femanon here. why do robots think you're entitled to sex? no means no you entitled cunts. pic unrelated
Femanon here
picrelated it's you. i also browse imgur, you undesireable bint.
yeah you're definitely getting a gf with that attitude boyo
boyo, it seems welsh
Not a single guy here actually believes that. Just as you don't actually care about what they'd have to answer.
>wanting govt mandated gfs
>not being entitled
pick one boyo
>implying that anyone would want to gf you
Wew, you really don't get us
Why do women think they're entitled to everything, let alone anything?
no one here believes they're entitled to sex, where the fuck did this even come from?
also i'd say about 75% of r9k doesn't even want a gf, they just want an outlet for their sexual frustration. a decent onahole would solve 99% of these 'incels' problems
Using force and coercion at gunpoint to get what you want isn't feeling entitled to it. It's very much admitting you gotta do something to get it.
If you're responding to this thread with anything other than sage in your options field, YOU are part of the problem.
Everyone who I know has had relationships sprout randomly
I want to experience this, it has happened to others why not me, even to shitty people who I know irl, feels incredibly bad, people who put no work into themselves and no effort end up getting into meaningful relationships, I want to experience this, I feel as though it should also happen to me because it has happened to many people who I know, I'm a decent person, I wish I could have someone in my life.
And here's one of the faggots that are part of the problem.
instead of calling me a faggot explain to me
you literally all do
yeah because they found someone who likes them and consents to the relationship. you can't force people to be with you. men are so disgusting
You're responding to a fucking bait thread. Without saging.
But honey how wouldn't we if women are so willing to spread their legs for a few compliments?
he's just a bitter virgin who thinks he has the right to women's bodies without their consent and everyone who breaks his little echochamber is "b8ing"
Way to out yourself. Be more subtle next time, fag.
And stop larping as a woman, you're embarrassing yourself.
No means please don't, Jan.
>implying that anyone would want to bf you
Wew, you really don't get us
men are the ones who feel entitled to women's bodies. you're all a bunch of perverted assholes
I don't want a GF i want a fuckhole.
having a GF means i gotta spend money on them and be emotional with them and shit. that sounds like a pain.
if I'm not entitled to your body then you're not entitled to survive bitch. I'm gonna go beta uprising and shoot uo a women's yoga class
unless you submit to a woman's will you'll never have one >:)
we're not entitled you roastie whore. get off my fucking board
all women should be rounded up in concentration camps and gassed. roastie whores can't be robots
When has a robot ever said they were entitled to sex? That is what the incels on reddit think.
you guys have constant woman hate threads and blame all your problems on us because we won't give you something you're not entitled to in the first place
>le no wimenz on the internet meme XDDDDDDDD
we are. just not for you
There are constant woman hate threads here but most robots do not blame problems on girls not having sex. That is usually reserved for the under 18 year olds. From most the robots I have talked to they come from broken families, have mental disprders, and have rough backgrounds that they explain are the root of their problems. One problem that does come up a lot here is not just lack of sex but a lack of intimacy and I have rarely ever in my 7 years on r9k seen robots say that women not giving them sex is why they have problems. I know this is b8 and you are some reddit tard but lurk moar.
I don't know how many times it has to be said this entire thread is a poorly constructed b8 post until retards stop responding seriously.
>force at gunpoint
That's not what a government provided gf is though. You want it delivered to your doorstep by daddy state because you are too lazy to actually do anything about it yourself. That's entitlement.
I know, I even pointed it out in my post. I am more using this to vent, I have seen so many of these bait incel or nice guy finger pointing threads on r9k since the trap threads slowed.
you're not entitled to intimacy with a woman either. we have the right to our own bodies
not everyone who disagrees with you is b8ing
robots don't respect women. you see us as just a hole to fuck. that's why you can't get a gf
Why do you think that every man on here would want your used up, overated hole?
no we don't. we were just never given any positive attention from a woman. that's why we hate you
You'd be seen as more than just a hole to fuck if you were useful for literally anything else, my larping friend.
it's not overused you jerk. I've only fucked 3 guys in my entire life
>only 3 guys
Already used up, have fun with the wall.
3 guys isn't a lot for a normal person
More than enough to not be marriage material.
that's just what bitter virgins think
Sure thing, buddy. Good luck with that.
Post your tits so i can rub my cock to them.
don't need it. lots of women get married even though they have someone else's kid
>you're not entitled to intimacy with a woman either. we have the right to our own bodies
I know where did I ever say that in my post? I said that many robots long for physical intimacy but do not blame women for their lack of it rather themselves due to many difficulties in their lives. The only people that do expect women to hand stuff over are the underage posters. You have robots confused with redditors
Many robots respect women, some respect them to a certain degree and some do not at all but none of that is why they can not get a gf. For the most part it is their mental problems.
traditional Jow Forums culture hates normies and women and blames them for the problems of robots. robots respect no one. not even themselves.
low quality bait m8
please try harder in the future, no one thinks they're entitled to sex except for women.