's a mix?
The UK has far better:
>Music (Though both of these can be accessed in either country)
>Culture and art
Whilst the US has:
>Beautiful Nature
>Much more attractive women
>Friendlier community
>Cheaper living expenses
>Wider, more varied nature
>Routes and roadtrips
>Generally more optimistic, upbeat country
>Have you considered it's extremely hard to gain access to the US even as a trained professional?
Do you honestly think I'd still be here if that was not the case and I was not fully aware that this was not the case?
I would literally be on a plane next week if Trump announced open borders for civilized whites. I would be there within a week, senpai.
I hate this place, it's fucking Hell. And it's funny because almost everyone I speak to hates this place as well, all these weird jingoistic Britcunts only ever seem to appear online.
Because the US has better all of the stuff you listed for the UK
Like you allude to, pretty much anything of value the UK produces can be accessed from the comfort of the US.
I don't need to live in some overpopulated concrete jungle to experience anything of remote value it happens to shit out.
And I actually hate British TV, for the record.
t. american
this comment is originall
If you think that, it just shows that your thoughts on the UK are irrational. I can write many things, but a list will just appear trivial without context.
>Better television
For reality TV, news, weather, etc. I totally agree. For normal TV shows and movies I'd say America might have a slight edge in quantity, but the US produces a lot more culturally influential stuff like Doctor Who, Harry Potter, etc.
>Friendlier community
I don't know about that, britons seem like a very cheerful bunch and even in monotonous things like weather forecasts they inject a bit of much needed humor, whereas in America that kind of stuff is very sterile. Depends on where you go as well, you'll find that the western states are a bit friendlier and more accepting than the east.
Also mention that while the US has better roads for roadtripping, the UK is far more practical from an everyday standpoint. In the UK you can hop on a bus or train and go to France in under an hour for fuck's sake. In the US if you don't own a car you're not going anywhere. Even if you do own a car, getting to another country is a major operation. I envy the Euro's ability to travel so easily and quickly.
>but the US produces a lot more culturally influential stuff like Doctor Who, Harry Potter, etc.
Both of those are british???
They're not irrational at all. I've lived here for 25 years. I'm not going to write a 10000 word essay on why the UK is, in fact, utter shit, but I can assure you it is. Other countries have problems, I'm well aware of that, I don't care and can still love these countries despite these flaws and issues.
The UK I want no part of anymore. I'm physically ill having lived here for so long. I can't stand it or the people anymore.
You know I'm not alone, senpai. Plenty of people come to the UK and end up really miserable and wanting to go home. It's not a healthy way to live, there's just something so off about this country.
Everyone is so unhappy. Everyone wants to leave despite having apparently such a high quality of life.
Does that not maybe tell you something?
All I want is to go to the US, get a nice, shitty little apartment and a menial job. Maybe find a qt American girl to fuck every now and then, maybe not, I am okay alone. I want to come home every night and switch on American TV and open my fridge and make a little American TV dinner.
I would work hard, I would pay my taxes, I would abide by the law and not be a degenerate. I just want to live in America, lads, why won't they let me =[
There's so many self hating liberals in America, why can't you just let me switch places with one of them, and they can come and experience the cold comforts of a socialist utopia?
I used to think the same as you.
I recomend you go try live in another country.
You'll see things from a different perspective and even if your views don't change you'll be somewhere else.
Pretty sure that's a typo haha.
I will care for you cutie
Are you American? Are you female? I guess I can do male, just to get to America... =[
American female
Okay. What do you want from me?