Maybe it's because women cannot be lonely, ya feminist fucktard

Maybe it's because women cannot be lonely, ya feminist fucktard

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A woman being lonely means she only goes out to drink with her friends once a week or worse is stuck home with her husband and children. How awful.

>Where are the lonely, nerdy women who can't get a date on Tinder?


Someone post that image of that 350 pound fat monster single mother ugly cunt with like 500 responses in 24 hours from tons of chads 10 years younger with huge cocks.

Women will hamster the fuck out of this, as is tradition

the religious susceptibility of our brains is still there, transferred onto some other dumb shit. men have turned to worshipping women

Anyone else remember the article where the woman claimed to be incel but actually got a bf like a month into being "incel" (which apparently to her meant being single)

say what you will about those reddit cretins, at least they have the proof to back up their claims

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No, but I do remember the #femaleincel challenge on Twitter

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I never see pics like this with the gender roles flipped.
If those women had anything to their arguments, wouldn't they be able to make a gnarly looking male profile and still get flooded with messages like this?

This so much.

Women are so used to being showered with attention that if their extremely high expectations are not met, they'll think they're lonely. Sort of like how a millionaire will feel poor in a room of billionaires.

For a guy, being alone means being alone. As in literally no one else in their lives. For a woman such a thought is incomprehensible, they are literally incapable of understanding what it is to be alone.

>no friends K-12
>constantly bullied/ostracized throughout
>parents resent me and go out of their way to make me miserable
>spend most days alone in my room with nothing to do (no books, tv, games etc.)
>start college (at 20, spent 2 years NEET locked in my room alone)
>people are actually nice
>eventually talk to girl (3/10, legit fucked up face) who has severe anxiety, literally will break down in tears if professor calls out her name, she's barely functional
>starts telling me how lonely her life was and how she was ignored
>"only" 3 close friends growing up
>"only" had one boyfriend then, in middle school
>she already got a boyfriend while in college but broke up
>complains about only having enough friends to hang out once a week
>asks me about my life
>tell her
>she says she thinks I'm legitimately crazy (to be fair, I am)
>stops talking to me

For the record, other people generally say I'm a 4-5/10

>she says she thinks I'm legitimately crazy
Says the cunt that's less capable of dealing with being alone and dealing with social anxiety.
Her feelings are invalid, and telling her so may fuck her up a bit -- chicks want to be/feel "validated"

There is a lot of hypocrisy there, but it's not intentional. She was just incapable of understanding what being alone truly is, like all women are. To have a level of isolation that is common in men, they assume something is intrinsically wrong with the guy.

Because of this, any perfectly good male WILL be penalized for not having a sufficient amount of friends and gf's in the past. The longer you go being mostly alone the harder and harder it will get to break past this bias. A shy male beta virgin is doomed in todays society, and WILL die alone.

I've already made my peace with this fact, hopefully others also realize it.

It's actually quite liberating coming to terms with celibacy. When you stop being a slave to pussy suddenly life becomes much less stressful.

Exactly, it gives you such a huge boost of confidence too. The reason guys will always act in ways that are socially acceptable is basically because they are concerned with attracting a mate. A lot of lack of confidence is due to the fear of inability, that they will not be able to perform behaviors that are sufficient to attract a mate. The root cause of the lack of confidence is the desire to have sex. Once you understand you will be celibate regardless of what actions you take, the reason for fear disappears and you are free.

What an entitled asshole. Fuck her, live free

>women cannot be lonely
What the fuck does that mean

If men knew how to make and maintain social connections this wouldn't happen.

Men need friends and emotional connections, not just girlfriends or wives.

Lonely like an incel = no friends, no lovers, no one interested in you, no one who really cares whether you live or die.

Lonely for a woman = Chad isn't fucking her, the 300 swipes on tinder are all beta males, and only 3 of her besties are free to do anything

Yeah see you're full of shit.

How the fuck are you blaming women for men not being able to make friends?

HOW do you do it though?

Mainly any woman can get something on Tinder, but furthermore women just don't respond to frustration with outward violence most of the time.

You guys do know that was a fake, right? So gullible.

I think there needs to be a form of social initiation to teach people empathy for the lonely. At some point, you get locked inside a bunker for a period of 1-2 months. You have enough food and water to last you well beyond your isolation period, and have some medicines at your disposal (nothing that can be used as poison in higher dosages). For this time, they have full access to many forms of entertainment. Games, books, music, maybe some (restricted) internet access.
But you are alone. And you will remain alone until they come for you.
If this proves ineffective at instilling empathy, remove the entertainment and double the isolation period.
Perhaps if they had only a glimpse of our lives, they would understand.

The question was "where are the lonely, nerdy women who kill because they can't get a date on Tinder?"

The answer: women can't be lonely.

That's not true though. Your post didn't prove that either.

