Im rascist (niggers)
Change my mind.
Im rascist (niggers)
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those dubs are a sign. Stay racist friend
you racist cos you jealous. suck my big black dick motherfucking white boy
Be rascist. I hate niggers too and guess what? I am a nigger. Theres a qualitative difference between black people and niggers and the letter make me want to explode in a murderous killing spree. So there.
not really RASCIST i just believe are born dumber thus making them not suited for highly intellectual jobs preventing them from getting rich legally.
also they do smell and are violent.
White people and Asians are still emotional animals. Ration is a tool, not an gift
niggers are poor cause you can't grow food in the desert
You hate black people that grew up in violent environments and self-segregating communities, resulting in criminal and dangerous behavior.
This site reinforces those views by showing you the worst of that reality on a daily basis. The importance of good education cannot be understated.
You should be hating Muslims.
>hating Muslims
>unironically the only people to deal with the roastie problem and put degenerates in line
Fuck off kike
No i make no distinction, im not white myself. more of a white arab. I hate Arabs too. I just cant bear them yknow ?
I doubt that there's a single person on Jow Forums that doesnt have hate to a certain extent for black people. Jow Forums just keep dropping redpills all over every board
How many times must we go over this Tyrone? (pic related)
Just return to Africa already and help your people build civilization, you don't belong here. I don't wish to hate sensible blacks like you, but you force me by slowly replacing whites.
No, they're poor because they have low fucking iq's, not all of Africa is a desert moron
No you should be hating both, both are threatening the white race as a whole, it's irrational not to hate them for what they're doing to white countries
maybe just maybe we hate Muslims because they're a savage backward group of low iq individuals that think it's okay to stone woman and force others in there explosive medieval stuck religion.
no niggers cant succed in job,
>muh ghettos
>muh segregation.
Fuck off they got teachers too right ?
They just have sub IQ making it impossible for them to.gasp abstract concept like math/physics.
I dont hate anyone, i'm only rascist. Its like trying to make a difference beetwen wolves, ohhh im sure there are "OK" wolves, but they are still wolves im the end. You cant tell someone to go against their nature.
They only stone people for cheating. You think it's ok to have a woman cheat on you, fucking cuck? You're pathetic, man.
Lol how new are you? Do even browse other boards besides Jow Forums and here?
I hate roasting, I despise them, why the fuck do you think I'm here? But stoning just because you think (most cases evidence is scares) someone has bin cheating on you is just despicable.
But sure, why don't we move on to other aspects of Islam.
What about the fact husbands can beat there wives legally in most Islamic countries?
He's not talking about the blue boards you moron? Most pink boards are redpilled as fuck
>thats just autism right there user
Calm down, reminder that western countried allowed muslims in because they knew they would never fit thus making them suited for blue colar job. The blame is on the west desu, also why should i care about womens ? thats the only to treath a women you c.u.c.k
also being rascist about a religion....
dude, thats...never mind
What? Can you repeat that?
If you hate roasties then what is wrong with beating them? We used to beat them as well before feminism fucked us over and cucked the West. Hell even today in some more conservative white parts of the world like Russia, beating your wife is normal.
Anyway I agree Muslims shouldn't be in Western countries, but imo they are a lesser threat than cucks, fags and other degenerates who are making life hard for robots. At least if Islam wins, we would still win out and benefit from a traditionalist society. Of course the best outcome is the far-right succeeding, but anything is better than the current degeneracy.
And where do I claim I'm being racist against a religion? Try making less stuff up and actually forming an argument next time.
So not wanting woman to get beaten or stoned for things they didn't do makes me a cuck? Sure user,
>hur dur Muslims acting like the apes they are is the fault of the west hur pe duuuur
can you imagine being that fucking retarded user? Oh you don't have to
>in most.
Make a list desu.
this, or these cucks take the lead
imo they never will.
