And i don't mean all miserable shit, think, if you only had one sentence to cure someone's depression, what would it be?
>picture very loosely related.
And i don't mean all miserable shit, think, if you only had one sentence to cure someone's depression, what would it be?
>picture very loosely related.
lt's Adam and Eve, not Adam and STEVE
"We don't get to choose how we start in this life; true greatness is what you do with the hand you're dealt" - Victor 'God Damn' Sullivan
Not original, but it was truly inspirational
I saw something like her when I was little.
Like a flower. Temporary. Yet beautiful.
I, without medical authority, am prescribing you shit that increases your serotonin production to maybe change your world view to something that isn't any less correct but might be more pleasant
We've been here for so long we can't even tell up from down anymore.
if u kill urself u technically don't have depression anymore
People piled on top of each other.
Everywhere we look.
People burying each other kicking screaming tearing. Struggling.
All for the faint promise of being able to feel a Sun that we've never seen before. To be able to breathe fresh air that we've never tasted before. To be able to feel a cool breeze and to see the grand sky - sensations our smothered minds can hardly comprehend.
We don't know who came up with those stories.
We don't know how much truth there is to them.
But we know that we need them to be.
There must be something beyond struggle and misery.
God I suck. This is embarrassing
I am nothing so I am god
Yeah there's something beyond struggle and misery it's called the loss of it and it's why the elites used to fear peasants and whatnot because they were nearly always outnumbered 10:1 by a bunch of hardened people who literally have nothing to loose
But nothing really ever happened because insurgencies are met by the military or mercenaries or whoever employed by the aristocrats or elites whatever.
Hahahahah it'd be really nice to have a couple fucking billion dollars y'know that
When I kill myselfe I become my own god and destroyer of the universe
When you have nothing, you have nothing to lose. When you are one step away from death is the only time when you can truly live without fearing the consenquences of your actions.
cancer is a long battle. it's a lonely battle.
not mine but - "Sometimes life needs to save us from what we want to give us what we need."
What if we live our life and one day we wake up?
If enternal reoccurrence is true and this has already happened infinitely many times before, then be happy and embrace your worthless life for it will never stray from its predetermined path.
Hey don't be sad, there's pizza, pizza and knives.
After a dump comes either sadness, or relief
Being sad is gay John, your acting gay John.
>tfw she left me for "don't worry user, hes's just a friend"
You have to love yourself a fire
you Look down want I should cook for you a bowl of eggs?
it feels like just another average day
the world keeps on turning
average is good.
I don't have any dreams
or goals im desperately chasing.
I wont live like a fool, throwing my future to the doves like them
I hope i live a long, fun life.
That's why im begging you idiots
please don't disturb my "average"
(not mine, stolen from manga)
Isn't life supposed to be worth living?
Yes but wat do win not?
Killing yourself is pointless because you'd only do it too late.
if you can get it, kratom might help.
"Your only afraid of being alone because you are alone when you are afraid"
Those sick quints make it all worthwhile
"Check my dubs"
We have the capacity to enjoy substance and material, and we often do, but that doesn't mean that we enjoy them in that context because we need them. We enjoy them because we're attatched to them on a deep level. The attatchment isn't a personal attatchment, but a personified attatchment. We don't "Like" things, we say we "LOVE" them. Only persons can be loved. We only say we "Love" those things, because we treat them like persons, glorifying them, and using them as substitutes for social interaction, replacing intimacy with sex, sutenance with gluttony, thirst with alcoholism, custom with ritual; we glorify the things that remind us of personalization, and we remember them like we remember people. The conceptual addictions are the most elusive ones, like the attatchment one has for his younger years, or the attachment one has to progress.
Life wasn't better before; we only remember the good, and forget the bad. Progress doesn't lead to happiness; if that were true, then nobody 1000 years ago could be objectively more happy than the average person today; happiness exists in all stages of life, in all walks of life, and in all eras of time.
I'm not saying that we need to follow our addcictions; we should never substitute enjoyment from the object as its own person, but enjoy it as an extension of personhood.
Enjoy alcohol not for itself, but because you're drinking with friends and family, creating new memories and experiences of joy.
Enjoy nostalgia not for itself, but because the memories are relative to the life you live right now.
Enjoy food not for itself, but because it brings us together.
Enjoy work not for itself, and don't disenjoy it, but enjoy the company of friends and workers who share similar attitudes and aspirations in life.
confidence is insecurity's weakness
fonny thread
That's funny way to admit you cannot do better.
>I cannot follow directions
In life you only have two options, be a dick or a pussy, and the thing about being a dick is they're hard to fuck, but cannot recover from being fucked, so choose wisely.
rotmg blessed you with those numbers.
"The world is beautiful and worth fighting for."
I agree with the second part.
I agree with the first. The world is terrible, yet beautiful. Why would you believe in something in such a terrible place? Without faith, nothing is worth fighting for, on this damned planet where everything gracefully and skillfully consumes each other to survive.
>or doesn't matter what come out of us
>only what comes in
To live is to try and fail . It's only a question of trying again to see what happens next until you can no longer willingly try anymore.
go get someone to sock you in the stomach as hard as they can and ask yourself if that's how you want to feel for god knows how long six months from now when you finally decide to quit.
i think that it's all just love. if i ever decide to leave this world it will be because i could not love anything.
-Yours truly
You can't cure depression
Best to just give up really
Life is a series of closing doors until you find the reaper behind one of them.
Life is a poorly written horror novel being read aloud by a middle schooler with an obnoxious stutter, and we're all black characters.
"As I walk around, I feel the centrifugal force of the earths rotation, revolution around the sun, and the rotation of the galaxy about its center on every atom of my body. Despite this burden, I walk on."
"These trips don't lie"
The past is done; the future's to come.
"Some people may box themselves in, away from society so that others will not be able to hurt them, but the loneliness and alienation will hurt you more than any person ever could"
>he who holds the digits, holds the truth
Life is endlessly cruel and cruelly endless
I actually found this quote on some guy's signature on an anime forum, don't know who actually wrote it
I really like that quote.
I also really like the dub doubles.
Even if everyone in the world hated me, I could still be content with life by waking up every morning and pursuing my own interests.
you are the sculptor and the clay
If no one cared about you then we wouldn't all be here user, even if you are a spastic we will always love you.
Holy shit you guys are fags
so many quotes here would be quite popular if some famous person said it.
I thought it was pretty good, would make for a good ending for a short story based on living in a fallout shelter, which was the first thing I thought of when reading the imagery.
Live as though you begged God for a second chance at life, dropped off in a womb, forgetting the miserable old life, and started anew. The catch is you don't know you made the wish, so you don't value this life as much as you did when you were confronting God. That is, up until you read this comment...
Happiness is all about having a plan for the future. Always be working toward something, even just something small.
How do you forget someone
Get black out drunk and drink a bottle of nighttime cold medicine.
Kill yourself.
best cure desu