>reading a book on campus
>notice a skinny girl with a huge backpack
>she runs like a Power Ranger and walks very awkwardly
>she is talking to herself and looks like she is lost in her own world
>imagine myself being friends with her
Reading a book on campus
You should talk to her when you see her the next time!
Yes just do it whats the worst case? People laughing about you ? Fuck them.
Do what you wanna do
do et faggot. talk to her. stop being such a pussi.
Talk to schizo girl op, what's the worst that can happen
what she turns out to be a normie with tons of friends and makes me feel bad for not being as cool as her and her friends?
>be girl on campus
>literally can't go anywhere or do anything without random guys wanting to talk to me
Please don't. I just want to get through school
That sounds like the setup for a trashy romantic comedy anime, OP. Go be friends with them! If they're at least somewhat cute you literally have nothing to lose except your virginity!
Don't fucking talk to me. God you people are always so fucking weird.
>Cool jacket
>Have I seen you before?
>Not many girls would wear their hair like that. No! I like it :^)
You're not slick
Fuckin' females... Don't listen to them. They don't know what they need.
samefag cunt trying to sabotage OP
>at the quad
>see this qt sitting by herself eating some food
>she throws a little bit to the birds
>15 min later shes surrounded by hungry birds
>chirping everywhere
>causing something of a spectacle
>some janitor goes up to the qt
>"hey dont feed those things they piss and shit everywhere"
>some kids nearby hear and laugh
>she says ok my bad
>looks embarrassed
>want to say something to her about birds to reassure her
>walk up to her
>"yeah those birds are pretty cool-"
>notice her eyes are full of tears
>she starts crying and runs away
I hope I meet that depressed bird girl again
You should have kicked the shit out of the janitor in front of her to defend her honor. Then tell that dumbass that birds don't "piss and shit" because their waste all comes out of their cloaca as a single mass.
This dessuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
>tell a weird cute girl "nice hat"
now what?
that's more like autism. i'm an autist and i talk to myself all the time, kek.
Tell her that you want it.
Baggage. I've known a few of those girls, some are benign, but some of them are fucking psycho-crazy-cut-a-nigga-dick-off-bitches.
>tfw no lonely birdfeeding gf
That girl was too pure for this cruel world
>tfw mostly run everywhere
>talk to self
>sometimes sing military marches to myself
I'm not gonna make it am I
if you see a cute girl throw her a $10 mcdonalds gift card without saying anything, she will get the message.
holy shit where are you? this is literally me
are you the girl described in the OP? Did you go to class today?
well i was running around on campus today but i don't talk to myself THAT much
cool. I saw you run to a crosswalk in a hurry then you stopped and started walking normal pace. You did this thing with your hands like you were talking to someone that wasn't there.
>this is the way people are now
>instead of talking to people we just prretend to talk to them and post anonymously about it instead
hmm it probably wasn't me but hey maybe she lurks on r9k too... girls that talk to themselves unironically tend to be robot-tier
How tall was she this sounds familar