>No, they're poor because they have low fucking iq's, not all of Africa is a desert moron
dude iq is just testing for a set of knowledge you at school it's not genetic, that's why it keeps rising worldwide with increased education and also poverty = less schools
And the jungle is pretty hostile, it's got malaria and crops don't grow the same as in temperate europe/northeast asia
it's really just common sense dude
Beating your wife rarely is the right thing to do.
But it's actually kinda sad that a Muslim takeover would be better in many aspects then what we're going trough now. God how we've fallen
Well you see op black people have made great things such as uh... Peanut butter and uh... Clothing lines...
>not being rascist in 2018.
Embrace that word user and dont let the eternal jew win.
Nigger there is a distinction between maghreb low orient/pakistani ones.
>muslim acting like ape.
Uwee how could that happen ? how could those low iq mongrel not fit wtf ???
dude what's so wrong about Islam at the end of the day? They're doing what we should be doing, especially when it comes to women.At least that's what I want.
Google user, google
but sure, here. I'll get you started.
>Beating your wife rarely is the right thing to do.
Unless she won't shut the fuck up
Why shouldn't adulterers be punished? Is it really so hard to have a little self control?
europe did had malaria before making proper water infrastructure you faggot.
it was back in 18xx. make you think hun...
>low iq
Islam is high IQ and redpilled.
>IQ test is a about shit your learn at school.
No you fucking nigger, thats not how it works, In fact there is no word only geometric forms.
Hahaha I've found the nigger claiming iq isn't genetic guys.
Please user, the average iq of blacks in the us is around 82, while the average white iq is about 100. You can't explain this massive gap because muh upbringing.
Why do you think Africa besides it's massive population, natural riches and foraging aid is still failing? Nigger. It's niggers user
>before making proper water infrastructure
wtf does that even mean? You can't control what type of mosquitoes live in your climate with "proper water infrastructure" that's how it works bro...
2018, still believes race is a myth and iq isn't genetic.
Go watch Black panther and tell me you hate niggers again.
i was talking about these somalia/paki low iq smelling mongrels user.
Did you even go to school nigger? Ofcourse iq is based on genetics. Oh niggers
Actually trying to play Africa being a shithole of as being the fault of a mosquito, Damn I love being white
>not beating your kids.
user i- never mind...
I thought we where more cucked than this, feels gooooood men.
>You can't explain this massive gap because muh upbringing
Of course I can, blacks have it way fucking shittier than whites...
>Why do you think Africa besides it's massive population, natural riches and foraging aid is still failing? Nigger. It's niggers user
Nothing you say will change the fact that a temperate climate makes building a civilization easier, Africa may have mineral riches but they're useless if you can't build a civilization that reaches a level where those minerals start being useful, and the reason you can't advance is because you can barely feed yourself because crops don't grow for shit.
Common sense.
yes you can faggot, thats called "URBANISM". the humans way of taking over nature.
The lower half of africa has fertile land...
Stop trying to argue with this guy anons, he's either a nigger in denial that really believes blacks are failing because of
>muh climate
>muh non hereditary iq
>muh slavery
or just some troll trying to get you to argue. Anyone not believing in race yet is beyond saving, they're just stupid, plain stupid.
>They got teachers to right?
Jesus christ lad you either grew up as a rich faggot or your more retarded than the people you think are retarded you really think funding for schools is properly done and even then the teachers rarely gave a fuck because they'd get a low pay, seriously user how stupid are you
>jesus user....
Just stop already, look at emirates....God kys
>The lower half of africa has fertile land...
You're right, although agriculture is very important it' snot the only advantage Europe and Asia had.Not being isolated and knowledge and tech being spread in a longitudinal way as opposed to a latitudinal way also made it easier for Europe and Asian to develop.
Think of all the shit Europe inherited from China (guns, paper, etc)
>Of course I can, blacks have it way fucking shittier than whites...
No, even blacks brought up in the same conditions as whites show a difference in iq. Besides if you think the 18 point difference between blacks and whites in the us isn't anything genetic you're a moron.
