A true incel story everyone should read. It's all about your genes

>be me 5 years ago (25+ now, 20+ then)
>fall for the looksmaxing meme (that normies recently started spamming with on r9k, that's why I write this post)
>get the best suiting haircut I could get, visited a hair stylist
>basically guy took my pic and we checked many different hairstyles on computer
>go to some good barber every 3 weeks, pay shit ton of money for that
>get the most expensive clothes I could get (a shit ton of them) - not too serious (I was only 20 then) and not too childish
>work out my ass off for long time, every 2nd day with every 8th day being free from work out
>go on a diet which helped me clear my skin from almost any pimples, my skin got really good
>a beautician helped me with skin as well
>as I said, clothes are all good as well, without any wrinkles
>make sure my hygiene is on point, wash myself very good once or twice a day, wear good, manly perfumes
>completely looksmaxed in all departments but not too much where it's gay looking
>my social skills and my talking skills are fucking skyrocketing thanks to college and it's many presentations that I had to do
>my self esteem and confidence are enormously high
>happy with myself, happy with life, thinking that I will be able to get a girl I would want I started looking around
>and here's where the shit hit the fan
>try to get a gf on uni - failure
>try to get a gf at some parties - failure
>try to get one on the internet - MAJOR FAILURE (literally 1 out of 100 would reply, 3 out of 4 of those would be ham beasts)
>"okay, it must be something wrong with me" - I thought and I started reading books on dating, human psychology, etc.
>paid a shit ton of money for dating coach and advices videos and books
>try again, and the results - they are the same
>no fucking gf for YEARS of keeping myself in the looksmaxed state, while working on myself in any way possible
>start and try to get gf in some hobby circles - cooking school was one, botany school another - super failures

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Other urls found in this thread:


>I actually invested a lot of time into those hobbies because I knew those were some that would attract many women, which they did
>still not enough
>after 3 years I was completely baffeled, I couldn't realize what was the problem
>still, I persisted, kept myself looksmaxed and all
>the results were still the same - women starting to act weirded out after I made some moves, typical "let's be friends though" lines and shit
>I actually tried with so many girls that people in my class in college somehow heard about "that pathetic, needy guy from your class" - that being me
>I became a laughing stock, maybe nothing serious, but still...
>completely stopped looking for a gf, but was completely lost in my mind - "WHY DIDN'T IT WORK OUT"
>then I found by an accident one single youtube channel - FACEandLMS
>he had a couple of videos on his channel at that time (less than one year ago is the time we are talking about here)
>they crushed me
>the red pills were so hard to swallow, that as a typical blue pilled guy I tried to "DESTROY" his videos
>in fact, he destroyed my comments
>my plan was to watch all of his videos and point them out one by one, point out all the "problems" with them in my video
>start watching them one by one and after a very short while I realized... THERE ARE NOT FUCKING PROBLEMS WITH ANY OF HIS VIDEOS
>the red pill was swallowed, I finally understood what was the problem with all this time - and the problem was ME
>the best argument that totally crashed me was "men who get to have a gf don't have to TRY, they don't have to wear special clothes, do this or that, but they still get women"
>he backed it up with many of actual arguments and proofs, like, a good looking guy aproaching any woman makes her all smiley, giggly, opened towards him etc. without even saying ANYTHING
>or a very good dude acting like an autist/psychopath - as well

>then I placed myself in that position, I had all of this - clothes, hairstyle, hygiene, hobbies, social skills, confidence, etc. And it meant fucking nothing
>I finally, completely realized - it's all about how you look, your genes, and nothing else matters
>the only thing looksmaxing will do for you is that the girl that will like you EITHER WAY, she will be more appreciative of you taking care of yourself if you do than don't
>looksmaxing doesn't make or break you - GENES do

And just to end this post I will say that today I don't even try because I know it's in vain. I have FACE's video portion on my yt channel as well, I agree with him that much.
I suggest EVERYONE to watch his videos one by one (I will put them on the end of this post). LOOKSMAXING and TRYING are blue pill bullshit notions that are meant to make
men feel a little bit better, that there is still hope for them, that if they stard doing something they will make it, that their fate is in their hands. It's supposed to make
them feel like they are in control. But it's a false control. It's supposed to keep them in tact, instead of being infuriated, frustrated, stripped of any will to do anything,
because that would be bad for (((THE POWERS THAT BE))).
You don't have to believe my story, I just wanted to post it here because I don't want other men go through all of this like I did and then finding out what the harsh truth is
when they are already deep into this shit, because then it hurts very much. And I felt like I had to make this post because seeing how many shitfaces started flooding our board
with this blue pilled bullshit makes my blood boil (what is their goal - I think I know but I will leave it to myself).

