Lived 18 years of my life never interacting with a single male outside of class projects and Jow Forums

>lived 18 years of my life never interacting with a single male outside of class projects and Jow Forums
>starting to believe I have an irrational phobia of interacting with the opposite sex since I'm completely fine when I'm around other girls like myself
>not even a lesbian, neither am I asexual, nor do I have daddy issues

Attached: IMG_2511.jpg (500x315, 28K)

I'll be your bf OP, it's okay I'm a 28 year old man and I'll be gentle but rough enough to make your giny get all tinkly.

Nice larp fag
Go away

are you saying you're 18 or that its just been 18 years of your life that way?
im same but male but im 26 and 18 is too young for me.

in my experience if possible try to seperate the gender from the person and just think of them as a human instead of as a male, it sounds dumb but it works

As a guy I've never felt that any female would give a fuck about me, particularly considering how little my own mother cared about any interest of mine
You're probably okay
I'm not though

I can smell the ops pussy from here

what about your daddy desu im sure youve interacted with him

>18 is too young
lol you've been cucked by feminists faggot, you probably prefer post-wall (((milfs))).

Do what I do
Talk online anonymously
It's easy to talk behind a screen
Then maybe you can ease into people irl

im an alcoholic so if someone cant legally drink here i cant be comfortable with them

They're just too immature

You need a severe treatment. Lock you in a room with 5 heterosexual male models for 24 hours and see what happens. All of which specifically instructed to include you in all conversations at all times.

(Not OP) W-where do I sign up for this treatment?

Local gaybar you homo.

Just give me your number bby ;)

Not Op but I'm gonna try this, thanks. Stuff like this is what keeps me coming back to this depraved cesspool

I'm a man who feels that way about women.
I'm also 31.
God I hope I die soon.

OP this is cute

That also sounds easy but isn't

>you will never be understanding and comforting until OP gets over her fear of men enough that she can abandon you for Chad