alright listen
>be me
>19 yo, 73kg, 182cm
>play guitar
>go for a run 3 times a week
>do nofap occasionally
>shower/shave wash ass everyday
>no pimples in face whatsoever
>still kissless virgin
Maybe im just ugly?
alright listen
>be me
>19 yo, 73kg, 182cm
>play guitar
>go for a run 3 times a week
>do nofap occasionally
>shower/shave wash ass everyday
>no pimples in face whatsoever
>still kissless virgin
Maybe im just ugly?
Other urls found in this thread:
How long ago was it you asked out a girl?
never in my life, cause i think im ugly
You're only 19, there's still hope for you.
Ask 10 girls out and come back with results.
Sure, but are you ugly?
I think we can file this under the "easier said than done" category.
LITERALLY the same problem Elliot had.
>usually attractive
no. attractive guys get laid. being awkward isnt gonna stop a handsome guy from getting pussy.
Here is your problem.
The Supreme Gentelman himself just waited for women to approach them but that never happens. Try asking a few out before looking at any other things
I don't fucking know, that is my problem.
Oh, and i also make apps for android which is nerdy but is still kinda special.
My problem is, i always think im weird, so i am. I dont know. NoFap helps alot.
Hey I don't care how long it takes. Could be 5 years. Could be 3 months. Ask 10.
wrong im a chiseled 10 with a 10 and I'm birgin
"just ask a girl out dude"
thanks 4 the advice. i didnt know that
>only 19
>never even asked a girl out
shit m8 you've got the entire next decade to get your heart crushed to bits by a myriad of women yet
this, stop being a bitch and try it for once
The easiest way to find out whether or not you're ugly is to ask your male friends. Also gauge how women who are strangers react to you before you've said anything substantial.
You sound like your autism will scare off women anyway, even if you are attractive.
it's easy to say "youre young just wait". I say that to 15 yo too. But im a person whos hard to himself. Thats why i cant develop self confidende because i dont value the stuff i do and think to myself "its not hard, everybody can do this".
the weird thing is, i can be very charming when i want to. still i feel like a loser/autist. its me thats keeping me locked.
But you never did and it's not like women will approach anybody but 10/10. You literally can't know your standing with women. Even if you were a Chad you would need a tinder with a match or spending night at the club. There's absolutely fucking no chance without it that you'll get a woman
A big way to get yourself into a relationship is to first work on your confidence. There is a saying that you should love yourself before trying to love another person. Good luck user.
no, your mom calling you handsome does not mean you are handsome in real life. if you were actually good looking women would want you.
In that case your autism is keeping you from approaching women. Either way, the problem is your autism. Fix it, and you'll do better.
You can fix it by hanging around normal people and learning to talk and think like them.
can confirm. my autism got so much worse since im at college. my fellow students are ALL autists.
that's the thing! i think im ugly because i get no attention
I can't believe I'm on Jow Forums right now
Oh, I don't know, because maybe when I try to talk to them and they are staring at the time on their phone every 10 seconds and they have their feet pointed away from me, maybe, JUST maybe they're not gonna say yes if I asked them out. You guys make it seem as if you walk up to random girls and without even gauging how they are reacting you just ask them out. You OPEN with it.
>Hey girl, lemme smash!
If that works for you, then get the fuck off my board, normie.
listen up, OP
I was the same as you, only a little taller and I lift instead of running. am 23 now.
you are attractive to a lot of girls. you just dont socialize and look unapproachable.
I got my first gf at 21. you know how? she initiated everything and I still had to be pushed by a friend to not be a colossal beta.
here's what I would change if I were you
>get better clothes and a haircut
>go to social gatherings and make friends
>talk to girls in that group
>start conversations and flirt with them
>ask them on dates
you dont have to force the gf thing, but it is vital to be a part of friend circle. I isolated myself because I thought I was the cool loner guy who didnt need friends or anybody to get by. dont go down that road.
in that case you are ugly. or to put it in other words, you belong to the 80% of men women consider to be "below average". you might even be better looking than most guys but thats simply not enough.
How do I ask a girl out?
Like what do I say?
>Oh, I don't know, because maybe when I try to talk to them and they are staring at the time on their phone every 10 seconds and they have their feet pointed away from me, maybe, JUST maybe they're not gonna say yes if I asked them out. You guys make it seem as if you walk up to random girls and without even gauging how they are reacting you just ask them out. You OPEN with it.
dude, that's the thing. for weirdos like us it does not work that way. you have to carry yourself well and put yourself out there. go to parties, get friends. you'll eventually meet a girl who will be attracted to you, then you can make your move.
but it's never gonna happen if you dont go out and socialize. that's where I fucked up. well, that and having too high standards.
OP, i was on a similar situtaion, seriously socialice and meet people, don't fall for shit like the 80/20 meme.
Tinder is your friend, it will take time but i met my gf of almost 1.5 years there, just keep swiping and talking to matches.
I was even less interesting than you, with my main hobbies being vidya and books, you can make it.
If you have depression/mental problmes seek help, don't be afraid. Nowadays i'm really grateful my father talked me into seeing a psychriatist when i was depressed.
