i'm making an r9k related video. I need some funny r9k greentexts friendos
I'm making an r9k related video. I need some funny r9k greentexts friendos
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off to reddit
>be op
>jewtuber who wants greentext to make a video out of
>is a faggot
Kill yourself op.
>Fuck off to reddit
why don't you, you fucking newfag
Kys pewdiepie. Stop making videos on Jow Forums shit
I like this guy's story
haha le funny greentexts "FRIENDOS" HAHA XDD
fuck off
Kill yourself please and get a friend to post your suicide on YouTube
That would make a way better video
Youre literally asking people for greentext you fucking mongol lurk more
>using 'le' and 'XD' to imply that i'm from reddit
end your life normalfag and go back to /b/
>wanting to make shekels off r9k
>wanting to gain fane using r9k
>being jewtuber faggot mcgee
No wonder you're getting such hostility. Good thing shuaiby already took the title of first YouTube livestreamed suicide, cause I'd hate for you to be recognized as the first YouTube livestreamed suicide. You're a faggot sellout op, simple as that.
I didn't make my channel yet but I have some ideas on how to make greentext videos more active and interesting, that's all.
>end your life normalfag and go back to /b/
o-ok... s-s-s-s-orry sir. here's my stash of funny g-greentexts...
h-hope it helps
We dont want shitty little videos made on r9k just leave us alone you nosy little normalfags
why dont you lurk and find them on your own then ''frendo''?
>assuming they are going to be shitty and 'little'
>using 'us'
>calling me a nosy little normalfag
what the fuck is wrong with you. why are you making these assumptions. fucking brainlet
You've given no reason to think otherwise
just fuck off you queer
no one wants to help you make some shit video
just fuck off you newfag
because its easier to just make a thread about it. I had a collection from here and Jow Forums but I recently cleaned my Jow Forums folder.
that's how iv'e always talked on here and people were nice back. it's only now that i'm getting unnecessary backlash for trying to be creative and create something that may interest the people who browse here. is that so fucking unreasonable.
nor did I give you many reasons to think the latter. I only proved that I don't have a collection of my own and that I usually don't make generals. that's not a lot to go on to assume that my ideas and videos are going to be shit.
>Be me
>no friends
>no gf
>genocide turkey because its trash
>trying to make money off of our misery
Fuck you.
Actual true story here:
>be me
>17 at the time
>beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him
>pathological fear of girls since middle school, when some bitch mind fucked me
>have a younger sister, 16 at this time
>my sister is boy crazy, really wants to date someone
>announces that she's "seeing someone"
>father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>few days later, brings the dude home
>tall, scrawny kid with brown hair and glasses
>visibly nervous
>my father and I sit down and tell him that he's "walked into the courtroom"
>discuss for a few minutes
>they go out
>dad tells me "it isn't going to last"
>sis comes home
>announces it was "fun"
>around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated a college girl
>she's worried that he secretly wants this college girl back
>about a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother
>"We're not a thing anymore"
>tell my father this
>laughs uncontrollably
>mfw my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down
the only thing funny here is that you are a human being.
This is bait, right? No one new or otherwise would be stupid enough to actually make a thread like this.
I really shouldnt have to answer to this
Bookmark this thread and check back on it in 2 years and you'll realize how much of a faggot you really are making yourself out to be
>be me
>be OP
>can fit 10 dicks up my ass
>be reddit fag
>go on Jow Forums
>ask for greentext stories to make some youtube videos
>people lose their minds under th thread
>go back empty handed
>turn the iv bag of onions at a bit faster peace
>jerk off to some cuckold porn and pegging
>go to bed
i wanna believe this is bait but it feels impossible for someone to ''pretend'' to be this big of a faggot
I mean you got your answer op. The answer being that
If you want some gold-tier greentexts, look on desu archive for r9k incest/imouto threads. They were pretty popular a year ago, many keks and feels were had.
You are all fucking faggots. Again why don't you recognize that I may create something good. Look at yourselves fucking brainley newfags
Also, kys faggot for trying to profit from Jow Forums.
>he keeps insisting he doesn't crave cock
No one wants you here
Kill yourself
They sell thick rope at pretty much all homedepots and youve probably got a chair to spare
Kill yourself friendo
These precious tales are NOT FOR SALE they must be gathered over time with care because they are NOT made for money but FOR THE LULZ. Greed will destroy you if you give in to it. Here, just for you, I will now create a greentext story off the top of my head
>op makes a thread begging for greentext
Now here is the important distinction I would like to make
do you guys remember that bastard with the electric blanket? this guy: vocaroo.com