Question to Americans

Do you ever feel nostalgia for your ancestral homeland despite never having been there? I feel nostalgic for it sometimes but I still love America and don't want to live anywhere else but here. I need to go one day.

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My ancestors came here 14 generations ago. I'm 8th generation living near/at my family farm. I feel nostalgia for that farm

>tfw no Finn gf

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13 generations in Boston, my gran decided to live in Virginia.
As far as I'm concerned, my ethnicity is Boston. I don't feel any nostalgia for any place.

I'm 1st generation but feel a very strong connection to the States. I couldn't really imagine living anywhere else and if someone asks me where I'm from it's not like I say my actual country of origin, but the state where I grew up and lived in for my entire life.

Why would I want to go to that shithole when my parents did the border hopping relay race to get away from it

You're pretty much still Mexican or whatever you are. Of course you feel nothing for a country you're already so close to. Your grandchildren's answer to this question will probably be different.

>muh heritage
Shit like this is why that 56% meme is created

Nope. Mostly because I have no idea where that is.

4th generation but my grandpa was born just after his parents came here and had siblings who were born in the old country. So when I was a kid in the 90s I had living relatives who were first generation immigrants. We went to some cultural events with them and my family is from a very small European country with a sizeable ethnic enclave in my area.

I wouldn't move there, but I guess I feel some nostalgia over the culture because I was exposed to a bit of it.

all of my family has lived in massachusetts since at least the mid 1800's. that's my homeland i guess, and i don't want to leave even though its a liberal faggot hellhole. i'm an irish/polish/italian/anglo catholic mutt, so its not like all my ancestors came from the same homeland.

yes, my family came over 5 gens ago so pretty recent in that my gma's gpa was a foreigner.
i've visited our family in norway denmark and germany and would love to have grown up in norway.
i also go to the extreme of being a farmer back in the viking days and think of how cool it would be to just take life in the most raw form
then i remember how awful it would be to not have modern conveniences like medication and running water.

>ancestral homeland
My parents were immigrants, their parents were immigrants, and their parents were probably immigrants too. I have no clue where my ancestral homeland actually is and I don't plan to do a DNA taste to find out.

Eh not really
Maybe if I go over there one day I'll check the records but for now I don't really care

I have more nostalgia over the city I was born in, and I wish I grew up there. My family lived here for generations, both my parents grew up here, but decided to move out to the boring ass suburbs shortly after I was born, minutes from the city, but only the most boring part of the city.

When I moved out from my parents I moved to the part of the city they lived in. I love it here, but I wish I could have been a cool city kid like in hey arnold. My parent's encouraged it because they miss the area.

what the fuck? you think im gonna start eating maggot cheese because my great great great great great grandpa came from italy?

I don't feel patriotic at all, but I also don't give a shit about my heritage. My mom's side is Irish/Scottish, my dad's side is Greek.
I really don't wanna learn any more fucking languages, english sucks as it is and so do plenty of other latin based languages.
I traveled to Italy once and it was fucking beautiful, but It would be so much work to live there. I guess I feel anchored in burger land.

Ancestral homeland is probably British Isles and yes I've felt some longing but mostly for the Celts and nature worship. Born and raised in the subtropics though (FLfag) and can't imagine living with winter or where wild food is not naturally abundant. FL/southeast US coastal plain is my true home.

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I am Ashkenazi and both my grandparents were from Poland. But can Poland be considered my "ancestral homeland"? Probably not. Israel? Well no, as Ashkenazi have more European blood than Levantine blood. I don't think I have one ancestral homeland. There's nowhere to feel nostalgia for.

When I was young I did. I did eventually get to live there for a brief time as an adult, but by then the romance had faded away. Still, it was surprising how comfortable it did feel. There was a familiarity to being there that I did not really expect, though sometimes things would puncture the notion and I would remember that I was many many miles from home.

I often feel like I have more of a connection to my homeland of China than most of the people living there do. All of my family who immigrated here are full on Uncle Han's who love everything about America and claim it's better than their own country in every way.

