Game over boys.
Game over boys
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I always knew it would end like this
Boo hoo, people acting tough on the internet, what a surprise, may god save us all
when will we be rounded up I wonder
This can't be real
Oh shit it is
>one guy does a bad thing
>ALL incels are violent
See, this is why racism and things like it will never go away. Humans are just wired to make broad generalizations about everything.
He's not a government worker, he's a fucking journalist. What the hell can he do about it.
By the time they actually get through all the bureaucracy to pour millions of dollars into an ineffective torture center, I'll have killed myself 20 times over.
I guess it's politically correct to round up all the white males and shoot them
Political correctness means "systematic destruction of anyone who is white, male, cisgender, conservative, or some combination thereof."
Oh god, the whiteknight version of antifa-gs?
They have no rationale for their "MY OPPONENT WILL ONLY RESPOND TO PUNCHES" idea except they think putting people in that box is a substitute for real arguments. no sweety
when his fat gf leave for chad, this soi will learn
Knew I remembered him from somewhere.
>Hurr durr your opinion is illegal
I went on this guy's twitter and holy shit, are all american journalists this fucking stupid?
Yup. No matter which way they're biased. See in America news anchors don't get paid to tell what's going on in the world, they get paid to drum up drama and suspense over absolutely nothing.
>muslims kill millions
>these people will defend them and shout islamophobia if anyone says otherwise
>one incel kills 10 people
>arrest them all
He's not wrong. Been trying to sow seeds of sensibility into this shit community for years. Sometimes it seems like most of you aren't even human. If your parents were to beat you every time you threw a tantrum instead of bending to your every selfish wish, maybe you wouldn't be the entitled brats you are today thinking the world owes you things simply because not having what you want makes you angry.
Even the bible says that if you don't beat your kids enough, they'll grow up to bring shame to everyone around them.
At least we'll finally get sex. And many of the cuck/interracial sissybois will get to have their black/Arab bulls fuck their boypuccis.
Sounds like he's applying for a job at gitmo. Or is related to someone that would build an expansion there. Not one of the people that would work at making gitmo what gitmo is every day.
Fight me you dumb faggot
I may hate myself but I hate faggots like you more
Of course political correctness and empathy go out the window when leftists are talking about straight white males.
Leftists are the most intolerant people in the Western world.
This guy works for a conservative news website
>imprison every lonely man
yeah ok, this is just some dumb meme joke
These Reddit beta cucks are jelous we hace outsmarted women on their OWN game and their only way of coping is by hating us
Long live incels
>Been trying to sow seeds of sensibility into this shit community for years
>beat you every time you threw a tantrum
Faggot get the fuck out
>Muslims run people over with trucks multiple times and fully confess to it
>"fuck off racists! Muh religion of reese's pieces reeeeeeee!"
>one guy runs people over with truck and vaguely mentions Jow Forums
>"kill all virgins! Virgins are evil and hate you!"
Normalfag hypocrites deserve it at this point
Who is this guy and why does his opinion matter?
He's an independent journalist and has bipartisan friends in the US government.
>you will see virgins rounded up and put into camps in your lifetime
Feels good man, bless the USA
>muslims don't mean harm!
>wahh destroy gitmo
1 year later
>lets expand it and put virgins in it for being threats
society never fucking changes, they only refuse to alienate people when such a thing is considered taboo.
>You will see rape attempts increase drastically as desperate virgins try to avoid detainment
Remember all those "hilarious" made up stories from 2012-2013, about virgin concentration camps and virginity inspections?
We're now actually living in it.
I'll need an example story to be provided as I took a break from Jow Forums during that era. Care to provide?
>Muslims commit terror acts for years killing many people all in the name of Islam
>People defend them and call anyone who calls them out a racist
>One incel kills 10 people and makes reference to it in a tweet
>People loosing their shit and calling for all virgins to be locked away for safety of the public
Really gets those gears turning.
Just so you know; social justice marxists don't approve of this. Gitmo must be closed and the solution to the incel problem is ending toxic masculinity and expanding mental health services.
maybe you redditards calling yourselves INCELS wasn't such a good idea?
Sounds like you're long overdue.
yeah, fuck off marxipad
>Gitmo must be closed
Obama tossed that plan around and it received bipartisan opposition, perhaps even a bit more opposition from the left side.
Nice try newfag but not today
>marxists support obama
Take your meds each morning, user. Make sure not to skip a day again, please.
*collects donations from billionaires*
*prints literature*
what the fuck is the context of this?
Short answer is roid rage.
>simply claim i would fuck all the incels sent to gitmo
>they're not incels anymore
>form them into a home grown terrorist group solely devoted to kill and rape normies
INCELS need to unite
we need to stop being bullied by chad and stacy
Bruh chill out a bit, you're making yourself look even more stupid than usual.
Maybe, you shouldn't be calling yourself, or anybody else for that matter an INCEL
great post freindo
dont forget to cum
what's sad is most incels won't act out, but given enough time and hopelessness every incel will act out. maybe it's all for the best
you're right it won't be long until a CIAplant tries to get a list of who we are
How are we going to fucking deal with this shit
as if life wasn't hard enough already
WROOOOOOOOOOONG. You don't what the fuck antifa actually are. You're believing the clouded lies of Jow Forums.
