Why are asian women so obsessed with white guys?

Why are asian women so obsessed with white guys?

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They're retarded, asian guys have higher IQ and more money. Also more loyal.

only a nominal difference in IQ and wealth, the physical trade off however is astounding

if you have kids with asian man, you're essentially condemning your children to dwarfism

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Because all women love the BIG WHITE COCK

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Short people have longer lives. Pumping blood through a titanic frame really takes it's toll on the heart.

kek, bitter manlet detected. So easy to find you little fuckers out.

Except, ironically, white women.

Actually taller people, on average, tend to live longer. Height is generally a symbol of health and a solid upbringing.

>Short people have longer lives
a total of what? 1-2 extra years? age becomes meaningless once you reach a certain point that it renders you unable to reproduce and left feeble

there is ultimately no difference between 70 years or 100

Every study shows that white women, out of every race, are the least likely to racemix.

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>azn women are pure qts
They're so shitty that the birthrate in Japan is fucked to oblivion.

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Guys, I really want a Japanese gf. What do I do?

blacks steal from whites

whites steal from asians

asians don't steal because that is wrong

*asians steal from blacks

>bigger dicks
>actual personalities
>pretty eyes
>family isn't crazy
>act manly

Lived in Japan for almost 10 years when I was younger
Majority of Japanese women under the age of 24 are drooling retards who will give attention to anything over 5'10/ with blonde hair and blue eyes

All women are drooling retards, silly billy.

Actually whites and asians are very very close in wealth in the U.S, here's the average net worth by race. Only koreans/Japanese have a higher average I.Q than whites, and it's only by 1-3 points, overall Europe has a higher average I.Q than Asia. I also doubt they're more loyal, in Asia it's common for men to cheat on their wives, but divorce rarely happens becuase of cultural reasons.

Tell me more about this. Were they not good quality women and do whites really get super powers over there?

Here's the graph, depending on the study done useally whites are slighty higher in wealth or asians are slighty higher.

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Lower IQ high test is more attractive to women.

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I wouldn't call running to another country because you're too unattractive for own women is "acting manly"

It depends on where you are, places like Tokyo and Osaka are easier to get attention from jap women on average but places such as Okinawa are the go to for dumb Asian sluts who love white dick

I browse that sub. 100% of the time if a girl's doing something with a dude it's a white guy. 100% of the time. It's mind blowing.

I have seen enough coal burners to not believe this

>Were they not good quality women
not really, I mean sure a lot of them are good looking but gaijin hunters are always mentally ill freaks
>do whites really get super powers over there?
you are basically seen as a fetish object, it's interesting to be seen as an exotic dildo but it gets tiresome after awhile

Is it only white guys that become demi gods? I'd love to visit, but I'm black and don't want to end up wasting my time.

how is it that blacks have been in the country just as long as whites yet they're so poor? is there a demographic within blacks that makes it so bad? modern day hispanics and asians are pretty new to the country

Dating != casual sex

Women will more than happily fuck what they cannot date, for whatever reasons.

>my anecdotal observations outweigh facts

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>feels before reals
No moron. White women don't racemix.

As long as you're not ugly and are tall yeah

>Dating != casual sex
That is exactly what it is. Next you're going to say recreational drug use isn't drug abuse.

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>Not ugly
Ok cool

Maybe next life

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I could see this
I live in a major city and see them daily. At least a dozen mud sharks live near me. I see them usually at stores with their little half orcs. One is actually German lmao
Yes they do, in fact they race mix more than probably any other race of women.

I don't but I really need the source. Gif obviously related.

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Is that what the statistics say? Nope, your city is an outlier. You got memed yellow fever faggot.

>5'10 barefoot
>blond, blue eyes
>pale as a ghost
>somewhat pretty/handsome face
>skinny, boyish body

Literally drowning in Asian clunge. Married girls, taken girls, single girls... literally does not matter, they will suck your dick for days in a hotel before you tell them to fuck off.

Get over there and ask a few local teen girls to be your tour guide for a few days. It's LITERALLY as easy as that.

>Where will we sleep, Mr user, the floor is so cold and hard

6'5" Chad coming through. I guess I just gotta get my hair blonde again. Thanks, user.

Fug! :D that is something. Sauce?