I'm not even going to address you're second part, you're in denial, the southern half of Africa is full of futile land ready to be farmed.
are you retarded seriously this got passed a joke you don't really believe this do you?
Make that DOUBLE dubs
>implying resources cant be traded for food.
pic related anons.
all these niggers in denial...sad desu.
Affluent blacks are more likely to wind up in prison than poor whites.
Studies already show they achieve the same you dumb fuck there's a reason it's common knowledge and that's not because it's a fucking SJW or kike conspiracy you autist and if not explain eastern Europe and white trash in the USA
Europe didn't inherit guns from Asia, it got gunpowder, which it turned into the guns we know today? How ignorant are you about this subject
Whites are vastly over represented in Nobel prize nominations and wins.
I truly pity you user, you're in denial about Asians and Europeans clearly being superior to Niggers.
Higher iq
Invented everything that matters
Created Civilization as we know it
Generally seen as better looking
You're a nigger user, and you'll always be a nigger.
>Blacks are searched more by the police for items like marijuana than whites
>somehow surprised when more affluent blacks are arrested than whites
I knew gangs back in secondary school where the white kids pretty much carried all illegal things because the cops mainly searched the black kids
Are you getting triggered user? I would like to see those 'studies' you're talking about though.
I would really love to see how you'll explain subhumans with an average iq of 60 when living in Africa and 82 in the US achieve the same as whites.
You subhumans are on the top when it comes to committing crimes though. Stay mad Nigger
I'm racist towards whites. I want all whites to die in a fire
Change my mind
I don't think we're superior I just happen to believe our temperate climates and more easily accessible east-west trade routes made it easier for us to develop so we did it faster.I don't think it's that unreasonable.
>I knew gangs back in secondary school where the white kids pretty much carried all illegal things because the cops mainly searched the black kids
He thinks personal probably made up experiences matter in an argument, you truly are a nigger user.
What about murders, how do you explain nigger being vastly over represented in that? It's not like that has anything to do with police searching.
>grew up rich.
No, pretty fucking poor in fact.
>all that bullshit.
Stop Coping desu,
>wanting another dude to suck your dick
STFU faggot
Also, fun fact: contrary to what Tyrone and Jaquan may tell you, niggers are actually the MOST homosexual race (that's why nigger males are so fucking insecure about their masculinity, because they know that 10% of their "brothas" are fucking FAGGOTS
>thinks Asians and whites invented everything
>calls blacks retarded
your retarded who do you think invented shit like the gas mask and traffic light even then the guy who try to steal his inventions was white
It's just a pigmentation difference. Have you seen those people who are white and black? What do you think about them?
Hur dur, you have a different skin colour therefore I hate you, hur dur (that's you)
People use racism to distract themselves from their own personal flaws. All communities have lower socioeconomic sub classes that disproportionately represent areas.
That misrepresentation often gets stereotyped and BOOM, another idiot (like yourself op) gets distracted and turns their attention to something so trivial and pointless as skin shade.
You're being purposefully mislead.
Oh so it's us now already nigger? Kek
Dude, Whites created civilization because we're not subhumans with ape tier iq's.
You can deny this all you want but deep down inside you know I'm right. You can try to deny it all you want but it will always be there.
Niggers will be niggers.
Whites will be successful.
Don't you have some welfare to go pick up user?
>StAY MAd NiGERs Xd lMFoa LooK aT THEse nIGGeRS
no one is gonna spoon feed you bitch fucking search it up you retard
A nigger after being placed in civilization by whites invents a gas mask
>see user, even though we have monkey iq's and basically invented nothing we're still equal
Being this much in denial about being a subhuman
>Whites will be successful
I've been around white trash lad never utter those words again
Do you guys ever think that there are black people on this website who hate themselves?