You're only saying that it's easier for women to make friends than men, which is true, data supports that. But that doesn't mean they can't be lonely.

Does being with friends not remove loneliness in your mind?

They don't experienc true incel-style loneliness.

The kind where it doesn't matter if you exist or not, because no one talks to you, no one's relying on you, no one needs you and no one wants you.

The experience the kind of loneliness where the people around them don't quite understand everything about them, or they can't find the kind of guy they want to date them.


There are no mass-killing angry incel women because women can't be lonely

The emptiness women feel is divine punishement for their immorality and disloyalty to their men.
Its not a coincidence women who refuse to bond with loving men become more and more disturbed to the point they selfdestruct.
Its overdosing on their own bitter ego.

There's no proof for your statements, there's no reason to believe that women and men fundamentally feel different types of loneliness
I think you're just making this up because you're sad and lonely and are mad at women f


Gr8 post, really made me giggle

women cant be alone, there will always be someone there for her, even if she doesnt like said person they are still there and care about the womens existance

hence women cant be lonely
its that simple

This sounds exactly like depressed loneliness, projecting the idea that "no one could possibly feel how i feel" except localized only on women.

You probably spend a lot of time online. Why don't you try making some friends online?

Wouldn't work, they would still know that when they get out they'd come back to friends and family, they wouldn't feel hated or alone, just bored.

women get lonely just lonely for them is having one hundred friends but not a single one is a real friend they can be close with like a man.
So they die inside slowly and painfully.

It's not "I", it's us."

Okay, so, collectively, you believe that women cannot feel what you feel, and that isnt true.

You aren't special or unique in your loneliness, or noble, or better, and they aren't worse.
You're just lonely. Try and make some friends online. Talk about yourself, and ask about them, and become close to them if you can, even if you never meet.

>large group of young men feel attacked and disillusioned with society
>let's attack them more to teach them a lesson!

there was once a point where I honestly blamed myself for my problems but it's become clear over the years that society is flat out trying to get people like us. I will never be able to "improve" myself in a way that will lead to society at large accepting who I am as a person

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hes right though lonely for men and women is different.
Women can't feel the loneliness men feel

>As an autistic transgender woman with non-white features
Stopped fucking reading.

>only just figuring this out
Im so different to so many people I figured this shit out before I was even ten years of age.

They say all this while saying the complete opposite in defense of Muslims in the same breath.

The absolute state of MSM.

That's not true. Scientifically, it's simply not true.
Men are more likely to feel this loneliness because they don't form emotional connections with people as well or as easily as women.

It's why widows llive longer than widowrs after death. An old woman has many friends, an old man does not.

But if men were better taught as children to emotionally share with other men, and to seek emotional support from friends and not just girlfriends or wives, men would be less lonely and not as obsessed with having sex or being with a woman.

This is what soft tyranny looks like. They attack the vulnerable and law abiding because they are an easier target

Yes it is scientifically because men and women have different brains and behaviour.
Anti-science liberal cunt.

This is how patriarchy hurts men.
If you've got a dominant culture telling all the Chads and Stacies how their lives are supposed to be, and telling everyone else that we need to be like them, everyone else will be miserable.

If your whole society and culture tells you "You're a man! Be tough! Why aren't you successful? You're a MAN, aren't you?" and you don't live up to their expectations, you'll feel like a iserable lonely failure even though there's nothing actually wrong with you.

But we can't blame women for this or make them out to be the bad guys. We all suffer in this system and we can all make it better together by understanding each other better.

This is why the "incel" movement being made mainstream is so important. Feminists DO need to talk about why men are so lonely and sad. Feminists NEED to help them, just like we need to help women.
It's the only way to help us all.

I'm telling you right now, with a degree in psycholgoy, that the differences in male and female friendship forming patterns and emotional bonding are not due to brain differences, they're due to socialization differences.

>with a degree in psycholgoy

Which means that women are socialized so that they can't be lonely, so they'll never feel the kind of loneliness an incel would?

>degree in psycholgoy

Wouldn't this be one of the last places someone like you would want to tread if you weren't being paid for it?

Read my post: This stuff is very important to me.

You're being too literal. Im talking generally. Each individual person has a chance to end up a certain way. There's no reason why women with no social connections who feel isolated couldnt exist and they absolutely do.

Women choose the tough man over any other type of men, ergo women determine the success or failure of all men by how they reward their efforts

I'd rather die lonely and sad than get help from feminists.
In fact, I believe that any "help" coming from a feminist is going to cause more damage.

We want the same thing. Reducing the unrealistic and unhealthy standards on men will help all of us.

That's not true.

>Women being unable to get a date on Tinder
No such thing exists

as for why so few women are mass murderers
same reason women attempt suicide and men commit suicide, women just like that drive to actually achieve, they're happy to be sedentary

you dont want what men want. your whole mindset is to harm men you snake

>That's not true.

