What part of a girl is most important? Face, tits, or ass?
> mfw faceman
What part of a girl is most important? Face, tits, or ass?
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Sewerdwelling trog.
holes > face
Agreed on a good face. Hair and style are also extremely important.
this is actually unironically pretty important if you're gonna fuck her frequently, but the most important thing in that area is how good she is at sex.
A good body is always just a bonus IMO, doesn't matter if they're a butterface dead fish
That wasn't original
Face. Tits are nice but optional. And ass can at least be worked on somewhat with lifting. But there's no cure for a bad face except surgery.
females are sexuaI objects
For relationships? Face.
If it's just for fucking, then they gotta be a lil thicc
Having an acne scarred and prematurely wrinkled face myself, I'm not to particular about face as long as there are nice legs, tits and pussy
dunno man, maybe face, then vagina, then feet. then the rest.
she's just your temporary gf kid, she'll be mine soon.
but vagina hole is always the sexiest part of woman
The brain. You robots are pathetic misogynists. Treating women like fuck dispensers is why you can't get laid.
and how can you even be attracted to someone if you haven't seen her naked yet?
I mean she might have a gross roastie, weird tits, or tattoos, that why I'd literally rather have a model or porn star gf cause at least I seen her naked body before
attraction is entirely sensual, you soya boy
sapiosexuality is for platonic friendships
Feet are the only correct answer
Armpits of course
I'm not a basedboy, or even a boy for that matter. You only think that way because you're shallow or too autistic to realize women aren't like your model trains.
> mfw faceman
Like LITERALLY everyone
The hotter the body is the lesser a hot face is needed and reverse.. but some attraction gotta be had somewhere.. does that make sense my nicca
Reality check: Women are not sexually attracted to men's bodies, for them, attraction comes from secondary traits like personality and masculinity. They simply do not feel the kind of passionate lust for the male body in the same manner that a man longs for a woman sexually. While they are attracted by masculine aesthetics, and features which are manifestations of strength and dominance, it is not in the same sense that men desire a woman's body, to touch hold and caress it. The things we find arousing about women are entirely physical, and her body is valued as a subject of desire itself.
Women are attracted to things like wealth, status, power, charisma, and utility that emanate from the man's body, lifestyle and personality, not the body itself. These non-physical attributes are literally what makes them wet, and female attraction is based purely on emotional instinct, not judging and evaluating: Hence how PUA tricks can sometimes work, and why you may often see not-so-bad-looking women with disgusting slobs of men. When you see an ok guy with a disgusting female, that just means he's so desperate for female validation and companionship that he's willing to settle for someone he's not even physically attracted to.
So I hope I explained the misconceptions of:
>I'm a good looking guy, why don't girls like me?
Because women are physically attracted to personalities, and looks have very little effect unless your strikingly handsome or disgustingly repulsive.
>Why do men objectify me by liking me only for my body?
Because looks are most of what makes men attracted to you, they aren't physically attracted to your mind or personality.
Just different survivaI strategies for each gender to be better at attracting a mate with the best genetic fitness and raising heaIthy offspring.
Face wins every time
I used to really be into huge tits but recently my yellow fever has been flaring up and I've found myself being more attracted to butts
Also facefags: Its mostly just makeup.
God, I need to fuck a thicc ass bitch
>tfw attracted to both thicc and petite females
Kinda like being bisexual I guess. I should have two bisexual gfs
If she wears tight/revealing clothing you can usually tell with a decent degree of accuracy.
>Women are not sexually attracted to men's bodies, for them, attraction comes from secondary traits like personality and masculinity
Hot betas still get laid by aggressive women.
Nope, you never know if its just a pushup bra, and no matter how cute she looks, could have a nasty roastie and/or a tattoo by her cunt or anywhere else I can't see and would ruin physical attraction
>hot betas
unless she's wearing no bra...
I can take one fucked feature anyways, especially if she's pretty. I just need a 6/10+ to be really turned on honestly.
>noticing my existence
everything else is just being picky
>. They simply do not feel the kind of passionate lust for the male body in the same manner that a man longs for a woman sexually.
as someone who recently had to work with male models doing a photoshoot with female colleagues BULL FUCKING SHIT
you're fucking delusional if you think physical attraction isn't a thing for women.
facehole > other holes
In order of importance to me
>face(at least a 5/10, but only with the body type i like)
>body shape(slim, hourglass figure but doesn't need to have big tits or a big ass, importance is a nice waist/hip ratio and slightly higher butt/boob ratio)
>ass(not too big, not to small, a decent ass that fits her figure)
>boobs(I like girls who are between a and b cups, c cups are alright but not necessary
>small nipples/areolas and normal looking vaginas(vaginas don't have to be perfect, but things like a big clit or excessive "roastieness" would turn me off. I don't like big areolas and big nipples, but if their nipples are small i can make an exception)
i feel bad for being "picky" but basically all i want is a average girl with a slim body or at least takes care of herself, which isn't too much to ask for.
Her personality is 1st
Follow by face
Then thighs
Then tits
Then ass
cow tits are gross
4 without makeup
Yeah, its true for like the top 5% of physically attractive men. The vast majority of men, even those who'd be considered objectively handsome are completely invisible unless they DO something attractive- meanwhile all women have to do is stand there and look pretty. Most reproductively viable women who aren't butt ugly will make a man drool and get and erection just wearing sexy revealing clothes.
Physical aspects (order from top to bottom):
Mental aspects (no particular order)
>having similar interests
skin color
Her soul and her piety.
Nice, round face + himecut fuels my heart boner.
I don't understand why my boyfriend likes me. He had had gfs before and has never complained about being lonely or desperate, and I'm ugly as fuck and don't put out. I think he likes me for my personality user, but how can I know?
wild guess: he has a fat fetish
I said I'm ugly, not fat. He doesn't believe in fetishes and we don't have sex.
