Who here /namelet/?

Who here /namelet/?
>tfw white man called Trey

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Are you sure you're white, Trey?

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I have a friend, 100% Austrian. Literally looks like the guy on the "Der Deutsche Student" poster.

Motherfucker's name is Kobe

this one desu?

my name is Robin (male). will probably change my name to Robert eventually

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bump user desu fampai

not dumb enough to give my full name here, but my last name is more popular as a first name, and my first name is more commonly seen as a family name. Every school, business, doctor, etc I've been to assumes my last is my first and vice versa

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Is your mom called Candice?

My name is the phonetic spelling of two letters. Casey. What do they even stand for?!

Who /Richard/ here?

The dick jokes were never funny, also got sick of hearing richie rich.

I heard a guy called Jacob Simon get asked if he was "reverse order" the other day and correct them. I understand this.

Why didn't u change it to troy? Or become a Mexican drug kingpin?

idk if it's really namelet but my name is sean and i fucking hate it

My name is John. Born in 96 and named John of all things. Born to old parents born in 60 and 61. Didn't wanna know if I was a boy or girl so they could have a "surprise". But mom is also terribly superstitious and got convinced I would be a girl through a number of supposed "tests". Those kind of old parents. When I was born a boy they didn't have names planned. I wound up being named after my dad, "John." Even if you think your name sucks being a John is fucking boring. I also have a panic inducingly long Russian last name that most people find themselves unable to pronounce even though it's spelled totally phonetically so I've got that going for me.

>tfw called Cesare

I love my name

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You can totally own being a white guy called Trey. I know it's not exactly the same spelling but do you like Green Day?

>named Tobias
>always shortened to Toby

>Could have been named something cool or unique or interesting
>named Michael
Do you know how many Michael's there are in the US? Growing up there were always at least 3 others in my class in school.

>same name as celebrity
>celebrity is known for being retarded
>older than celebrity
>kill me off please

Do you pronounce it Italian (Che Zuh Ray) or Spanish (Say Sar)? Or some way else? Forgive the stupid question. I'm from Burgerland.

my fucking name is Haris, I'm a fucking slav without Muslim roots, why

The correct italian form is chay-se-ree, but cee-sar in english is correct too since it's more similar to the original latin name

KC. Kentucky Chicken?

Like the fucking train

>not going by tom/tommy

Tommy is my grandfather

Besides Tommy is the baby off of Rugrats
And Tom is just stupid

>People here complaining about being called Michael or Sean.
My fucking parents called me Spike...

do you perchance wear a dog costume