Do you ever stop and questioning just how absurd, scary and retarded reality is...

Do you ever stop and questioning just how absurd, scary and retarded reality is? Why are we born to procreate and spread our genes? Why are we programmed to die through shit like cancer? Why does life even exist? Why is this universe "real"? What is the point of existence and what kind of fucked up god would make their creation suffer like this? Why is our universe doomed as a momentary existence given that in the far distance future everything will die because of entropy? Are we real or are we just programmed to believe we are real and our complex structure of neurons merely fools us into thinking we are a "self" with a soul? What happens to us and everything around us when we die? Why can't I stop procrastinating during finals week? Why do I like to jack off to Gardevoir?

Sometimes I feel I truly understand those who choose to kill themselves out of despair for their existence because really, why even put up with all this shit?

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I haven't actually
You never understand what your role is in this world and if it really makes a difference. You could disappear and no one would even know or care. Money is the power of this world and if we wanna live we're gonna need it. Are we slaves in this society? We're forced to get jobs to survive. No more freedom exists here as everyone is soon to lose it one day. And yet those who decide not play by these rules get punished, for what? Trying to live their own life instead of living one under other people? Really? This shit makes me sad, this is the life that we have to live, and it's nothing more than this.
Why even bother?

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It feels good, my boy

You gotta answer those questions yourself my man.

Well op the way i see it is that if youre just going to suffer your whole life its pointless.
If you get to enjoy it is not pointless.
The people who killed themselves suffered their whole lives and predicted that it would not get better.

But without society and cooperation, you wouldnt be shitposting on your computer which is a product of humans interacting under a scientific and capitalist system of cooperation that led to its creation.

lol so what. what value does this "creation" have other than to make us miserable and disconnected.

This is the shit that makes me death anxiety so bad.
I think about death. I think about how we are literally programmed to continue our species like every other animal, we just have the """honor""" of having individuality and identity so I can know that in the great world, I am nothing. Time to not be able to sleep and hyperventilate

You'll never have a satisfying answer to any of those questions, so why ask them? It's important to introspect and ask these sorts of questions to be able to break free from societal expectations. Beyond this function though, they're a mental crutch that prevents you from performing meaningful action.

Oh and there is no god. Might as well pull off that band-aid while you're young.

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>there is no god

Was a hardcore atheist too but after some time I realized it's a 50% chance there is.

Certainly no god mankind has invented, christian or muslim or Zeus or whatever. The fucker is a being beyond all human comprehension and certainly does not have human values or behavior. I think it is more of a creator. It was the first spark, the big bang. Now it just observes or has left or maybe, has died. Who knows...

Yeah but you eventually admit to yourself nihilism is a meme or you decide to actually act logically consistent and an hero. Nihilists who don't kill themselves are annoying because they don't even believe their own bullshit.

I have those thoughts all the time. I do drugs to make them stop.

Maybe there is a God but its the mean old testament God that constantly punishes you...

I entertain a similar notion about the possibility of God. Consciousness exists, it is a property of the universe, so it is reasonable to think that there are "higher" forms of consciousness that could go all the way up to the conscious creator of reality itself.

I mean, that or there's nothing and our consciousness is a fluke of pattern recognition. Whatevs.

Sure but if there is some sort of creator whose existence you'll never be able to confirm, then why not live as if that creator doesn't exist.

And don't try to give me that afterlife nonsense. That's just a sweet lie priests whisper in to old ladys' ears so they'll be alright living with their abusive husbands and continue putting $10 in the basket every Sunday.

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Congratulations, you have discovered existentialism. There is a lot of materiale you could read on this, if you want.


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>you'll never be able to confirm

You don't know that yet. We might, in the future.

But yeah, absolutely do as you will. I don't think "it" gives a shit one way or the other.

For me the most scary thing is how you only have one chance for everything in life. If you have some defects you have to live it through whole life. And there will be no restart, no other life where you are handsome, rich, inteligent and loved.