I also made it so that people don't fuck their life up... I made myself to be a laughing stock, but who knows, maybe if I live in some western country (I live in East Europe),
there would be at least one lawsuit against me because one of those women would sue me for ((("RAPE"))) because she didn't like the fact some uggo approached her.
Watch out there,guys.

Except they are more rare than 25 year old (and up) female virgins.


Except I doubt this is possible even in 1%. The previously mentioned hobbies I got into were legit things I was interested in. Cooking, because of my diet and health in general
plus I just like to cook (and bake) and botany was something I was interested in since I was a kid (but didnt have time for in HS). I didn't choose my hobbies randomly just to be around
some women. So there's no chance I came off as a tryhard to any of them in that regard. Plus, I never felt needy and desperate to have a gf, so I was never pushing myself onto
anyone, never showed too much interest (in litteral "too much" sense), I was smooth with every girl I tried anything, I wasn't rushing or pushing anyone. The problem was (and now
I know it as a part of red pill) they never showed any interest in me, even the ones that I wasn't looking after, while the good looking dudes are INVITED by women who are their
friends at school/work, whatever. Of course they can also approach a girl, but they slay their pussies right away.


Damage control incoming...

Fuck of
Even more origami

Also reported.

post pics fag boy

Did you ever try to just make friends with a girl? All my relationships have developed from friendship. Never "picked up" a girl, never been on a date--just had friends who were girls and didn't sperg out by obviously going for more than that. Literally everything you just described--autistically doing all sorts of dumb bullshit with the sole purpose of "getting a gf"--is utterly unattractive to women.

So you gave up? Inspirational.

>is utterly unattractive to women.
Here we go, making up and coming up with new reasons every single time to pushe the blue pilled propaganda.
Yes, some of the women I was talking about here were my friends for long time who I asked out,
in front of whom I never "tried to be cool" and shit. And all of the time, you bullshiters say something
completely different - "you have to show them that you are into her and that you want to be with her"
and shit like this but I see that the rain drops are always falling down where you I am not standing...

appreciate your post op

Also, it wouldn't matter what a Chad would do - he could be openly "trying" to get a girl, he could
just approach one simply, he could just ask his friend out and she would agree or he could just...
exist. Either way, Chad would pump her. If you try literally everything out of these options and
don't succeed, don't even bother. If you even HAVE TO do anything, don't bother also.

Of course, notice OP never lifted weights in his effort to "looksmax".

Because that would be too hard.

Face it OP - you're the male version of a fat girl who cakes on makeup.

>work out my ass off for long time, every 2nd day with every 8th day being free from work out


>work out my ass off for long time, every 2nd day with every 8th day being free from work out

>>work out my ass off for long time, every 2nd day with every 8th day being free from work out

">work out my ass off for long time, every 2nd day with every 8th day being free from work out"
Literally in the first post. Get cancer. No, sorry, YOU are cancer.

He said he did


True and factual

I find his videos interesting but his voice is killing me.

Pics or it didn't happen orginolioioi

>I never felt needy and desperate to have a gf
>except for the fact that I spent fat stacks of cash on clothing, haircuts, romantic advice, and hobbies specifically to look as appealing to women as possible
>b-but I was doing it for myself!

Denial. Horrible, awful denial. Whether or not you're consciously aware of it, you did all of this in a desperate bid to find a woman. Everybody could tell, which is why you were referred to as "that pathetic, needy guy."

It's pretty awesome that you improved yourself in so many ways, but your motivation is toxic and took you out of the running for anybody who was actually paying attention to you. I guess its the Jews' fault that you're an insecure, tiny boy with too much money.

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Better try changing your desires than the world around you.
Stop wanting a gf.

>Did you ever try to just make friends with a girl?

Not OP but, opportunities to be friends with a girl are extremely rare (at least for me ). With that, you're looking for it to happen organically, because it's too forward to just go up to anyone and ask "hey want to be friends"?

People like you recommend online dating and platonic relationships like they work or are available. They don't. They're not. Even if I initiate with the intent of being platonic friends, and it didn't already happen organically, we experience about the same rate of success with cold approaching with the intent to get her number.

Can you imagine user trying to slide in and inject himself socially with that group of hot girls at his cooking class? Yeah, no. Any attractive girl is immediately suspicious that the guy is trying to get with them. Coupled with the fact that "If he's hot, it's not creepy" and the fact she already has a boyfriend.