I'm the only one who thinks otherwise.

Heaven is our homeland, fellow Ashkenazi.

You don't need to drink cum and taste the DNA you are a mutt so don't bother

I went to visit Ireland when I turned 18 and it seems like a beautiful place. Green, cool, cloudy more often, seems really clear to me that it's where my pale ass was supposed to live, and it's really beautiful.

I don't know, maybe if things go really shit in America, but I don't want to move ever again.

But I'm also German, Italian and Norse so really you'd have to split me into pieces and ship each one to a different country.

Heaven doesn't exist friend

Did you get those quads in Guangzhou (a city in China)?

At first my ancestry was sort of a thing of curiosity.
Now it's sort of a back-up plan in case America goes to shit.
Excuse me, goes to shit even more. Health"care" is such a joke here, we're getting fucked in the ass without lube while the rest of the world gets medicine.

If Trump gets elected again somehow, without Mueller throwing his ass in jail, I will definitely be leaving the states.

I love how Americans claim everything except being american op and posters here are the reason the 56% memes exist

>Americans claim everything except being american
Plenty of Americans claim to be part Cherokee user. That's the actual reason 56% memes exist.

My ancestral homeland is Mexico.

And fuck no. There's absolutely no way in hell I'll be visiting Mexico ever again. The last time I visited was back in 2006 when things over there were still sort of somewhat decent. Never again.

How bad is it there now? I have old friends who live there. They're pretty rich and live the gated community life, but still.

Bye! Bye! Bye bye! Don't come back!

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It's fine, don't believe the white supremacist bullshit spouted by Trumptards and Jow Forums. Just because we're not white doesn't mean that we're bad people, believe it or not.

Well shit I don't know. Just the other day I heard in the news of three students who had nothing to do with drugs nor gangs, but they managed to get themselves kidnapped, tortured, and dissolved in corrosive acid.

Every time I see a video or photos of people over there being skinned, eviscerated, and/or dismembered alive I just go, "no, no, no, no, no." Just the other day I saw someone post on here a .webm of some guy getting slowly chopped up into pieces with a dull machete while he was still alive and conscious.

I am so glad that I wasn't born in Mexico.

That's 'homelands' to you, americano.

My grandfather got one of those DNA test and not only are his ancestors from every slave port in Africa, but there like fire percent irish.

The only place I feel nostalgia for is North Carolina, not the whole of Africa.

Nobody's talking about race, it's the gangs man. Whenever I talk to those people they're talking about this kind of shit;
Which is utterly fucked and the government is doing nothing about apparently.

Don't lie annon
You are already lying about being 56% British,Scottish,French,german

Mexico is a shithole so no
I still visit once every few weekends because my family is there but just looking at the streets fills me with disgust because it's clear IN THE FUCKING INFRASTRUCTURE that nobody gives a fuck.

Brazil also has "free" (read: paid for by massive taxes that will be paid by YOU) healtcare and yet it still manages to be dirt poor and shitty.

Do you really think whatever slimeball the Dems will cough up in 2020 will do anything but rally on pure identity politics with zero in the way of actual policy and fuck up harder than Clinton?

I don't want to see half the nation's politics careen into despair Enoshima would envy but at the same time it's cathartic to see the pride and fall of a party that thought they were on the verge of perpetual power.

no, I've been to europe and it sucks.

The people are really full of themselves, everyone is wearing skinny jeans, the roads are tiny, the cars are tiny, everything feels small and claustrophobic compared to the US, no one smiles like they do in the US so when you walk around it feels like everyone is glaring at you, everyone like sports way too much, and it's overall just a shitty, cold place filled with smarmy assholes

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No. I don't really know what ethnicity my uber great-grandfather was, and I don't give a shit either. I'm American, plain and simple, y'hear?

I'm pretty mixed and my biggest ancestral homelands would be the Philippines and Germany. In the current state of the world, hell no. I'd like to go to Germany but not so much anymore. I like America, I couldn't see myself living anywhere other than here.

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