what's wrong with you user?
>major depressive
Mental illness
Other urls found in this thread:
nothing. im normie af. just a little sharper than the average knife.
Not that much, I'm just a sperg who doesn't like himself very much and has issues with dependency.
>bipolar schizoeffective
Is it just me who loves thin thighs and legs?, there's something just so umph about them
>major depressive disorder
>anxiety disorder
>panic disorder
going on leave from work again. 3rd time in the last year and a half.
>Is it just me who loves thin thighs and legs?
thats the telltale sign of a skinny trap
Social anxiety.
How do I find a skinny GF. I'm 6'0 63kg. I don't think skinny girls like skinny guys.
I like how it looks like (s)he has three arms in the middle picture, pretty hot desu
You'd be surprised how many women steer clear of you when they realize that.
my cock's too big for my body
I have an 8" cock and am 5'7"
>major depression
>generalized anxiety disorder
Fun story time I guess for anyone who cares, I got put on medication for them about 2 years ago after I literally just stopped sleeping thanks to anxiety (I started going days at a time with no sleep then when I finally passed out it was normally just a quick hour or two nap, I literally wasn't a functioning human being anymore) it did fuck all for me and also made me develop an eating disorder, I regularly sit in front of my fridge and eat til I puke now then I'll normally go back for more after that, I've gained who the fuck knows how much in the past year, I literally don't have a single piece of clothing that fits me right anymore, I went to another doctor once and told them about it and my main doctor and he strongly urged me to stop going to him and get off the medication because it was killing me. I was too addicted to it to stop though the withdrawals were insane and I would always go crawling back to him. Thankfully as of a month ago I manged to just stop taking it completely and suffer through the withdrawals thanks to the doctor I was going to getting shut down.
tldr: never trust jewish medicine
Is there room for depressed narcissist?
Tripfagging is ok and so is name fagging, doing both is cancer.
this is the type of thinking I can't really comprehend. how are there people who think they're better than everyone? all my life I've seen myself as inferior.
For me it's like this
>I am good and talented, I should rule the world
>People are evil and want to make me down, because it they see my potential and
>I am beautiful, but girls don't like me because I was socially isolated by enemies, while I can see it through they like me, I can't ask them out, because I lost ability to talk to them and they don't want to ask me out either, while I can still enjoy social occasions, banter and other stuff
Bipolar type 1
Paraphilia (nos - necrophilia)
I'm going off of my antidepressant in the next few weeks with my psychiatrist's blessing and I'm nervous AF
although I don't find anything wrong with wanting to fuck off to my room and not talk to anyone
You know what, I am actually talking bullshit, I am too tired. I can't even understand what I am saying. Good-night user.
Meant to reply to (you), I will have to write something to pass mute
Did you mean to quote ?
>bipolar 2
>on the spectrum as well
No I replied to the bipolar guy, I am talking bullshit, I am too tired and I am thinking out crap
>the slippery slope of anorexia down here...
Either avoidant, schizoid or autistic. Or all three.
Got it. Hope you feel better soon
Anyone who doesn't have MDD needs to get the fuck out
I'm pretty alright when it comes to mental health, but I'm a pretty huge narcissist. That isn't an illness, is it??
I've been quoted by a police officer as "depressed, angry, and disturbed"
I am literally the guy from American Psycho, minus the killing but instead I have anger issues and am always starting fights
>Atypical Depression
>Anxiety disorder
>Just a pinch of schizophrenia
>suffering withdrawal from drug dependency rn
>all made worse by exams going on
I just want a girl I can take care of. I can talk to girls fine and they find me interesting but I cant find one who I want to have as more than a friend. WHATS IS WRONG WITH ME.
relative to others I have a low tolerance for people and higher standards when it comes to social interactions.
I went to therapy and worked as a battender and learned, without the shred of a doubt, that well-integrated people are the worst people you will ever meet.
I dont consider myself sick anymore. I know whats good for me and it isnt other people.
I'm paranoid about government agencies and shadowy groups to the point where I don't own a bank account, have never voted, don't take photographs of myself ever and use a fake alias.
>Can be an asshole
I got over 96% grandiosity and vulnerability higher than average pleb.
>Highschool dropout
>Sick, single mother
>Wageslaving 2 jobs at once
>Major general anxiety
>Poor financial status
>INTP (the more autistic kind)
> & some other
Is it just me or is it hot in here?