I will admit that you can try to talk to a girl that isn't as attractive, you can try to find a girl that isn't a total bitch, and talk to her, and try to be her friend, but you get about the same rate of success as any other method.

The whole platonic friends piece goes the same for looks. You'll find much more results with good looks just trying to be friends the same with dating.

Typical blue piller's logic:
>you are not an incel because you didn't try
Then you try
>oh, you still didn't get gf? Must have tried too hard lol sorry

Fuck off I hope you get terminal cancer ASAP.

Also forget to add that after those years, I still lookmaxed but didn't give a fuck about having or not a girlfriend. Guess what changed...

Would you post a picture of yourself? Im curious to see what you look like.

God I fucking hate normies they come on here and are like. "bro just lift xD, bro just buy new clothes xD, bro just get a new car xD" then you do all this shit and fail and they are like" "bro why did you do that xD" like holy shit your advice is shit leave us alone

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>motivation is toxic
buzzword set aside, can you explain why it's toxic?

>took you out of the running
can you explain why?

This whole "desperation" bullshit needs to become a meme. You know what's toxic? You. Because as soon as a guy tries to improve himself, for women, an undoubtedly chivalrous cause, people like you who probably also browse Jow Forumsinceltears call him desperate.

When Michael Jordan is trying really hard to make a lay-up, do people call him desperate? No. Because that would be ridiculous.

This whole "desperation" meme is coming from the most entitled group of shithearts, regardless of if they're sincere about it.

Watch out guys, because if you try at all it's apparently "desperate". Yeah guys, better act like you don't care at all moments.

The moment that you have needs the way a human being does, you're "needy" too.

You are in the group of individuals who are sheltered, sheep, and your lives are on easy difficulty. The only reason you would hold such a bullshit opinion is because you are spoiled. You are many and your ego reeks of shit just like your personality.

EXACTLY. This is the portion I should add to that inb4 part on my post:

Lol, this one is funny. This is typical blue piller's logic, when his maxlooking is exposed: you don't try? - "you should try more, how do you want anything to change in your life without
trying?". If you do try - "oh, you were just trying too much, you came off as a tryhard". There is literally no winning with this type of rhetorics, it's always "the grass is greener
where you are not standing right now" type of argumentation. Pathetic. Also very easy to deny, after I already looksmaxed and got redpilled, I stopped giving even the slightest fuck about
all of this (and it's not like I was ever a "tfw no gf" type of guy either), and guess what changed? Yes, exactly, fucking nothing. "B-b-but now you are trying too little" - get cancer.

Except I didn't say that at all. You are imposing bizarre constructs on yourself and others to deflect attention from your stunted emotional development.

"Incels" are a group of retards who fail for a variety of reasons, ranging from being shut-ins to being emotionally dysfunctional children who try to substitute looks, hobbies, and canned quips to make up the lack of any actual personality or soul. This has nothing to do with not trying, or trying too hard. This has everything to do with the fact that you're helplessly in your own head, have no sense of self, and are brazenly lying to yourself while happening to adopt healthy habits and activities.

When normies say "don't try," they're telling you that you will reach a better outcome once you make peace with yourself and develop an actual personality. Based off how angry and vindictive you sound, you haven't reached that point yet.

Holy shit, I am stealing this post user for my notepad file and going to post in next time with this thread.

Buzzwords and commonplace theories. YOU HAVE PROVED ME!

>listening to a literal paki's advice on women

No wonder you can't get laid OP

Truely this they are the scum of the earth

He is not Paki you retard and even if so what? It was all years later. I bet you dont even fucking know who he is and never watched his videos.
Dude speaks the ultimate truth that you blue pillers want to for some reason hide. Why is that? Do you want to keep us calm or something?
So we don't riot and shit?

I just watched like 5 minutes of one of his videos and it is self defeatist bullshit.


listen to this read The Game have some actual red pills you're welcome

It's "toxic" because - whether he wants to admit it or not - he decided to go along with it because he told himself that "these are the things I need to attract a woman." These were not decisions he made to make himself better for the sake of being a better person. He was motivated to fill up a lack of personality with vapid looks and expensive clothing.

Trying incredibly hard to perfect a hobby or skill is incredibly different from trying hard to establish a relationship. You're absolutely right that calling someone "desperate" for putting in hours to improve their abilities would be unreasonable, which is why I acknowledged that OP has developed pretty good habits as a by-product of a bigger issue.