If it wasn't true then Incels wouldn't even be an actual problem. Women don't want weak men, so it is.

>same reason women attempt suicide and men commit suicide, women just like that drive to actually achieve, they're happy to be sedentary
It's not actually anything to do with "drive" or "being dsedentary" it's because en and women use different methods, women usually choosing methods that will be less messy so anyone who finds them wont have a mess.
These methods are usually less likely to succeed.

I am a man.

They do. Women are not a monolith, They want different things. Think about it. Men have lots of different tastes in women right? Why wouldnt women be the same.

It is because men are aggressive and significantly more likely to be involved in violent crime

yeah surrre you are "male" feminist

>and they absolutely do.
[citation needed]

>They do. Women are not a monolith, They want different things. Think about it. Men have lots of different tastes in women right? Why wouldnt women be the same.

In universe are women attracted to weak men?

Yes? What do you mean?
The point im making is that yes, some women do like men who arent strong or "alpha"

>women usually choosing methods that will be less messy so anyone who finds them wont have a mess.
hahaha what the fuck am I reading?
They choose methods for attention they have no real desire to actually kill themselves, its just yet another play for attention like almost every every other action in their lives up until that point.

wouldn't expect a roastie to understand, self reflection is another skill women don't possess

Women consider more aspects than just "weak or strong" when they're considering potential partners. Most people do.

>Feminists NEED to help them, just like we need to help women
Except they don't, and won't ever. They themselves laugh at and deride incels. They themselves reinforce gender stereotypes in the mating pool by selecting for the Chad who displays all the attributes they naturally find desirable. This is the movement that's broadly opposed to things like domestic violence shelters for men, and has vocal supporters in public (and public office) who openly laugh at the very idea of men's issues being brought up.

You're talking about a group of people who lack any empathy or humanity for those belonging to the out-group, which is basically men, white people, and anyone who doesn't agree with them, and they aren't afraid to show it. The out-group is viewed through a lens of "allies" aka pawns who are happy to undermine their own social capital by submitting, or opponents who need to be socially ostracised and crushed.

This is not a movement that will ever deign to genuinely help men, not in a thousand fucking years.


A tiny amount, leaving many incels completely alone because most women don't want weak men

I am a man.
Most people who attempt suicide are only doing it for attention and not because they actually want to die. That's why I attempted suicide.
The thing is, men tend to pick more violent methods. Women take poison or slit their wrists, men shoot or hang themselves or jump off bridges.
Some things are harder to survive than others.

And again, disclaimer, I'm talking about statisitical trends
Plenty of women shoot themselves, plenty of men poison themselves.

I am a male feminist who works with feminists on men's issues.

>This is not a movement that will ever deign to genuinely help men, not in a thousand fucking years.
yep, wish I could remember her name but one of the famous old school feminists has been ostracised from the feminist community for trying to build mens shelters.

She started off building womens shelters but in doing so discovered there was even less support for men so decided she wanted to help them too and paid the price.

>I am a male feminist

Why aren't you just a feminist?

Think about it.

I only specified that I am male because people in this thread assume that when I say feminist I mean I'm a woman.
I see what you're getting at there though, don't think I don't.

>Women consider more aspects than just "weak or strong" when they're considering potential partners. Most people do.

Fucking someone with "weak" physical appearance but "strong" social standing or wealth doesn't count

And exactly how much attention do they devote to male issues?

Stop imagining all aspects of your personality or worth through the lens of "weak or strong"
Are you kind? Do you have similar interests? Can you hold a conversation about a topic? These things matter to people, More things matter than strength or weakness, and the more you worry about how "weak" you might be, the less you see yourself for who you are and what you're really worth.

Think about something you like about yourself and your personality that has nothing to do with weak or strong. What is it?

Someone set another one up in Arkansas last year. You'll find a plenty of articles on feminist mouthpiece blogs and news sites about how problematic it is. Shit like, "Oh in theory this is a problem, but they should be using the money for women instead."

So what, you want a medal? Even if you've found a few sympathetic feminists in your personal life, you won't change the direction of the movement as a whole. You'll never be anything other than an "ally", just a pawn they can make use of to hopefully influence other men to the cause. And the moment you start questioning the orthodoxy they'll fucking turn on you.

I don't think you can even change standards. We as human beings like to label and quantify everything, sometimes in absolute terms.
This means that we will always set an ideal to aspire for everyone. How could this be changed? It seems impossible to me, as it is human nature.

As of now, the feminist movement has been reaping benefits for females only, while blaming all the evils of the world on men (more specifically, white men), how are men supposed to trust these females?
I personally wouldn't trust them. If they want to change anything while claiming "it is for men's benefit" I would hardly believe that it doesn't benefit women in some way. Moreover, in order to trust them, they would have to show good faith. That means no belittling those men who either by chance or choice ended up being failures (socially, economically, etc). They would have to support their claims with actions. It means nothing if they say things like "It's okay to not be a strong tough man", but they only seek stroung tough men. And I hardly believe that's going to change. Just like I can't feel attracted to fat girls, they aren't going to feel attracted by ugly, fat or skelly guys.