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What does existentialism say i should do?

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>no other life where you are handsome, rich, inteligent and loved.
Relieve yourself of these desires or you'll have to do this all again

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>you don't exist
>an unspecified amount of time later
>suddenly you are born
>you die
>you don't exist
>an unspecified amount of time later

We've been on this ride for a long, long time my man.

Read "The Stranger," It's really boring but then gets really good. And it pertains to your dilemma.

>your born
>live a shit life
>die a meaningless death
>be reborn
>live a another shitty life

God fucking dammit, can I just die permanently

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>Oh and there is no god. Might as well pull off that band-aid while you're young.
th-th-thanks rick

I don't understand why the Buddhist cycle of death and rebirth is comforting to anyone. It means life is hell or, at best, Limbo.

That's kind of the point, with nirvana being freedom from being reborn. It's lose-lose, neither permanent death nor infinite recurrence are particularly comforting.

When I think of these things it usually ruins my night and i cant sleep

>Le Stranger XDDD Such a deep book! My wifes son told me everything about it after he read it in highschool

Maybe you have right, i should give up on comparing myself to others.

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It sounds like OP is in High School. You've never read it, I assume. I also enjoyed le Catch-22 XDXD.

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The answer to all your teenager existentialism questions is: nihilism

>life is without a objective
>there is no propose
>there is no intrinsic value

When you truly understand the above a new life begins, pure hedonism is the only reason to be alive. Your own enjoyment and pleasure is the only thing that matters, remember that there is no inherent morality, and that accepted moral values are abstractly contrived.

Im not ok with that.
Im not ok with a portion of the population from each generation being culled because thatd affect my lineage.
Even if i became chad by some sort of miracle.



source on op video pls

>when you're a 17 year old who got over his 16 year old nihilism and found a newer, shittier nihilism

baby finds out about nihilism
don't forget to tip your fedora on the way out

Point of live is a total anarchy , you choose what you want and work with what you have to achieve it .

The issue with life isn't what it is, OP. The issue with life is what you're going to do with it.

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>that feeling when Jesus saves your immortal soul from this dying world

Really whoever want this or not, this is final redpill.
Only faith keeps me on this world. If i was a atheist i would not hesistate to commit suicide.

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It gives you another type of connection , you replace physical with virtual , also gives you more options of connecting .

>one day my cars and videogame collection will be reduced to nothing as the universe collapses back on itself

This scares me more than death, to be quite honest family.

I sometimes try to Imagine it from the perspective of others, or even animals, imagine being a cow and not knowing your whole species exists to feed humans

maybe they are just scared of death and their lives aren't terrible, while realising how utterly pointless it all is.

>woke up feeling okay
>open this thread because of porn
>having massive panic attacks again

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I also wonder this, but there's no point in it because you'll never know. I believe ghosts exist though

Pic related
Now shut up, go get laid and start a family

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people that post this image are faggots
there are provable abstract truths.

I thought once you reached "enlightenment" you didn't come back? Not that boned up on buddhism desu.

You keep coming back until you reach enlightenment, correct. You earn your right to not exist anymore.

Go downstairs and enjoy your 15th birthday party Timmy.

The point is that none of that matters. You don't have time to worry about the whys of the universe unless you are going to dedicate your life to it.

No there isn't, they rely on unprovable assumptions

you can have tautological systems that are 100% provable. stop being a mathlet

Prove that anything outside of what you directly sense exists, and prove that your senses don't lie to you. You can't, we have to assume these things first

>he can't have abstract thoughts
branlets, gentlemen

What does that have to do with proving "reality"

it is the abstract tautological structures embedded in the logical structures of the informational universe that gives rise to the physical

Thank you so freaking much

Or at least the perception of "physical"

no im usually looking for good asian footporn
no pixel shit

Anyone have sauce on these milkers?

What a wacky religion.