Would 6/10 fembots settle with a 6/10 robot?
Would 6/10 fembots settle with a 6/10 robot?
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You call that a 6/10? the fuck?
No, it's been proven women rate themselves higher and rate men lower. Plus if you're a piece of shit, women can tell. If you won't abuse them and be a bad boy, sorry, no punany for you buddy.
Women only consider the top ~30% of men ever so the answer is probably no.
Pic is a 4 at best.
>No, it's been proven women rate themselves higher and rate men lower
By who lol
>takes off glasses
>lets down hair
>becomes 8/10
you also have to rate higher than them while still treating them like shit because they do mental gymnastics and will say that it lowers your score down to them when it fucking raises it because that's what they're aiming for anyway
talk to any woman and ask her what women like and she'll tell you some complete fucking bullshit that she actually believes that women like and then ask her if it applies to her and she'll go "well not really" because it's not the truth at all they delude themselves constantly and can't see what they actually seek
Lol, I fell into this trap. I'll be le supreme gentlemen and be nice, supportive, yadda yadda, blah blah blah.
Later I realize that despite what femanazis claim they want to be ravished by alpha male predator who treats them like trash.
No punany for me.
look into it
why would a woman ever settle for her equivalent when she can chase chad cock? i used to think it was just a meme until i saw the tinder of my female friend from uni, bitch looks like a chinless jewish stereotype and she's turning 7/10 guys down left and right. its fucking over bro
Maybe in their 30s when their meatflaps lost all sensitivity, maybe.
about rating men lower, OKcupid made a study of it and found out women rate 80% of men as "below average". thats right, you have to belong to the top 20% of men just to be considered average by women.
not true in the slightest. I've seen women go for right pigs. Its all about confidence.
>inb4 "this guy acted confident and women still turned him down"
no, this is fake confidence. its extremely awkward and out of place; women can see straight through it.
You have to be a savage caveman alpha, but nowadays you gotta have status, money, chiseled feautures, a nice car and then you can get a 6/10, 7/10 if you're lucky.
We're talking about 5s and up, faggot
women think just cause any tom, dick, or larry would fuck them means that they should only go after chad
but it's incels that feel entitled about sex right?
It's the world we live in. Gotta try to get in where you fit in, and fuck the haters. YOLO swag swag poopy di scoop
b-but, the 80/20 rule is j-just a meme!!!!
-delusional cunts and white knights
It's like these people haven't been outside and observed things.
Oh wait...
A 9/10 i know dates a 4/10 fat NEET who walks about looking like pic related and driving the mini that his mother bought him. Despite his appearance, he is an cunt to everyone and has confidence.
>women can tell. If you won't abuse them and be a bad boy
for the love of god almost %100 of real psychos have gfs or wifes or kids
If he remains a NEET I don't think any amount of confidence is going to keep that relationship together. Sooner or later the girls going to want him to have a bit of cash at least. Or else maybe she's a saint.
Haha, exactly. They think that people are focused on this imaginary idea of only 20% of men getting laid. They miss the point entirely and smugly declare victory.
He probably hasn't any friend though.
that totally happened bro
He probably has a massive dong.
Or she just has a fetish for getting raped by fat fucks
No. The value of a 6/10 woman as far greater than that of a man, she will bang 7s and a few 8s and then become a cat lady at 40 because the 7s and 8s settled down with other 7s and 8s and the 6s killed themselves.
This is her . He has tons of friends but they're just as cunty. It is possible that she has a weird domination fantasy but then the confidence comes into that.
she looks pretty flat desu senpai
why can't women figure out how to make a fist for the life of them?
bad picture. her ass is really quite something
makes me cringe. they also like to make a fist and then proceed to hit in a slapping motion.
Being fat isn't even a bad look for a guy as long as he has some muscle underneath and has the height to match. Then he's "husky."
I can't get over how much she looks like a girl from my uni
she even has the same glasses