Forming relationships is entirely different. It requires an emotional and intellectual openness that can't be established or reinforced by "trying harder." The worst part - and why I'm sympathetic here - is that it's all brutal and random. You have chemistry with some people, and just don't with other people. It's unfair, but it's why normies usually pump and dump each other after a few weeks / months instead of forming worthwhile relationships.

The problem OP has is that he was trying to court as many people in quick succession as possible. It's blatantly obvious when it happens, and word gets around really quickly. Once that happens, you're toast. There isn't a damn thing you can do about it. You're right about it being an emotional need, but going about getting it like a retard shouldn't earn you any sympathy.

I know how things are, kind of. I was an ance-ridden socially retarded skelly for the first twenty years of my life. Things didn't get better until I improved myself because I was disgusted with the person I saw in the mirror. It had nothing to do with finding a relationship, but it ended up happening.

You claim that you've made peace with this and no longer care, but the tone of your posts tell me otherwise.

lookmaxing DOES work and go shill your youtube channel someehwere else

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This guy is right desu

True. I'm pretty autistic but I'm tall and have a funny personality. I've always just let woman come to me, not many but it's the easiest way to go.
Whenever I've been put in a social situation I've found girls that are into me. The only reason I'm single and lonely is because I became a hermit at some point.

If you truly are hideous guys, simply get plastic surgery.

>putting women in centre of the life
that's the tragedy of incels. tragedy of all cucks. your life would be much better if you'd embrace the 2d. embrace hentai. workout for yourself. make positive changes for yourself and stop caring about those 3dpd. leave them to alfas and betas. and then you will be happy. good luck user

It's not the same person you quarterbrain.

>You claim that you've made peace with this and no longer care, but the tone of your posts tell me otherwise.

In other words: "D-d-don't prove me I am w-wrong with this big thread, or else I wil say that y-y-y-you are still a tryhard!"
Pathetic. I wouldn't make this thread if it wasn't for the blue pill bullshit that is being spammed here recently. I do this, as I said in my post, to help
people not to fall into the pit of blue pilledness. Nice damage control faggot.

nigga u look gay & u post all retarded lol
>wahhh gimmie mommy pussy i hab gud hair
>wahhh i took home ec
>tee eff dubbya no gee eff

smells like a shill
post your expensive clothes if you aren't bullshitting

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>44 replies 23 posters
damn son didn't anybody ever tell you that youtube doesn't make money anymore?

>tells you how clothes, barbers, beauticians, hair stylists, PUAs and writers are useless
>you call him a shill
What is he shilling for, exactly? Onaholes?

I've said my part, you have given me no reason to go into damage control. You haven't actually refuted anything I have said, and you seem quite content to stick with the twisted and angry worldview that got you here.

I am positive you will be a good catch when figure yourself out and develop a personality and outlook worth falling in love with. If you aren't lying, you have the hobbies, looks, and clothes to get your foot in the door (as you have several times). You just need to build a strong foundation to compliment the facade you've created. I think the hatred and demonization of incels is cruel and counterproductive, but there is also a reason you are in this rut.

I am sorry that no one can present a solid checklist or roadmap on how to do the things you need to do. It's a deeply personal and challenging journey, but it's one we all have to make.

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I am not a native english speaker. Also nice deflection.

No he probably thinks like this retard here that I am shilling my youtube channel. To which I only have to say: pathtic cope.

lol ok, what a dumbass. By the way, adjectives other than pathetic exist; my guess would be sad, pitiful, appaling... Go use thesaurus, it would improve your vocabulary.

Please, write more meme posts with commonplace sentences to sound meaningful.
Plus, still the same bullshit:
>they tell you to change
>you change
>"n-no! we meant... wait for your change"

In other words... wait till you are dead and nobody can say "well, sorry, your theory didn't work because I am dead and I never changed "naturally" in a "challenging journey".

I swear I have such a huge urge to fucking punch asshols like you, soooo bad.

>His bad vocabulary of a non-native language is my foothold.

Hold up with those counter arguments.

can't read.
Ori ori

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the only girl I've fucked turned down a guy who was clearly more attractive than me because he was an obnoxious fuck and she thought I was more interesting

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Read and come back. Tip: >inb4butIknowuglyguyswithcutegirlfriends part fits here

I'm not saying "wait for change," I'm saying you have to change more. Except the kind of changes you need to make only come with life experience and a lot of reflection and time. Having the urge to commit violence because the mean man on the internet is saying things you don't like and challenging your ill-conceived worldview just reinforces my point.

