Jow Forumstard hate thread

Get in here and discuss how to deal with the brainlet menace robots, post anti retard imagery if you have any.

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anti-Jow Forums is as annoying as Jow Forums. Go fuck yourself and then post this thread on Jow Forums, where it belongs.

Whats funny is you people are just more thin skinned. Say on small thing, not even meaning to be offensive and you screech go back to Jow Forums. This isn't a safe space, go away.

Former Jow Forumstard here. They say once you take the redpill you can't go back, but I did. The redpill is a joke and it's a bunch of bullshit. I can't stand that board anymore, it's a fucking dictator circlejerk

I'm actually banned from Jow Forums for triggering the sensitive retards

>radical leftists continually try to claim their posts aren't political and Jow Forums is exclusively nazis

It's impossible to get banned from Jow Forums unless you spam shit or post pony. Hell I see off topic or threads meant to trigger Jow Forums spammed there all the time and those people still dont get banned or cut.

>it's a joke
>based entirely on facts

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Niggers and Spics use so much welfare that without them in America we'd have zero government debt.

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I didn't. I made a thread calling republicans republishits and attached a picture of michelle wolf.

A mod must have gotten triggered because they banned me for a month and said

>Do not attack other users. You may challenge others, but must keep it civil.

Shut up Jow Forumstard. Keep your racebait threads on Jow Forums where they belong.

Niggers have lower intelligence than white people.

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kek i got banned for 3 days for making a nigger hate thread, it was considered "offtopic and not related to politics"

Shut up libtard. You're the ones who came up with racebaiting with your constant cuck threads day in and day out.

Niggers are much more criminal compared with whites.

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>Makes a spam thread
>Spam thread in question is low quality and not even original, gets posted all the time
>Actively uses the fallacy of ad hominem attacks to try and get a point across
>Gets banned
>lol they just triggered

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>The goal of the online campaign was to make gullible men feel like all of their problems in life are caused by minorities. When they found an example of anti-white sentiment, they blew it out of proportion. When they couldn't find one, they fabricated it themselves. They'd barrage you with worthless links and misleading statistics and force you to refute it line-by-line.[8] Essentially, it's a psychosocial tactic where you perseverate on every real and perceived slight against you, with the ultimate aim of giving yourself permission to do something horrible. If you've ever read Mein Kampf, the entire book is essentially Hitler's collected wounds which he would then use to justify slaughtering Europeans. Islamic terrorists and white supremacists also use these recruitment strategies. They just disagree on which groups should be eliminated (even then not as much as you'd think).

This is the major problem with you people. You like to go all the way to fast. You don't know how to spoon feed and let people come up with their own conclusions.

Too be fair whites are targeted more in todays society and blacks get away with shit cause its evil whiteys fault.

But free speech? But Jow Forums is not a hivemind? Just admit you can dish it out but can't take it.

yeah the white men are so oppressed by evil CNN saying bad things about drumpfy

Spamming shit and drowning out others isn't free speech. If you say something like that a couple of times in a thread nobody gives a shit, make the 6th thread that day about fuck replicunts then your going to get banned.

Not just CNN dipshit. Hell look what happened recently with starbucks. Two blacks refuse to leave the store cause they arn't buying anything, even provoke them to call the cops. They do call the cops and everyone is saying they dindu nuffin and now they are somewhat famous, the person who runs the store stepped down cause they were about to be fired and now all the starbuck employees have to take a special day to learn not to be racist.

I made a single thread you moron. Nice mental gymnastics. Just admit you're the new SJW's.

how is that in any way oppressing wh*teoids? A private company avoided a PR nightmare

oh and trolls made free starbuck coupons for blacks and the people working at starbucks thought they were real.

this, faggots are too scared to post on Jow Forums so they cry here lmao bitch niggas

just a few days ago Jow Forumstards were getting triggered because some black girls won a NASA competition or something and trying to rig the voting

sensitive retards

You may of made a single thread but they get that all the time when I used to visit a couple of months back. And if we are the new SJW's do you see us firing people over wrong think, pushing new laws to take away freedoms and causing riots? Do you see us as the majority in the media?

And if you gave black panther a negative review a bunch of people and the site rotten tomatoes says you are racist, a bunch of blacks torture handicapped person they get off easy, a cop shoots a dangerous black person, god forbid you critisize the left and sjws freak the fuck out ignoring gang crime in general and a bunch of other fucking things.

>rational wiki said it therefore it's true
That's even less accurate than stormfront

Yes that's stupid cause awards mean shit now a days and Jow Forums should know this by now but you got to know they were probably on the list anyway for being stronk black womyn.

you know people, trying to say one side is bias by using their own bias source.

>And if you gave black panther a negative review a bunch of people and the site rotten tomatoes says you are racist,
When did Rotten Tomatoes call anyone racist for giving black panther a low score? Why are you making these clearly uninformed claims?

Even less accurate than Wikipedia I mean

just search it up yourself lazy dipshit, its well known it happened. Here are some random sources. I just had enough of talking to you people. Heh... after all its not about trying to prove you wrong, you people are a lost cause anyway

make a quality thread attacking pol and its ideals, not some turbo triggerd shit spam thread lmao
it should be easy if pol is so evil right?

>its a retard too lazy or too stupid to use google

Do you know what rotten tomatoes, the website is? Where on rotten tomatoes do they have a list of racist reviewers you dipshit? Why do you make patently false claims and then pretend you didn't?

>being this seethingly retarded

>making nonsensical statements and then pretending you didn't when called out on them


>banned from Jow Forums
Only way to get banned from 4/pol/ is to post illegal shit or spam off-topic threads like an autist, you'd never be banned simply for expressing your faggy leftist opinions. I only wish it were a hugbox like you claim, low-effort bait threads flood the catalog constantly.

>Jow Forumstard
newfags, always so easy to spot.