How do I get a boyfriend if I'm really ugly?

How do I get a boyfriend if I'm really ugly?

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You suck a lot of dick, let him fuck you from behind every time, and if he feels like punching you in the face or tells you to make pig sounds or wear a pig mask you let it happen without question.

Thats if you have a pussy. If you're a dude, save up for some plastic surgery/hormones or just resign to a life of fapping

literally just have a vagina

Well, you better be either rich or have a REALLY good personality.

Male or female, btw?

sexy smell? I mean, can you be more specific? What kind of ugly? Like you went through a Star Trek transporter in a lightning storm, horribly deformed ugly, or just coyote ugly?

Hygiene??! Are you young?? (turnon right there)

2 words
Plastic Surgery

1. post your picture and ask
2. pick your favorite man from the 200 respondents

Stop being picky...

Looks dont matter for women

Just be confident m8, works every time.

how about don't be really ugly
so many posters on r9k have this intense complex where they can't understand that they could look AT LEAST 5/10 if they put in the effort (that everyone else already does) to get themselves to look good, barring they have some massive, obvious disfigurement

well if you're a female all you have to do is make sure they know you exist

are you a dude my man?

alright i'll help you out (stacy here)
take a shower, have self confidence, smell nice, and above all, just be yourself. it's that easy

i'm sure you'll get one soon sweetie ;)

just pretend to be a sexy trap

the easiest way is probably to be a dominatrix

The supply of submissive men is vastly higher than the demand of women who want to be dominant. There is this massive population of submissive guys searching desperately for someone to fulfill their desires. Many of them are very handsome, and would be absolutely willing to get with a girl who is not necessarily on their level

Just don't be fat, that's the main thing. This is something that's entirely under your control, luckily for you

dont be a pussy post a pic or sage

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Do not post pictures of yourself on Jow Forums.
Do not post threads asking for pictures of other users.

All "rate me" and camwhoring threads belong on /soc/.

origani killer you cant get me

Indeed a stacy.

Be really nice and soft.

>Stacy here
Sure you are.

Be a nice and caring person.
I've become attracted to girls I previously had absolutely no attraction to because of how nice they were.

Of course I never acted on this because I am a coward, but I'm there are other guys out there who would feel the same.

this so fucking much, the girl I hated because of her massive nose I ended up loving because she was a fucking angel

pics timestamp or gtfo

This. There are so many shitty women in the world, especially women.

Just be nice but be wary of people potentially using you because male assholes like to target nice girls

All women can get laid and start romantic relationships with men superior to them in terms of looks, money and status even if said women are ugly as fuck, mentally ill and/or despite having low status

Calling BS on these posts, niceness doesn't matter unless you're already hot. Being kind won't necessarily make anyone want to love you.

Been trying this approach for years, still can't get results. That, and I'm afraid I'll be rejected for my looks. I don't know how to spot single submissive guys in real life. The ones at BDSM munches are usually taken or older than me by 20 years

>Calling BS on these posts, niceness doesn't matter unless you're already hot. Being kind won't necessarily make anyone want to love you.

You're projecting female values onto men.
Both genders doing this is the reason there is so much misunderstanding these days.

I'm not projecting shit, I'm going based off what's happened to me. Being nice hasn't made me more appealing, but it would if I were hot.

You don't.
You stay in this pit with the rest of us where you belong.

be a biological female
originally, i might add

You could talk to me, I am submissive as fuck, but chances are you're just like the rest of them and would ghost. Something like "oh, I'll add you tomorrow user :^^)" or no excuse at all.
You don't want a boyfriend that badly.

It's not going to be the case for every guy, but it definitely is for some.
I've had oneitis for several years now over a woman I thought was quite unattractive when I first met her, but developed feelings for after spending time around her and seeing what a kind person she was.

The type of guys who are going to be like this are most likely ones who aren't used to seeing and especially receiving kindness from women, so they're probably not going to be particularly attractive in the first place, and are probably unlikely to express any feelings they have to you.