A desire for "normalcy" via integrating oneself into a parent culture, biological need to shoot for the highest status king of shitheap mountain, muh aryan genetics, chalk it up to whatever you want my man. In my experience as a yellowboi born in America and frequently traveling between China, Vietnam, Korea, and Japan on business (mostly for pleasure when it comes to Japan though since I post on fucking Jow Forums), the stereotype holds true, but not to the extent that gets memed. Western girls, being raised in a western nation with a western culture, obviously identify as western and go for western men, the most obviously predominant phenotype of which is white. Eastern girls, being raised in an eastern nation with an eastern culture - and so on and so forth. While outliers might exist within the east and west, people will predominantly want to stick to their own.

You could go into how globalisation plays a part on the topic, but I think the effects are a bit overstated - especially for something as trifling as people deciding to blanda upp.

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I.Q is the biggest reason. Wealth is heavily correlated with I.Q..

yeah you don't have to be particularly tall just have a caucasion pehnotype and be not disgusting is enough for most local girls in asia

>in fact
>was just shown that the facts directly contradict that

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Remember average height for women there is like literally 5'1, they're fucking tiny and petite as fuck. I would say I'm kind of borderline at 5'10, luckily I look taller than I am due to being skinny and boyish looking.

Average height for men is like 5'5-5'7.

Globalization and colonialism. Believe it or not, us Asians get Jew'd as hard as you guys do.

even if you are short as fucc it doesn't matter much due to scarcity

90% of asian girls want a white bf or white dick and there are not enough white guys to go around, I mean I am pretty ugly and 5'7 and still had harems when I was in Asia, being rare increases your value

He's right you know. I see tons of WFBM couples in my majority white city in located in SoCal.

Asian are white people on steroids, I mean have you seen Asian feminism?

>my anecdotal observations from living in a degenerate shithole city means all white women everywhere are coal burners
>it's not like I'm focused on the coal burners and ignore all the others because I'm a cuck, it's their fault!

another piece of anecdotal evidence, that'll really convince that user that was skeptical of anecdotal evidence. good job.


We have the lowest crime rate nationwide retard. it's also a city located in the middle of bumfuck nowhere.

>degeneracy means crime

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Why did asian women evolve to be attractive to white men?

>black/browns can come to white countries
>whites can go to Asian/brown/black countries

Where can Asians go to be hot foreign fuck toys? Like they literally can go nowhere, they are only fuckable in their homelands and even there their women barely tolerate them.

Asians are only marginally above Pajeets, I feel sorry for Asian dudes, I don't feel sorry for Pajeets though.

Dude dont you know latin america is where asians go
They love you guys.

Are you in this thread senpai?

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I suspect that they only notice white Chads and don't think about all the other whites.
There are Asian Chads too but Asian women are likely to have been around both the Chads and the less attractive Asians so they get the illusion that whites are usually Chads while Asians have a normal distribution.
I'm pretty sure that Asian women worship Asian Chads when they meet them. However when it's an Asian Chad they won't think about his race, they'll just see a hot Chad. When they see a white Chad they'll notice his race a lot more.
Also if they're in the West, there's a lot more white Chads just because there's more whites.
I don't think it's a case of Asian women being so attracted to white guys but really it's just all about Chad like always.

its been proven that cute asian women will go for any white guy no matter how deformed.

You can use a stat sheet like an autist but even the kikes use stat sheets to skew data. You are complacent.

White women are, in fact, whoring around this minute to other races. You can like to believe that is not the case (hell I wish that was not the case), but you would be lying to yourself.

Some bitches cuck out themselves for the tall, dark, and handsome meme.

I've literally seen a sperg tier, greasy haired, acne ridden, emaciated, bespectacled white guys with genuinely hideous facial features walking hand in hand with a actually gorgeous little Asian qt.

And this girl wasn't even checking other guys or nothing, she was doting over this guy, gooey over him.

Guy looked like something from the sex offender shuffle video.

That was the day I realized white fever was real amongst Asians.

you realise tall dark and handsome refers to someone like sean connery right?
Its also a meme that originates from hair dye ads.

>tall, dark, and handsome is strictly white Scotsman
Yeah, explain that logic to women bro.

I think you saw imaqtpie in public with his gf lol

Some would say slavery but the same shit happens in countries where they were just brought in to be nice to them.

its not referring to niggers you dumb ass retarded faggot

Trying to find this video that i think has been scrubbed from the internet.
Some comedian basically wore make up that turned him into a hideously defigured man.
He then went and asked hot asian women for sex,
They said just because he was white.
Even to the comedians surprise.

