>he still hasn't gotten over his atheist phase
He still hasn't gotten over his atheist phase
Other urls found in this thread:
>A magic sky man is real and judges me
>Not delusional
Choose one and only one
Help me phase out cause I don't see the logic
I had an atheist phase where I was really into learning about religion and atheism. Now I'm still an agnostic atheist (the only scientifically and logically sound system of belief), but I don't ever think about it like when I was going through that phase.
I'm a Satanist now so it works
>Mentally retarded
>Believes in some guy in the clouds
Agnosticism still doesn't make much sense. Chances and evidence lean towards atheism. It's silly to leave room for something so preposterous because even if God was the missing piece it doesn't really mean anything.
agnosticism isn't an alternative to atheism. most agnostics are just atheists who want to feel superior to people who admit that they're atheists.
You can be a gnostic or agnostic atheist, or an agnostic or gnostic theist. The only truly neutral position is an agnostic atheist I think. That means you don't think there's a god, but you aren't certain.
That doesn't make sense. A gnostic atheist would mean they don't believe in a god but believe one exists? That contradicts itself. Agnostic atheist cancels itself out because atheist is a position of certainty in the nonexistance. You hace to pick a side. At least say agnostic but it doesnt make sense to add atheist to it
Incorrect. Gnostic means knowing, agnostic means not knowing. It has nothing to do with religion. It's the "theist/atheist" par that is about whether or not you believe in a God.
i went to the christianity phase as a kid
the atheist phase as a pre-teen
and now i'm in the i don't care if god is real or not
atheism and hypochondria really don't mix well, I wish I believed in an afterlife
Atheism is dumb. It makes assumptions about the world that only make sense in a theistic worldview.
I got through that phase during the last few years of secondary school (13-16) and I just got over the fascist phase just before uni.
wonder what phase I will be in next.
If you are agnostic that means you are not really atheist because you don't believe and are unsure. You are open to the possibility and leave space to believe. The gnostic label seems superfluous because you either don't believe, find evidence and convert or vice versa. I think it's a binary state thing not a fuzzy middle ground. Either you do or dont
>wonder what phase I will be in next.
The virtual youtuber phase.
how do i get out of the agnostic phase
Those are commonly used, well-defined terms, are you saying you disagree with the common definition?
Thats the spirit. Notgiveafuckism is the way. If there is no God, well, cool, nothings changes anyway. But if there is one, I bet he is more interested in watching galaxies colliding than in if I masturbate on Sunday instead of going to the church.
The ultimate belief system is to take from everything, but place all your trust in nothing.
That would mean you're an agnostic atheist
Yea it seems like there's only team 1 or team 2. Adding gnostic or not is like wanting to be both teams at the same time like team 1.5.
I'm open to the idea of a god, that would be cool as hell but so far there is zero evidence to support that one exists so I believe there is none.
Well good luck having anyone understand you if you reject the commonly-defined meanings of words and terms. Can you not admit that you might not be correct? That's a big sign of NPD or BPD. You should get help, it's fine to be wrong.
>there is zero evidence to support that one exists
Well then prove me wrong. You ask a yes or no question and they want to keep saying maybe.
>If you are agnostic that means you are not really atheist because you don't believe and are unsure.
That's not how it works.
Here's a simple way to understand it:
Do you believe in God?
If your answer is "yes", you are a theist.
If your answer is anything other than "yes", you are an atheist.
It's a binary distinction. You have to be either one or the other. Atheism is not a belief, it is the absence of a belief.
>12-15 yrs old
le tips fedora atheist mode
>16-19 yrs old
le classical fascist mode
>19-20 yrs old
le thulean perspective mode
>21 yrs old
le nihilistic hedonistic drug abuser mode
>22 yrs okd
le jordan peterson/christianity kinda makes sense if you really analyze it mode
I still dont know what awaits me in the future
And still you haven't learned your lesson. Life is a bunch of silly phases, don't fall for it again.
Also OP I read a ton of Scholastic philosophy, and a lot of Kierkegaard lately, but still I am an atheist.