That's not what he is saying retard. He's saying develop interest that make you happy without worrying about what women think. Self value translates well to how other people veiw you as well. Also that way even if you are so ugly that you can't get a girlfriend you will still be happier than before.

>it's ALL your fault
>try to improve
Okay. But it didn't work.
>you tried too hard you needy motherfucker. It's ALL your own fault!

Gotta love how normalfags make themselves look stupid with the circular logic they use to mantain their flawed argument that everything is your own fault.

Fucking this. Normies' advice is the worst shit ever.

alright thanks

>I'm not saying "wait for change," I'm saying you have to change more.
Okay seriously, kill yourself now faggot you are pissing me off.

>That's not what he is saying retard. He's saying develop interest that make you happy without worrying about what women think.

Except I doubt this is possible even in 1%. The previously mentioned hobbies I got into were legit things I was interested in. Cooking, because of my diet and health in general
plus I just like to cook (and bake) and botany was something I was interested in since I was a kid (but didnt have time for in HS). I didn't choose my hobbies randomly just to be around
some women. So there's no chance I came off as a tryhard to any of them in that regard. Plus, I never felt needy and desperate to have a gf, so I was never pushing myself onto
anyone, never showed too much interest (in litteral "too much" sense), I was smooth with every girl I tried anything, I wasn't rushing or pushing anyone. The problem was (and now
I know it as a part of red pill) they never showed any interest in me, even the ones that I wasn't looking after, while the good looking dudes are INVITED by women who are their
friends at school/work, whatever. Of course they can also approach a girl, but they slay their pussies right away.

Now look at what this retard is saying here: >I'm not saying "wait for change," I'm saying you have to change more.

Now it's CHANGE MORE. I literally can't...

Developing a thicker skin would be a great first step in improving yourself further. You've got an ego like tissue paper. You didn't come here to spread truth, you came to have other people reinforce your broken personality and world view.

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"Bro just change your height bro."
"Bro just fix your face so you don't look like an abomination."
Thanks bro.

he's shilling his youtube channel.
i find it silly that instead of proving that his story is even remotely real, he just says "cope".

what coping has to do with shilling accusations is beyond me.

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>You didn't come here to spread truth, you came to have other people reinforce your broken personality and world view.

Mhm, that's why I waited for so long to make this thread on r9k, just in time when blue pilling started coming out here.
For all those years I didn't feel like it, just because.

>there's no chance I came off as a tryhard to any of them
>I never felt needy and desperate to have a gf
>I was smooth with every girl

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Just grow 5 inches taller and fix your face LOOOL.
Fucking normiefags

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Just stay the same and give up. You'll always be alone with your personality.

>act like a retard and piss someone off
>someone is acting like a pissed off person would
>"LOL it's you personality"

It's not being you pissed off, it's how needy you are towards getting a relationship. Someone as obsessed as you about getting a relationship is going to scare off any girl.

No need to tell me that bro. I gave up ages ago.

Which part of not giving a fuck anymore and not wanting a relationship, which I constantly repeated ITT and in my main post didn't you understand, retard?
I came here only to inform other blue pilled about my past and experiences and to shut blue pillers up who, just like you, are now trying to do the damage control.

only one pulling damage control this entire threat has been you, bub.

enjoy your no gf sour grapes as you spend the rest of your existence S E E T H I N G in rage.

What is your native language, anyway?

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If you're a creepy hot dude, they will fuck you and dream about how cute you are instead of being scared.

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Personal attacks, circular logic, try to ridicularize the other part's argument. You did all of this.
I'm not OP, but I'm not going out without pointing you're retarded.

Oh yeah for sure. Being ugly can be counteracted (to a degree), people just want to scream unfair and not have to do the extra work to get a relationship. OP was going about it all wrong trying to get girls, it makes it impossible to know if he's hyper ugo or just kinda ugly because he executed so terribly.

>be hikki
>between the ages of 16 and 20 I managed to have 4 chicks online send me nudes
>3 on the regular, 2 that loved me and one that I actually loved (or at least was infatuated with because first "gf")
>3 of them didn't even know my name before i saw them naked and none of them had seen pictures of me
>still a virgin because they lived in other countries so i could never cash in
What the fuck do I make of this?

So, if uggo did't get a gf, all fault is his because he didn't counteracted his ugglyness. That's the flaw with the just world view based argument that every achievement of an individual (be it good or bad) is completely their own fault, it fails to realize almost every individual has an intrisic advantage or disadvantage.

