Maybe the redistribution of sex idea wasn't such a good idea?
Maybe the redistribution of sex idea wasn't such a good idea?
>"Ok then, the incels will just get these hyperrealistic sexdolls, that they'll buy themselves, and everyone will be happy."
thats it isnt it
they just dont want us to be happy
they dont even want us to exit the dating market and fuck plastic dolls
they want us to fucking suffer
well then maybe they should fucking suffer as well
The whore says"NO SEX ROBOTS! "in the op pic. They dont want to let you live your own life, in their mind, men have no rights and should only exist if they serve women in SOME way
But rape and sexual assault are already highly illegal and one of the most stigmatized acts you can commit? How many fucking seminars and workplace talks and media campaigns and education do they need before they think rape/sexual assault is something that is being adequately addressed?
Are these women fucking starved of oxygen at birth?
no, they're just women
they're naturally brain dead
There is no good argument against sex robots, they say it will change the perception of women? So? By that logic gay guys are insulting to women when exist ing. And they know that none of the robo pussy enthusiasts would ever interct with real woman anyway, so how does his perception of women count as some opressive thought to them, they wouldnt know he exists
why do people assume an equal share of sex always means rape?
there are many ways to incentivize women to fuck dudes other than chad, like legal prostitution or tax credits for staying in long term relationships so they don't sleep around.
>sex workers are not a commodity
That is possibly the most stupid thing I have ever read in my life. What on earth do you think sex workers are selling?
>Tax credits for LTRs start up
>Chad walks around paying almost nothing with his long time harem of 5 girls
These roasties are so goddamn stupid. political activists for some reason seem to INTENTIONALLY misinterpret words and phrases without actually looking up the definition.
"redistribution of sex" simply means changing the distribution of sex. Instead of 20% of Chads taking 80% of the sex, there can be social pressure and government policies which lead to those numbers changing over time. That's it.
Its funny how whores feel entitled to society fullfilling their every whim, but when they need to have kids so that their nation doesnt die out, they go ful ancap
Rape and sexual assault aren't real if you are Chad. These being 'crimes' are only to punish those not worthy enough for their pussies.
It is in a roastie's biology to punish unworthy males. Unworthy males really aren't ever worthy of any pussy according to them.
That's not how it would work, it would be like the way tax incentives work or marriage. Just 1 couple.
Redistribution of sex would fix many things.
>"redistribution of sex" simply means changing the distribution of sex. Instead of 20% of Chads taking 80% of the sex, there can be social pressure and government policies which lead to those numbers changing over time. That's it.
That is literally what the roasties are talking about. And if you don't see what is wrong with that then you're actually retarded. The only way the government would influence those numbers is by pimping out women. Even then they can still refuse to fuck you, and if they can't then that's sex slavery. Imagine your mom, sister, oneitis, or even your grandma being pimped out.
>violent demands
>It's violent to want women not to be fucking only Chads.
Imagine though if you did redistribute it.
You'd get an elimination of the incel violence and hate, and you'd get a population increase rather than decrease, and more guys now with a woman or even family to support and incentive to work and contribute to society.
Are women commodities? No of course not, but you can't deny that if this were done, the country and economy would benefit. And isn't that what civilization has traditionally been? Men and women accepting sacrifice of things like their rights or their choice to work, in order for a nation to prosper?
>the only way the government would influence those numbers is by pimping out women
No, they could just cut benefits and gross and unfairly female-favoring legal system. If a woman couldn't just get free resources from the government, and getting divorced put her out on her ass, you better believe women are going to be a hell of a lot more careful in the dating game with Big Brother Government spoon feeding them resources, and not just cluster to top guys.
>posting a retarded 'opinion' on social media simply for likes
it's acceptable because he met some girl that will have sex with him
why do these people think 'incel' is a belief system?
who made up that shit term? we should have stuck with 'permavirgin' that is much more descriptive
>changing the distribution of sex
>there can be social pressure and government policies which lead to those numbers changing over time
what policies?
Jackyn's jewtits should be redistributed.