Anybody here want an avoidant personality gf with scars on her thighs

anybody here want an avoidant personality gf with scars on her thighs

i have cat ears and a choker with a bell so i can be your pet

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ok where do you livee


>i have cat ears and a choker with a bell so i can be your pet
Would you actually want to be my pet?

Itd be a dream come true...

i want someone to own me, i would be loyal

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I want to see what you look like
Nudes or nothing

>i want someone to own me,
Are you sure you want that? I would take full advantage of you.

Can I hold you close and protect you instead?

>tfw no avoidant personality gf(male)

Id like to but im prob too old (28)
Fuck why do i keep lurking this site its painful...


i can be your black knight art hoe bf

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I'm 29
be my avoidant personality gf pet

Do you have a feminine penis tho?

people can give me their discord and i can add them
no i definitely have a penis

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No im a guy I thought it was the other way around
Im confused...



I would message you but I'M afraid you'll reject me


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Why are gays always so degenerate?

I'm fine with it as long as it's an open relationship and I can fuck other girls when I feel like it.

Aurora borealis#2086 livs in Ohaio and is looking for somebody, a nice male bot. Don't tell him I told you about him though, he might get pissed at me

Sure I do, I just hope to God when I'm ready to offer her something more than just talk and actually ask her to be with me, she won't pussy out and leave me hanging.

I have a feeling that might be the case, but I will try nonetheless or I will regret it for the rest of my life

If you're that desperate to be fucked just fucking pay me

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