>do drugs
>religion make sense suddenly
I think you are proving my point. It's binary it does not make sense to be on the fence because you can't really do that
What they need to look at is that the Hollywood elite, celebrities, the media, the bankers and (((politicians))) only shit on Christianity and nothing else. Makes you think.
You have celebrities who participate in "mock" satanic rituals. These celebrities promote everything that the Bible says is wrong e.g. homosexuality, sodomy, orgies, Islam etc.
These scientists say God is not real but there are infinite genders, that men and women have no biological differences between them, that soi doesn't make men feminine, that race isn't real.
Man has failed God. When the day of His Judgement comes, you'll all regret it. I'll be living the comfy NEET life in Heaven.
That video is such a word salad akin to new age crap. Just substitute energy with hierarchy.
>What they need to look at is that the Hollywood elite, celebrities, the media, the bankers and (((politicians))) only shit on Christianity and nothing else.
It's not really surprising or strange that people from America would primarily shit on the most common religion in America by far.
>but there are infinite genders
No one claims this. There's no wide consensus on the validity of trans people.
> that men and women have no biological differences between them
No one claims this. The trans thing doesn't even pertain to biological sex, it pertains to sociological gender.
>that soi doesn't make men feminine
Scientists claim this because it's true. The human body and the biochemical pathways that lead to increased estrogen and decreased testosterone are far more complicated that simply eating onions.
Estrogen analoges like Phytoestrogens are found in beer, lentils, milk, cheese, fruits, seeds, olives and olive oil, garlic, onions, etc
Are you going to stop eating everything?
The analogs aren't anywhere near as active as as actual estrogen, and putting it through your digestive system isn't the same as having that concentration directly produced in your blood stream.
You know, I really wish i could.
Deism is the answer. Fuck religion and fuck atheism.
OP, how am I supposed to believe something there is absolutely no proof of, you faggot? Moreover, why should I change my complete lifestyle for something that maybe doesn't even exist?
E d g y
>religion = believing in magic man in the clouds
oh im laffin
>was never fully atheistic
>was fully misotheistic all his life
Am I screwed up?
I can't help my doubt of abrahamic faiths and won't and can't pick a new one.
In the same boat. My beleifs didnt change but i just dont give a shit anymore
>being so afraid of association with this hat that you will spend the next 40 years of your life going to church
Worth it, if you ask me.
I'm not an atheist, but I think atheism is a viable alternative to organized religion because it's toxic.
it's pretty funny watching people make arguments for christianity not because they believe in jesus but because some psychology teacher told them to be afraid of islam and marxists
Im over atheism but I still don't believe in a god that the normal religions supply
>le jordan peterson/christianity kinda makes sense if you really analyze it mode
im on the same boat except i dont suck peterson's dick
Except it doesn't.
The guide to life side of Christianity is good: love your naighbour as yourself.
The 'god exists' side is just baseless nonsence. Sad that Christians are so stubborn on this second point.
but i agree with you
>religion = believing in magic man in the clouds
That's literally what it is
This. Also earth is flat and if you still think you are living on a spinning ball satan deceived you.
>"Muh magic sky daddy"
No one believes there's a man in the clouds. Heaven isn't in the clouds. It's a different plane of existence. Read the bible
>inb4 "I've read the bible cover to cover"
No you didn't read the fucking bible. Go back your normie edgy atheist forums
What's with all the religion threads on here recently. Anyways refer to this
>me good
>you bad
Saved the image, user. Can't wait to BTFO some people with different opinions/beliefs
I am not debating whether daddy is in the sky or in another dimension. Religion is about in faith in god. If you don't believe in god you're not religious.
Good image until 6 and 7, which are just meaningless jabber.
>being this uneducated
Ho, boy.
The core tenet of your book is faith in god. You can follow religious texts while not believing in god, but that does not make you religious.
>still doesn't know absolute oneness and non-duality
glad to be free
>dude Christianity is the new punk rock! We WILL NOT tolerate dissenting opinions?
>*tip* *tip* *tip**tip* *tip* *tip* see, this is you atheists! Grow up
Honest thoughts on Presbyterianism lads?
>I still dont know what awaits me in the future
Flipping burgers
isnt it a bit mentally retarded to completely devote your life to something that is so obviously a lie?