>Being ugly can be counteracted (to a degree).

if the ugo's actions are weird enough to drive a woman away even if he looked average (like obsessing about being in a relationship to an unhealthy point) him being ugly is the last thing to worry about. Even normies know that attractive people don't follow the same rules, but complaining that we got the shitty ruleset doesn't help us.

Maturity and gravitas make you, genes can help and make it easymode. Ugliest guy I've ever known pulled more girls AND guys than anyone I've ever met just because he was a cool guy. Read some humanist philosophy, mate. Start with the greeks, or Wes Cecil's youtube channel. Learn how to be the best version of yourself instead of just faking it. Faking it never works, no matter what normies say. You're more likely to psychologically damage yourself by faking emotions and confidence rather than just earning that shit from yourself the way you're supposed to. Psychology is worthless when trying to better yourself because as a field it has no basis in humanity or science, it's just baseless opinion asserted as fact

No, what you have to notice is that nowhere did he actually improve HIMSELF. All he did was peacock. Polished the turd. There was no personal growth involved that would actually make somoene attracted to him, and that is why it is so fucking obvious to anybody with any social skills that he's an awkward, needy tryhard. There's nothing wrong with being an awkward, needy tryhard, but you do have to take into account how people see you and how you behave. How you look is not that important as long as you aren't covered in zits and don't stink.

lookmax doesn't fix what's broken in your fucking head, retard. that's what philosophy is for

> ugliest guy I've ever known pulled
Stop right fucking there.

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Not true, my roommate's pretty damn attractive but he's such an autist that he blows it within three sentences of a girl expressing interest. He can't even tell when they're doing it. Granted, any girl that doesn't come out and say they're interested can fuck right off, I don't have time for mind-reading, but it really has so little to do with looks that it's sad you're so obsessed with them.

In the same vein it could be said about any argument in the world
Outliers exist so why discuss anything?

Agree with Op tho

Go outside and maybe you'll have room to talk. You idiots know shit about shit. None of you are interested in any sort of self-improvement, you think you're just entitled to getting laid. Nobody is obligated to fuck you and if you won't put effort into refining your personality nobody is going to. Looks aren't as important unless you're legitimately deformed.

Sooo are you still single?
Are you saying you think you're ugly?
What are your hobbies besides cooking?

OP i really do think theres a conspiracy.
Like roasties keep a virgin list.
How do we explain it otherwise?
Im not even schizophrenic just using logic here.

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>dozens of robots lifted and got zyzz tier bodies, proof is Jow Forums
>they also developed intellectually, got jobs
>still could never get GFs

Kill yourself scum, you are so dumb you don't even realize how low is you IQ.

So how must one BEHAVE then??

Literally pic related.
You think you can hide it but you can't. Just like girls with acne think they can hide it under makeup but you can still see it.
The way you hold yourself, the way you speak, body language in conversation, all of this factors in. OP thinks he was a chameleon hiding all of his bad traits but clearly he was delusional.

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Bullshit, prove there's a 'personality gene'

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Think of the guys who took the virginities of all the girls in your HS class when you were 13.

What kind of "personal growth" and "self development" did they do, mind sharing it with us?

>entitled to getting laid
>looks aren't as important
>nobody is obligated to fuck you
Come back to twitter or reddit or whatever. I'm not falling for this same old "incel" bullshit again. You're just stupid.

the autism required for this is too much to scientifically determine

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The only legitimate looksmaxx is losing bodyfat down to the 8-12% range

Everything else is cope, even plastic surgery

You will never understand you stupid normie. A rich person knows a poor person is living rough but he will never know what it feels like to steal napkins from burger king or to take a shower in a public bathroom so you can pretend to be not poor for the slim chance you might get a min wage job. Its an entirely different world.

One minute you tell us to not get into the friendzone next you tell us to just be their friends. Look around a find the ugliest fat girl you know. Would you go out with her if she were your friend? I don't think so. Its even worse as a man though.

Normies always try to downplay the importance of genes and it's not just limited to getting a gf. Maybe it's because they don't like to acknowledge the fact that they got comparatively lucky.

Still doesn't matter. He should have at the very least been able to get a date but he didn't. I'll say it again, you don't know shit about the real world. You're a pampered spoiled brat, like many western women. All you can do is come up with vague excuses. Does it really matter if a guy is just trying to get rich or trying to expand and share his product. At the end of the day he is still rich. It doesn't matter why he self improved at the end of the day he was an improved person. Only now that he got nothing for his work is he upset and angry. He said himself he said the same things you are saying now to others.