Post girls with the thousand-cock stare

post girls with the thousand-cock stare

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the stare is the final expression of the slut

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do you really believe if a woman has dead eyes it's because she sleeps around?

I love how it's okay for men to have dead eyes but for women it must be because they've had a lot of sex? What is this even scientifically based on?

Looks like you triggered a roastie OP

so you're saying the change in her facial expression gives away that in that interim, she's experienced being fucked really hard? seems like the eyes, and the mouth non smiling for the pic instead of a full smile like before, are what's different.

porn will do the same thing to males

we must cleanse ourselves and live pure lives in the face of the blizzard.

Lmao, roasties getting toasty af ITT

Isn't not registering facial expressions for their true meaning a sign of autism?

Nice image. Downloaded it.

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Isn't this a pro-roastie argument? That shit has gotten so bad culturally, so that young girls are directed towards a post-war like state

True. Men are the same with porn.
NoFap is the key to enlightenment.

>post girls with the thousand-cock stare

>before: virgin
>interim: loses her virginity to her bodybuilder bf, they start having a lot of sex, he gets her in gym with him, has her lift
>after: about 5-6 months into it, of them having sex and being in gym together

look changed? has that 'fucked' look after?

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25 and a mother of three

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this is the classic one

itt:roasties getting triggered

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yeah. could just be exhausted from having to take care of 3 kids, but still seems like the type who expects a pounding

This is truly a despicable post.

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Kaya is a whore of the highest magnitude. Now that she's been doxxed, I hope one of her oribiters rapes and kills her.

What do you anons think of pic related?
Original comment

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She's on her way, probably about 400 cock stare atm

yeah she looks like she's familiar with getting it hard

Damn. This was taken years, years ago. What do you think she looks like now?