Her virginity.
C'mon man
Girl butt.
Everything about it from, the curvature, the meatiness, and to the look and smell of her poophole.
Face comes 2nd, and who cares about everything else.
>we don't have sex.
Tell him to get his test levels checked
Do you think it would improve his mood if he got on hormone therapy?
I'm scared his sex drive would go up though
What do you actually do then other than sex?
I'd love to have a gf I just cuddle and make out with, so never have to worry about impregnating her and I retain the benefits of nofap/nocum.
legs u plebs
oops wrong pic. but arms are important too.
There's a lot to do other than sex.
We play video games, work on projects, raise livestock, work on the garden, cuddle, kiss, sometimes at night we make out in bed (I don't really like this because I'm self conscious about my breath after having just woken up), we go to the beach and get ice cream, we go grocery shopping, once a week we clean the house, etc.
are we going to pretend roger was good looking rather than goofy as fuck? Dude is a 5.5/10 at best
tfw you're ugly
face > vagina > ass > boobs > legs
Isn't that sexist though?
The body as a whole.
Tits, legs, nice hips etc.
Take this girl for instance. Face is 4/10, but she's undoubtedly hot nonetheless
How on earth is that an original post topkek
>tiddies are an entire cup size different
>posts anime girls
You are male
Body/face/personality equal.
Ass last, never bothered about the ass unless it's massive.
Fucking bet you beta
Delete this picture right now. That's an AK pistol not an M16.
face titties booty and toes. all are essential. Praise Ugly God
face above everything. Elle fanning has a garbage body but her face save everything.
Face then hair
Everything else doesn't matter as long as it meets a minimum, like not be a tub or lard.
Fuck you nerd. I don't waste my time looking up assault weaponry because I'm not some raging virgin planning on shooting people. Are you one of those people?
body mass index
>post wasn't original
i want it all, all of it
unironically this anyone who says otherwise is a brainlet
She looks like an inbred british bulldog you mongoloid
Face > thighs > butt > belly > boobs > nose > the rest
Face > ass > tits
Face is very important because when you're talking to a girl, you're looking at her in the eyes. A pretty face is necessary (for me at least) to keep a straight expression and actually start liking a girl.
Next up is the ass. I don't want a huge ass or that nigger shit that's popular nowadays, but a good ass (firm, bubbly etc) always means that the girl has a good body.
Finally, the tits. Lots of girls have good tits, even fat ones. Big tits look great on a pretty girl, they do nothing on an ugly girl though. At least if her ass is pretty you won't have to look at her terrible face.
jesus christ i want that
I base myself on genetics
i am tall with normal shoulders but a weak jaw and chin
I need a woman with Broad shoulders and a less femine chin so that way my children arent born like basedboys like me
i always look at the face first
ifs its not pretty i will not jack off to her
next is the vagina
ifs its curtain city i will move on to another video
next is nipples
the only deal breaker is if they are super super brown and big but even then there are some that have something about them
As long as the ass doesnt look like a bowl of cottage cheese( occurs when girls think guys like asses make their asses big and looks like the surface of the moon) its fine
smaller ass is better and cuter
same goes for traps i will not touch my willy unless she looks like a real girl and also the penis cant be ereckt or too big
If the girl has ever done hardcore or have evere been nigged its a nono
its a bonus if she has green eyes and reddish blonde hair and the same face as my friends younger sister whom i miss very much and wish i could tell her how i feel but i am a virgin and she will be disgusseded by me and will laugh at my atempt but i will always have a crush on her
Holy fuck thats original? Top kek
This user is righto
Their body then face.
A good body can makeup for a bad face but not the othet way around.
>Her personality is 1st
This. Even an incredibly hot girl gets boring quickly, so pick someone who you actually like first and foremost.
Face id say
Well i have a wife and we only have sex once every 6 weeka or so. I like your boyfriend reject sex and would rather masturbate due to finding my partner unattractive but will still stay with her out of loyalty.
I found her attactive at one stage but once she got fatter and paid less attention to looking good (likely you) then I would rather jerk it then have sexual contact with her.
He is likely the same as me. You are disgusting and don't put any work in but hes around out of loyalty. A concept woman can't underatand.
All that's necessary:
>Is skinny
>Is smooth
>Has a vagina
A good face is in the secondary tier, I guess, since you need to look at her to fuck her without making her feel objectified.
I'll take a gorl with a qt face over one with big ass/tits any day of the week.
>assault weaponry
30 R O U N D A S S A U L T C L I P
You do have time to be an anime posting faggot on the internet though. I'd rather be a raging virgin than a faggot who watches japanese pedophile cartoons.
Too bad I just look up "anime girl memes" on imgur to use like emojis on here
Face > Hips > Everything else
That's about as believable as your earlier claim of being a girl
Joking about school shootings with those images is reprehensible. Assault clips are what the nazis used with the m4. They're what Elliot Rodgers used in Newtown. You're just a troll.
1. Face
2. Thighs
3. Tits / Ass / Hips
And I mean THICC. Not skinny. Not fat. A relatively slender waist or none of these things count.
facemen are the true intellectuals
>but you gotta appreciate a good thick butterface every now and then
1. Ass
2. Thighs
3. Face
4. Boobs
Next you're gonna tell me this right here has the ability with a 30 caliber magazine clip to disperse over 30 child-seeking assault calibers within half a second and that no one should have that kind of firepower. Are you part of Moms against Everything, by any chance?
stomach(skinny you mongrels)>hips>face/hair>skin>back>ass>legs>breasts>vag>hands>feet>anus
any questions?