I haven't socialized in two years more than causally greeting co workers. I'm extremely awkward to talk to and actually have started stuttering occasionally. I don't know how to interact with people my age.
I don't think being former military and having taken the lives of others helps.
Anorexia kiddo
>borderline anorexic
It's a curse but it makes my face look androgynous enough for me to be relatively comfortable with how I look. I'd post pics but that's against the rules
>single mother
consider my almonds activated
who is this skeletman
OCD (doesn't get in the way, can be time consuming sometimes though).
Starting CBT therapy in the next month or so.
major depressive with social anxiety.
Its weird thinking back because I was always a private person but I was able to throw myself out there to people. Up until I was 19-20 I was rarely paranoid/anxious. I thought I was going through a spiritual awakening at the time but looking back it's embarrassing how delusional I became.
i'm fucked, lad
i care too little
Well, you seem like a unbelievable nice person tho
sticc > thicc
>major self worth issues
I'm not diagnosed with anything, but I really hated myself a few years ago, but it's getting a bit better now.
Especially since I've started loosing weight. I was weighing 130 kg last October and am currently at 120 kg ( I'm 192cm, so I don't look like a landwhale). My body was DISGUSTING to me.
I was actively afraid of taking my shirt off in public since 4th grade (I was bullied for being fat), even at public pools and stuff.
Also I feel like I don't really deserve my friends, since I'm a lazy piece of shit and never do anything.
I don't study for school ( I mostly get good grades anyway) and can't even bring myself to do the stuff I want to do. When I get home I'm just so tired, I can't get myself together.
Other thing that might be related:
>Currently living in a broken family
My father is an alcoholic, but he doesn't want to admit it.
My parents where going to break up, but he emotionally manipulated my brother and me.
He told us he really loves our mother and made us talk her out of the divorce, but now he treats her (and us sometimes) like shit (short and angry sounding answers to all of her questions).
He also said that he was going to go to a rehab center, but he came back 3 weeks later saying there was nothing wrong with him.
He drinks every 3 days and is a fucking dick when smashed.
Ranting in the living room (has been sleeping on the couch for 2 years now) about how our mother is fat and lazy (even though she does almost all of the housekeeping herself, next to her full time job).
Also he gets mad really quick. He isn't violent though.
I think this messed me up a bit, too. I still live with my family as well (I'm 18), so I have some contact with him, but I'm mostly at my PC anyway, so we don't talk much.
I don't feel like I have depression thought, my days are around 6-6.5/10 happiness. I am unmotivated, but saying "it's depression, not my own fault that I don't do anything" feels super cheap and even more lazy. It would be a cheap excuse and devaluing people who actually have depression. I have friends with depression and I know that im not even close to their level of emotional torment. I'm not suicidal or something, just lazy.
Sorry this turned into me rambling. I have a fever right now, so I guess that's my excuse. I Know that most people here don't care about "muh fewings" anyway but if you read through that mess of a text I congratulate you :D.
I wish you the very best robots,
Some Cunt
major depression
huge trust issue
no motivation ( i havent clean my appartment for the past 2 years )
no self esteem
Jesus Christ i bet her ass is a rock. I wish more girls looked like this
I have schizophrenia and I think ptsd
probably talking to psychiatrist about ptsd soon, therapist says I have it.
There are a bunch of things I could list off in my life that went wrong related to how I wound up this way but the biggest are
>abandoned when I was like 3
>shitty people, shitty friends
>I'll probably get shit for it but suicide attempts and self harm, I have visual hallucinations mostly and sometimes they turn hellish and nightmarish, so suicide attempts were the only way. I have a lot of flashbacks about that,
>hospitalization, forced meds through injections, mental hospitals are real hell
Weed helps a lot, not on any psych meds even though I'm schizophrenic as long as I take it with cbd everything seems to be ok.
question for you, does your family have schizophrenia?
>major depressive
that's it thankfully
Depression and suicidal thoughts.
Though I guess I'm fine.
suicidal thoughts.
one cousin has it on mothers side, grandfather had bipolar on fathers side.
Although I have heard and read through studies that genetics are truly only about 5%, the other 95% is environment, upbringing, things that happen to you, trauma, etc