I'm not angry, I'm just trying to get people to read the fucking posts. I'm sick to death of people with no knowledge of the left making up whatever they about it.
>given enough time and hopelessness every incel will act out
Has every muslim acted out? Has every non-white person acted out? Has every woman acted out? Has every homosexual acted out? Has every transgender acted out?
You're grasping for straws to defend something you know nothing about.
>to the jews of
stopped reading right there
>I'm not angry,
> I'm sick to death
this is why the left will never win, they keep dying to death
RIP the left
Then what do you suggest we call involuntarily celibate people? The quality of being incel does not make someone an extremist
>antifa handbook written after the Trump election
yeah no, the foundations of ANTIFA have been around for about 20+ years. all you retarded fucks take your marching orders from the same people there is no "separate cells"
>they keep dying to death
KEK, that's a good one
>Durrrrrrrr I'm a journalist so I say smarter things than you durrrrrrrrrr look guys I'm so cool I'm a journalist it makes me way more qualified than you retards
How about "loser"?
What happens if the parents ignore a kid when they tantrum, just stare into space, don't respond at all?
feeling the need to call attention to the concept is imbecilic. Is a person's relationship status an important part of conversation?
Having exchanges online were hard enough with people calling each other virgins, now they have an entirely new word in their vocabulary. You are setting yourself up to be outcast. You aren't going to be able to build a protected class for yourself the same way LGBT or minorities can.
what really makes me sad about all this is that a lot of people went from not knowing what 'incel' meant to strongly hate incels in less than one day. I honestly don't care about the reddit meme virgins, but it's sad to see yet more proof that so many people just follow trends and what some journalist says instead of coming up with their own opinions.
Damn, now you guys might have a taste of what prejudice is like. YOU know you're not like that fucker Eliot Rodger etc., but there are always the loud bastards who don't care and make other cretins not care, either. I hope you guys never have to suffer the prejudice I've suffered.
No surprise, people who do MMA always let it go to their head and become psychos.
>a lot of people went from not knowing what 'incel' meant to strongly hate incels in less than one day.
people spreading hate about incels has happened from the very start of the subreddit, but yes, now the hate has spread to normalniggers outside the internet
>now they have an entirely new word in their vocabulary
that's literally how languages work.
Imagine if people had thrown a tantrum because they had to start using the word 'internet' instead of saying 'computers connected to servers and one another' every single time.
The internet and real life are finally intersecting. It wasn't like this 15 years ago.
youre an extremely old oldfag
oh ok, so you wanted to have an entirely new way to invalidate your own opinions
I was born in 86 so I'm a midfag. I remember the late 90s internet but not eternal September or the old Usenet.
>he doesn't remember eternal september
Probably wind up throwing tantrums that can't be ignored.
>youre an extremely old oldfag
gtfo underage
>gtfo underage
ha this nigga finna about to get dabbed on!
>faux leather
What if half the time the kid is spanked other half ignored?
it all depends on the child's genes
Do you have an actual point or are you mad at the word incel for no reason?
What if the kid is INTJ autismo?
my point is that there is no benefit to call oneself an incel
fuck off marxist piece of shit
I'm not scared of some faggot that uses bitmoji.
there is always some benefit to everything
What possible benefit is there to people calling themselves an incel? they're essentially calling themselves outcasts or unwanted
Not everyone witch hunts, but mob mentality is a thing for sheeple. The day things like abrahamic religion leave, is the day people stop following others like mindless fools.
what's wrong with calling yourself an outcast if you are an outcast? If you think you're incel, you identify as incel. So how about calling yourself your own identity? What are you? What's the benefit to you calling yourself that?
>The day things like abrahamic religion leave, is the day people stop following others like mindless fools.
you're fucking retarded user
ok, so you identify as a loser? that isn't a very constructive outlook. No wonder people hate incels. you set yourselves up to fail
The word describes something about a person, that is the use you moron. People in the mainstream misunderstanding and vilifying the term does not invalidate its utility.
>it is not enough that these men must suffer a life of social desolation and despair
>they must now be rounded up and placed in prison camps
>vilifying the term
that is the utility. you redditards set yourselves up to be villains and you're all too retarded to realize that
what's a constructive identity for a loser? the cathedral of society doesn't offer any.
>No wonder people hate incels
>you set yourselves up to fail
plainly wrong
Cuckservatives and modern leftists are cut from the sams cloth. They're both the unholy rape baby of social leftism and corporate decadence.
>plainly wrong
incel is the hottest new insult, if that doesn't prove me right than you must be completely deluded
it's true that people hate incels, but tell me how incels "set themselves up to fail"?
that is the part that is plainly wrong you illiterate fuckwit
The truth hurts. If you were open minded enough to not witch hunt, then you would not believe in ridiculous stories either.
>call yourself an outcast
>act surprised when people treat you accordingly.
You aren't going to get any where calling yourself that. I don't understand how you could expect anything other than a negative reaction, fuckwit
Challenge: Name a more worthless group of people than journalists.
I can literally not think of any group I despite more. I have more respect for heroin junkies blocking my way at the train station than them.