>degree in psycholgoy
That's where i lmaoed at you and stopped reading.

>Where are the lonely, nerdy women who can't get a date on Tinder?

Are normgroids really THIS naive? Holy shit, literally how dare they. Every woman can get dozens of matches without effort, they just don't like 99% of the men they match with since they only want to date up.

Why are men so thirsty in this time in history?

>is 1 month away every year
>I'm like suuuuuuuuch an incel :^)
Women are really just scum.

>yep, wish I could remember her name but one of the famous old school feminists has been ostracised from the feminist community for trying to build mens shelters.
I think you talk about Erin Pizzey.
Pizzey has been the subject of death threats and boycotts because of her research into the claim that most domestic violence is reciprocal, and that women are equally capable of violence as men. Pizzey has said that the threats were from militant feminists.

jesus christ he keeps giving you concrete examples of what effects loneliness for human beings and its played out differently for men and women but your only response is "nuh uh how do you know how i feelz!!"

im starting to believe every meme about women

Because of context of the post, you fucking retard fag.
t. not him and also not a feminist (i can see you'd assume that, brainlet)

Why do you feel that it diminishes your struggle if a woman can experience the same?

>implying the useful idiots who call themselves "male feminists" will ever acknowledge the short comings of their ideology
o im laffin

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I have yet to see any community where women express a variety of selective choices for male partners.

I dont have the study off the top of my head, I think it was a psychology today, but it showed that women are categorically more rigid in tastes for men. Where men dine to entertain vastly more fetishes, for example. There are male communities who jerk off to women wearing diapers ffs. Whenever I go to a female forum I rarely see the "whores for dwarfs" female fetish threads. its just chad chad chad chad. nerdy chad. rich chad. awkward chad. criminal chad.

I know. I just like to vent at them; I hate them so fucking much.

This. Feminism is utter cancer and it is because of feminism and sexual liberation that many of the problems incels face even exist.

>I am a male feminist
You are in good company.

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Ok dude. Stop. You are looking it trough a completely different point of view from the incel.
For the incel their whole life has been marked by dissaproval and the male dominant idea is that the weak are dissaproved. He feels weak. There is nothing he inherently dislikes about himself, or at least there wasn't at the beginning, he was ostracized exactly because he refused to trade off individuality for social comfort at a young age.
Then enters the Chad. He shares something with him. Maybe the same interests or maybe the same social standing or some beliefs, even maybe a similar level of physical attractiveness. And he realizes he thrives in the world, no problem, unlike him. So he starts looking for answers. Why?
And the reason it's always that the Chad had either been very attractive by young age (and had a positive feedback loop for social interaction with his peers) or overcame ostracising thanks to some kind of capital, be it good looks, personality (strong and adequate to the expectations of women and other men), or maybe emotional intelligence. That was the first thing that made him better. And then the incel fixates on that. He feels that "if only I was more xxxx... I could have been happy". And he looks for answers again.
Who made the incel so incomplete or inadequate? Some of them believe that their parents did. Others blame biology. Others their education. Most of them Society as a whole. A very few blame themselves.
Then, when they are trying to change, for the better, they face yet another wall: everyone has had more social experience at this point of their lives. Why is that? In their minds, feminism is to blame, more specifically: sexual liberation.
They also have very childish ideas about love: they want a soulmate, somebody who can understand them on some deeper level, and they go actively looking for " the one" in a time in their lives where everyone else is experimenting with sexuality after having tasted first love. Feminism again.

>Hi there, I'm Chad
Fake and gay.
>This comment is not original
I'm unsurprised.

>incel challenge
>involuntary celibacy challenge
Are people actually this retarded? I refuse to believe anyone is this retarded.

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>This is how patriarchy hurts men.
The patriarchy killed itself before we were born and its corpse has been getting NECROPHILIAC'D for at least a decade. "Progress!"

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>Judah Ben-Israel
>hi I'm Chad
Fake and gay.

Women use their "persuasion skills" to convince men to kill/burglarize/rape/etc people for them. Guess killing people through scheming instead of directly means your hands are clean!

She leaves her husband for a month and has to remain chaste for that time even though shed love to have some fun. How is that not incel? Just because you guys are starving in africa doesnt mean a girl without food for a week isnt hungry

I for one refuse to vote for parties that do not support sex redistribution but continue to dig their hands into my pockets to "redistribute wealth" to things only women care about.
And thus the incel voting bloc is formed.

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Is this bait? Or is it a clever attempt at making robots emphasize with starving Africans?