>tfw no bf to stroke my hair
>tfw no bf to gently hold me at cold night
>tfw no bf to read vns, play vidya and watch anime with
I can't live like this anymore ;_;
Tfw no bf to stroke my hair
Why do only guys post shit like this?
because guys actually have feelings that progress deeper than surface level, unlike all roasties.
Why do you think I'm a guy?
because you have given no proof that you are a girl, nor even claimed as such, and we are constantly raided by lgbt.
No girls on the internet desu.
Just A Nineinch Notion Underneath
>want to do first two with a girl
>know better OP is a guy and meeting strangers online is dangerous
>tfw no bf to read vns, play vidya and watch anime with
Can't even read the first2 pages of a book I want to read without throwing up.
Why you do you think I will have the attention to do all this shit?
This seriously needs to stop. Like... stop. Seriously.
You're a dude admit it
Or don't, but you are a guy
You make your threads purposely recognizable. Anyway I didn't utter the magic word so nobody will know. We can just go on pretending it's another anonfeel thread.
>You make your threads purposely recognizable.
be honest
Are you a guy
Show Bob's and vagene fem user
>anime girl pic
>series of greentexts all starting with "tfw no bf to"
>going over your usual wants (at least they aren't the degenerate ones today)
>concluding with one white text sentence which basically says the same line every time
It doesn't take a detective.
>It doesn't take a detective.
You're not doing yourself any favours there either. Anyway what happened to that post you made saying you'd stop posting? You didn't even last a single day!
I wanted to stealthpost, but now I see I can't make any recurrent threads as it gets me clocked :c
I've missed you, what happened?
Aw, that's too bad. It's hard to resist clocking you whenever I see one of your threads. I'd refrain but you'd probably get found by someone else instead.
Can someone give me a quick rundown on Jannu?
>Robots bow to the Jannu
>in contact with aliens
>rumoured to possess psychic abilities
>control Jow Forums with an iron fist
>own castles and banks all over the world
>direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Jannugrad will be be the first city)
>own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth
>first designer babies will be Jannu Babies
>said to have 200+ IQ
>ancient Indian scriptures tell of an angel who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>"she" own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Jannubots inside you right now
>Jannu is in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church
>"she" learned fluent French in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with Jannu. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Jannu
>"she" is 67 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base human.
>In reality, "she" is a timeless being existing in all points of time and space from the Jan bang to the end of the universe
>Jannu will guide humanity into a new age of wisdom, peace and love
I literally cant sleep without my boyfriend holding me
Its so cold and lonely
That must be very nice for you
It is, unless he leaves me then I gotta kill myself lol
Where is my Jow Forums Jow Forums /jp/ /a/ /x/ gf
kys anyway LARPer
Seems like an unhealthy relationship if you're relying on him for happiness
this isnt live action
Im a mentally unhealthy person but I dont think its an unhealthy relationship because I give him happiness and he does the same for me
You shouldn't rely on others for happiness but okay
>tfw no actual person like that instead of baiting larpers
>because I give him happiness and he does the same for me
That's beautiful ;_;
I'm an actual person.
Have you considered that not everybody is the same as you and not everybody has to be the way you think is healthy?
>I'm an actual person.
can you prove it?
What are the requirements other than that?
>Have you considered that not everybody is the same as you and not everybody has to be the way you think is healthy?
Yeah, but it's considered unhealthy to rely on someone else for happiness
I mean good for you if he makes you happy, I'm just saying
I love you too babe
Here's what is going to happen, I realize you're lonely and so am I, I am going to ask you to give me a contact and then you are going to say "no fuck off" that's the end of the thread.
Probably the same person and this is really gay if you actually are who you claim to be but how cute
>can you prove it?
Maybe. How can I do it?
Post feet, spelling your name out on your toes.
>Post feet, spelling your name out on your toes.
Guess I can't then.
The pain. It hurts so bad when you tell me this..
How can I talk to you reeeee
You can talk to me here if you want!
Nothing really happened, I'm just more depressed than usual.
apparently you don't want a bf then
Okay sure, what should we talk about?
feel your pain. all i want is a bf who can stroke my hair and be a big spoon is that toO fucking much to ask REEEEEEEEE
Okay, just shoot me an email and I'll be your bf, [email protected]
Why are you more depressed?
depends how cute you are desu
What types of places do women who want this go
(Not gonna offer to be your bf I'm not a fag, tell me the types of places girls like this go so I can find them)
>Why are you more depressed?
Loneliness is taking its toll. Like it's really, really bad lately.
Also a lot of people hate me, and while I'm used to that, sometimes it gets to me anyway.
Why would they hate you? Honestly you seem nice to me. And if you're lonely I'll talk to you whenever you make threads
>Why would they hate you?
Because they can.
>And if you're lonely I'll talk to you whenever you make threads
I mean loneliness IRL. Of course I can talk to people over the internet, but I feel bad anyway. No amount of talking online will substitute the feeling of someone's warmth nearby.
I'm sorry, I don't hate you. If I could be there for you I would but you live far away
>If I could be there for you I would but you live far away
Yea, that's always the problem. Nice people are always too far away from me.
>tfw no gf to rub my bald head and gently make out with my wife in front of me while riding my cock.
Life is suffering
Maybe one day I could be there though
>Maybe one day I could be there though
Would you rather someone come to you or you go to them
probably say shit like this, get a bf, then say you like someone else, shit on that guy that was there for you, and go on to some other relationship that will never become intimate, fuck off
So go get a bf?
Literally walk outside and grab a guy by the dick and you're halfway there.
Both have its pros and cons.
Going to an unknown place for me is scary due to social anxiety, but having someone come to me is complicated too, since I don't exactly live in a nice place.
I would probably prefer going myself in the end, but I would have to overcome my intense fear.
I know what you mean, I've always had really bad anxiety too. I think I would like living with someone though, I'm usually only okay with one or two specific people and once they leave it gets bad again
>I'm usually only okay with one or two specific people
Yeah, if I get used to someone it's not that bad, though I find myself being overreliant on them.
if you're ugly, become friends with any nice guy, tell him you self harm, make him feel like shit, then he'll pity date you
happened to me, should work for you
I just miss having a cute girl I could talk to every day and bully.
I think I'm the same way, we could rely on each other though.
>we could rely on each other though.
Yeah, this could work. In the end, I would want to make someone happy too.
This sounds nice, I hope someday it happens
He finds all my posts because of the file names from my phone and because of the kinds of pictures I use
Alright sure
If I had a gf I don't think I'd want her on here, what's wrong with your boyfriend
degenerates...females dont exist on this board and if they do then they are the shitty roastie ones that backstab you for another guy. dont let women control you...
I know this animefag is a guy I'm just going along with it
I'm not gonna date traps and I'm saying if I had a gf I wouldn't want her here
I dont think he likes that I post here but ive been addicted to Jow Forums for a long time
i'll be your bf. Do you have any form of contact?
I'm going to go now, I hope I'll talk to you again soon.