A white non-Chad will extremely rarely have any advantage from being white as long as they're in the West. He faces the same competition regardless of the race of the girl. I was talking about being in the West but when whites go to Asia sure it can be different.
I was kv until 25 when I went to Asia and every single girl I asked out on tinder said yes and I didn't even have time for them all but I think it was only a small portion of the girls there that I had the advantage with. However I think that those girls liked non-whites from the West too (though I'm not sure).

You don't get it. Asian women view ordinary white guys more positively than chad.
Sure a white chad could theoretically bang the top tier asain but hes just as likely to get rejected for the nerdy white guy.
Because asian women associate intellectual and white guys with status and success.
If you are both you are swimming in the finest pussy of asia.

What about all that with brown hair and brown eyes?

I've seen genuine betas with gorgeous Asian girls, literally stunning little qts.

If you see an Asian girl with an Asian guy or an Indian guy, just fucking ask her to fuck right there, give her your number and whisper in her ear to call you for some BWC.

She will. She will fuck you. I swear to Christ Asian women are addicted to white cock, regardless of how hideous you are.

I mean if you're pale, you should be okay. Blue/green eyes is always a huge boon with non-white girls, but you should be more than okay.

Absolutely hilarious. The data doesn't match your worldview so da joos skewed it.

Who es this?

That's based on incorrect memes. They're just not as crazy about whites as cuckposters spam about. No one likes unattractive men.

Dude on the left looks like he's about to get revenge on Raiden for killing his dad at the end of MGR.

I don't know but I'm not complaining. Feels good man.

I don't really care about the fact they like to chase white guys, but what triggers the fuck out of me is when they get mad when they see Asian guys dating a non-Asian girl. I was walking with a blonde Stacey and when we passed by these 2 Asian Staceys, they turned and glared at me. I'm not even dating her, literally a friend's gf. When I did get a white gf, my cousin freaked the fuck out about how I was "betraying my heritage" among other bullshit, despite the fact she only fucks white guys.

My GF is happa and she says it's not so much a preference as it is that there are just a a lot more white guys. We're East Coast so maybe it's different on the west coast and in Australia where there are a lot more large Asian communities.

His gf really isn't attractive at all. I mean sure, better looking than him but he's basically an ogre.

It's because they have a deeply rooted inferiority complex where they place asians, the group that they belong to, below whites. They resolve this internally by convincing themselves that it's only asian men who are inferior. Seeing you with a white girl erodes the mental hierarchy they've created to preserve their own sense of self-worth despite their belief in asian inferiority

say that to his face fucker not online see what hapen

>go on japan tinder
>make a fake tinder w a 6-7/10 white guy
>no likes or matches
>change my preference to men
>10+ matches within 30 minutes


>I will never forget Yahiko's pain

How will I do as a redhead?

isnt it the other way around since kids come from the guy since everyone starts off as a sperm so if a white dude has sex with an asian woman he condemns his kids?

Australian fag

This picture is the reality, don't racemix.

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Most chinks are hideous, the only more disgusting thing I can think about is dating a nigger

These are set up so that it would be almost impossible to get any other result.

>majority of whites live in rural or suburban locations
>majority of Asians live in urban or suburban locations
>this means whites who live in some mountain are weighed just as much as an Asian living in downtown LA
>"Asian" also includes pacific Islanders and southeast Asians with an IQ of around 90, even though the genetic distance between northern and southern Asians is greater than that between Europeans and Arabs.
>Flips are known to be ghetto whores
>If you look at marriage statistics for specific NEA races let's say chinese and ignore WMAF they race mix less. Only 0.3% of chinese women are married to blacks compared to 2.0% of white women.
source on the last bit.

lol face it white women aren't the princesses you think.
Waste of time. I studied there. Blacks are viewed as an amusing freak show and only get hookers. All the most popular guys at my college were white. There are maybe some exceptions but you'd do better with white weebs.

Why the fuck does Jow Forums only talk about Asians these days?

Who does? I don't see very many black/asian couples ever.

>the reality isn't the semi-realistic drawings
>it's the two racist caricatures and a wojak

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Pajeets have no chance of failure because their parents set them up with a wife no matter what. There's nothing to feel sorry for.

Maybe you're just ugly.

Original Sauce#298632

Because a ton of them are massive weeaboos

>this retarded okcupid """infograph""" again
Do you guys simply want it to be true? It's not like any of you would get a girl anyway.

They can get an asian girl if they're white.

t. triggered roastie toastie originally