Exactly my point, you stupid cunt. I spent years trying to socialize to that magic point. It never came. But I'm sure that was all my fault for not being magic. It had nothing to do with me being entirely unfuckable.
You are actually wrong. It doesn't matter how attractive you are if you isolate yourself and don't put yourself out there your existence will still go unnoticed.
Here you go OP
listen to this series then go get your dick sucked erryday
Oh woe is me my life is over.
>shot down by over 20 women
>doesn't care because all you need is one number
boomhauer knows
fair enough. then maybe you are really beyond saving. embrace the hikki life
>le im a virgin because im autistic and not because im ugly meme
hilarious cope. i have diagnosed autism and i still lost my virginity at 18 because im handsome. girls will make the first move for you if you actually are attractive, but most of you are just deluded and not as attractive as you think you are.
Thanks! Seriously! Yes im going down this "lone wolf" road atm.
>this much normalfaggotry
I don't like that other one. But guess I'll join, since all other robots left this normie infested board.
What kind of music do you play? What kind of guitar do you have?
guitar player here, lost my virg @ 19
lost virginity at 20, made it out of wizardom. you still have time and a chance in college. if you live in a dorm, have a senior buy you alcohol by paying them and your dorm will naturally become a place where people come on friday/weekend nights. this will naturaly become your window of opportunity to socialize by inviting girls to your place. this only works in college/uni with dorms and housing: if its a community college where people only go for classes and go back home, you are screwed.
good bye my friend, we will always remember you fondly
live in a dorm, but in germany. we can buy alcohol @age 16
ah, das ist gut. then just jump straight to bar culture: jump into pubs and if you find a girl you know use the excuse that you recognise her/share a class/ or whatever the reason to buy two radlers and share a drink.
conversation starters:
laugh for no reason
ask what they've done since last saw each other
tell a random reason why you are drinking
buy more drinks the more you talk and make sure she leaves on a good note(don't let it be your goal to take her home but if she wants to follow you home, who are you to deny her?) and just let it be your luck to see her again, treat her as a friend since sharing drink is my only requirement for making a new friend
I'd rather be alone by myself forever before i put up some comedy act to dozens of different randoms sluts before one says yes.
This is only my opinion of course, but doing this shit is far more pathetic than just staying single, i dont give a fuck what society has to say otherwise.
>Abnormally large eyes
At least one thing saves me, thanks small eyes genes.
you're kinda short
the fact that you need to point out you play guitar makes me think you're a feelfag loser who wants to serenade mladies
the only people who try nofap are ashamed of masturbation/sex/sexuality and believe in the sanctity of sex
I don't really get why more people aren't okay with being single. Maybe my brain is just wired differently.
my guess is social pressure
they were sold a bill of goods about what life is supposed to be and they cant get over it
you are probably right. i think im a fag because i have to point that out. its the only thing that gives me a little confidence. fuck pussys
wrong! nofap works! and im not short im average nigga.
Guess this is a big part of it. Still, half of Jow Forums is people being miserable and borderline suicidal over it. That's some strong pressure.
When I was 19 I wasn't on some imageboard moaning about not being a chad, I was having fun playing my vidya.
Oh I'm in the same boat.
One day I think I look just fine, the other day I think I look like shit.
I'm also pretty autistic when a girl tries to get my attention. I just get scared. The first time I went to a club some random girl squished my face, I didn't know what to do next and just ran away. The first time someone other than me touched me.
>be me
>24 year old german engineering student, graduating with a master of science in 11 months
>187cm tall, 82kg
>perfect hairline, good jawline
>brown hair, green eyes
>great painter, writer and photographer; published a lot of my work online
>great cook, I make better pizza than all restaurants I ever visited
>have a nice appartement and some money in crypto
I have pretty much everything going for me. Still I didnt have sex since the 24th of June 2015.
Because I'm an aspie and I hate talking to women. If they approach me and they get to know me they are pretty much forcing themselves on my cock, but I'm to autistic to get in touch with girls since I abandoned my normie social circle in september 2015.
I talked to a girl in the forrest in october 2017, but when we made pizza in my appartement I was so turned off by her lack of feminity that I didnt go for the kiss/bang.
Meh. Since then I'm like "Well, I approached one girl and she was so boring and cold, that means every approach would end like this."
If only I would live in the anglosphere, which is getting flooded with asian girls. There are no attractive asian girls in my town. And as long as I dont find a feminine girl, I wont approach.
I hate jews and roasties.
>"play guitar"
that's your problem, be unique and play something that actually takes skill. the triangle is your best option.
You have a lot of time. You sound like a nice guy and I'm sure that you'll meet a girl one day. Give it time and stop worrying about it.
>Maybe im just ugly?
Maybe you are but it won't stop you from meeting people. I've met quite a few seriously ugly guys that have girlfriends and a big group of friends. They are quite nice and have great personalities so I figure that if you lack in the physical appearance department at least you can compensate it by being nice.
>kissless virgin
>maybe I'm just ugly?
>never asked out a girl
you know what you must do
Fucking hell man, that .jpg describes me to the letter. w.t.f.
>Maybe im just ugly?
C'mon OP, don't be a faggot and post a photo. Let us see the problem.