>It's just a pigmentation difference
stopped reading there, you're clearly to ignorant about the subject to debate us. Come back once you're actually read a bit besides buzzfeed articles
>denies the invention made by people due to race
>says their race has monkey tier IQ
Pure ingenuity lad
Is that really the best you can do? O wait you're a nigger, it actually is the best you can do
>His school gets actual funding for proper teachers
>calls people stupid when there's doesn't
your fucking retarded stop using personal anecdotes as an argument
>can't search something up
>calls me stupid
this is either bait or your retarded
Are you unable to read or just in denial about losing this argument?
Where do I deny the invention you mentioned? O wait I don't, I just mention one invention or 2 by a nigger who only had the chanse to invent those things because of whites society isn't going to make us equal in any way.
It's not up to me to look up your claims you fucking nigger. Is this your first argument?
>Did you know niggers have an iq of -500?
Look it up, if you don't you're retarded
Hahaha niggers
You're a victim of stereotypes haha.
Wowz you found a picture comparing acouple of people. This proves nothing, maybe it helps the agenda of whoever purposefully selected the pictures.
But that's about it, read further, educate yourself.
small percentage of whites doesn't mean we're on average vastly superior.
Meanwhile every nigger I meat is just ghetto trash.
>Born in poverty less chances of succeeding in life
>surprised people commit crime when living in poverty when there is a direct correlation no matter what race
You already proved yourself to be stupid
If you're racist, at the very least read Guns, Germs and Steel and see if it changes your mind.Or watch the documentary on youtube if you don't like reading.
>makes stupid arguments tells you he won
this is obvious bait
Have you bin following the entire argument nigger?
Those stereotypes are there because of your subhuman iq.
In the bottom graph what ware the y values?
Yes there are some but almost everyone here hates themself
If your so fucking superior explain why they show the same effects as black less likely to get out of poverty high drug use abusive households and live high crime areas with high amounts of cases of domestic abuse
Blacks growing up in Rich neighborhoods are still more likely to commit crimes then whites nigger.
>makes stupid arguments tells you he won
Thinks calling an argument stupid is debuking it, oh niggers
>this is obvious bait
That's not an argument.
Yes, stereotypes.
I've skimmed the thread and it's mostly stereotypes and purposefully selected images.
Not really a credible argument I'd say, but that's just my opinion.
I'm black, do you guys hate me?
I will not but do not be one of those whiteys who is afraid to even walk near a nigger
>Blacks growing up in Rich neighborhoods are still more likely to commit crimes then whites nigger.
Post a link to that statistic buddy
Cumulative shares of science Nobel prizes
This is simply a lie, whites are more likely to get out of poverty then the average nigger. This has nothing to do with racism. A higher iq means you're more likely to earn more, as does a nigger tier iq mean you're likely to be poor.
The opposite is true with going to jail. 80 percent of US inmates are in the lowest 20 percent of the iq spectrum.
>trip fag
>reddit tier 2015 memes.
I'll bite, no not simply the color. you faggot, their behaviors in society and such.
>it's really just common sense dude
yeah guys, i'm pretty sure if we invest more money into chimpanzee education their iq will eventually rise to that of our own. its really just common sense dude.
Iq and crime statistics are stereotypes? Sure user, sure.
Depends if you're living in Africa or not
(Pic related)
Actually trying to argue with a nigger
>Blacks living in rich neighbourhoods are still way more likely to be searched than a white person and are mainly arrested for possession of marijuana which in a government survey it is shown that it is common among younger middle-class people of all races
>says he debunked your argument
>doesn't explain just calls you a nigger just like the past comments
>-500IQ tells you to search it up
your retarded or this is bait I'm going with the latter
IoI that pic is hiIarious
I try not to be racist. I try to be sympathetic and understanding but niggers just don't get it. They are black and ignorant for no reason.
>never fund schools with majority blacks properly
>surprised when people have a low IQ
>says they're stupid anyway
your dumber than people your trying to insult seriously the other guy was at least baiting
>they're black
>for no reason
>calls blacks ignorant