cant believe it, 13 year old chads get to fuck 10/10s
just unbelievable
cant believe it, 13 year old chads get to fuck 10/10s
just unbelievable
>inb4 she gets off with a suspended sentence
Remember guys, it's not pedophilia when Stacy does it: it's teaching boys how to be men.
Come on. Sure she's attractive but not even close to an actual 10. Though there's something about these Stacey-faces that I find absolutely revolting.
>this vapid whore
>a 13 yr old got to nut in that mouth
Meanwhile I'm nearly a 30yr old virgin
Was he a nigger? 13 seems awfully young. I can see the appeal of a 15 year old or something for a grown woman, but a 13 year old... is your dick even formed at that age?
>boyfriend cropped out the picture
Actually imagine getting cucked by a 13yo. Actually just imagine it and let it settle in.
come on man, relatively speaking shes a 10, if we even had a chance with her we would worship that pretty face like our goddess, she has really cute features in the right picture
a 13 yr old 3 inch dick got to nut in that mouth with his watery clear cum. life is so unfair
Kids are maturing younger and younger as the years go by thanks to all the hormones in the food they eat. Add in good genes and there could definitely be a 13 year old Chad. This is also why the age for losing one's virginity keeps going down.
Try husband, friendo. He is also quoted as saying that she just made a big mistake and tried to get the parents to not report it. Literally tried to cover for the woman who chucked him
Guys this is sick. This is pedophilia. You're the ones perpetuating the myth that women can't be sex offenders.
>the basedboy smile
lmao every fucking time
How can this cenk looking motherfucker get a girl like this FOR FUCK SAKE
Betabuxx plus lets her fuck Chad Jr. on the side.
Hot women can't be sex offenders.
I would imagine it would have something to do with the fact he's willing to not only overlook and forgive her swallowing some 13yo kid in her classes cum, but is also willing to actively try and stifle it and cover it up to avoid her getting into trouble.
It's not he's a chad rather than he's a 13 year old and she's a pedofile
Go inside her mind for a moment and imagine how unbelievably thirsty and deliriously horny you must be to suck a 13 year olds little chubber.
You can go on tinder and have literal Chad's with 8 inch monster cocks fill you, and engulf you with their muscular bodies - but no! A little kiddie cock was her delight.
She's just a pedo dude, she prefers a 13 year old chad to an adult chad
oh let her go. yes its not fair.
It's because she's an original pedophile.
Some women like boys. Probably far more than you would imagine. Women openly are attracted to what society tells them to be attracted to, it's only when you actually manage to get intimately close to a woman that she MAY just tell you what really gets her off.
A mistkae is misspelling the word "mistake". She courted and fucked her 13-year-old student and want to "quit her job so she could fuck him all day long". That's not a mistake. That's straight deviance and a gross misuse of your position.
t-t-t-thaaaaattts b-b-b-b-b-b-baaaaaiiiit uuuhhhh sir
this shit makes me so sad beyond beleif. im a 42 yr old virgin, and these beautiful stacies would rather fuck young boys who havent even gone through puberty yet! theyd rather fuck burn victims, guys with no arms and no legs, their dogs, horses, rather than fuck US, let that sink in!
>these beautiful stacies would rather fuck young boys who havent even gone through puberty yet! theyd rather fuck burn victims, guys with no arms and no legs, their dogs, horses, rather than fuck US
You know when you put it as beautifully as that, it just makes my laugh hysterically. God women are a fucking joke. I swear to Christ they should be in shackles.
Who honestly thought the liberation of women was a fucking good idea.
No wonder she's been cheating on this ugly hapa
Anyone got a picture of the Chad Jr? I'm always so fucking curious to see what the boys look like in cases like this.
You just fucking wonder to yourself how many do it and get away with it.
Some kids don't even cum yet at that age
Lmfao that's some omega-tier shit
We all know what he's gonna look like. Probably a lot.
A nigger? Because that's what I'm picturing her sucking right now.
>Zamora's husband 'harassed' the father over the phone, begging him not to go to the authorities and insisting that his wife had 'made a big mistake, but that she loved the kids,'
Yup she certainly does
You know (((who))) thought liberating women would be a good idea.
>According to Fox10, Zamora was known by parents as a wife and teacher of the year. They said she was the 'most sought-out' sixth-grade teacher.
I wonder why she was so "sought-out"
Watch the movie "Persona" and you'll understand why older teachers are messing with these little boys and not grown men
Could you not just surmise the plot, I have no intention of watching that and never will.
I would nut in her mouth
This isn't the nineties anymore I literally don't have the motivation to fuck off for one second and look up a plot summary just tell
>They said she was the 'most sought-out' sixth-grade teacher.
>tfw you were not raped by stacy when you were a kid
Anyone else got to fuck their teacher? It's a great experience.
Originally green text your original story, user
>Get to spend time outside of class with my art teacher in middle school, originally for a project
>Already on good terms but now things are more like person to person not just student to teacher
>Obvious tension leads to affection
>Both super nervous but we try things out and do our best to keep it secret and not get caught
>Before long fucking like rabbits
She had her own trailer classroom so we had more privacy than a normal one and I'd be in there when I got the chance after school or even somemtimes during school. We almost got caught a few times but got away with it. I miss her, she was this chill older hippie lady with a nice body. Really great experience and I don't regret it at all or think it messed me up.
I had a hot art teacher in middle school, too. She was around 45 I think but she looked way younger. I even think I was her favorite student, too bad nothing ever happened :(
>Wanted to fuck my social studies teacher when I was 17
>She was religious and thought sex was "disgusting"
I keep thinking to dig her up and message her and meet-up and fuck her silly, but I'm scared she's too old now/dating some guy. She was like 38 when I was with her.
Basedboy Mexican.
13 yo black kids have bigger dicks than grown up white guys.
On what planet is that a 10/10?
shieeet Im so big whiteboi
>cant believe it, 13 year old chads get to fuck 10/10s
>just unbelievable
dude, this is why we shouldn't have women teaching in the damn school.
I don't agree with the concept of "Chad"
Most men are on the 100 IQ playing field, and their success corresponds with this.
Even the dumb fucks generally have biological advantages (extremely tall, sociable, etc)
Humanity is relatively egalitarian, but you get people that blend into many tribes in an industrial society, and these average looking men become "Chad"
It's all fucked-up and stupid, but the entire world is this way.
The human race never selected for the best of the populace. Resource hording wasn't tolerated in a hunter gatherer tribe.
We've fucked-up the world, and we're all collectively suffering because of it.
Women got wet for men that killed animals, and that's a very simple thing to do.
They're now getting wet for industrial surrogate success, and they're forming hierarchies among themselves. It's survival of the human species, but it's not measured by concrete actions anymore.
I hate what people have done to this world.
They should kill those that push it further into the abyss through technology.
In a sense, this is why I feel Sandy Hook was alright.
It's not worth existing in this world, and people live out of fear of non-existence.
A part of me is glad those kids got shot before they had to live through this. You know at least 5 or 7 were spared a lifetime of hell.
Seriously though for the most part I just don't give a shit about women and men doing it, the female should know better but I objectively think it's less harmful for a 13 year old chad to get laid than for a greasy old male teacher to take a young maidens purity
I wouldn't call her a sex offender with switched genders either.
>cant believe it, 13 year old chads get to fuck 10/10s
just unbelievable
>a 13 year old
Was she trying to groom him into a life long beta orbiter? One little blowie and he's cleaning her gutters until he goes off to college.
Or maybe grooming him for when she inevitably splits from her husband and upgrades to a younger guy.