Do you wish you were dead, do you want to kill yourself? Why?

Do you wish you were dead, do you want to kill yourself? Why?

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yes, there's nothing left except being a continued disappointment to my family

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Well, what makes you think you're a 'disappointment' to your family, what makes you think its not too late to turn everything around?

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No, i want to live thousands of years.

Oh, how I wish the same, user..

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Yes because I hate myself and life. Dont ask why.

Why should I not ask why? Is it troubling to talk about user?

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It's actually possible. I just need millions of dollars to fund a company that researches DNA and telomeres to gain +-20 years of life and have more time to do some research and then gain even more time and so.

So yeah, i won't live thousands of years.
I don't want to die

I sometimes think about how sad it is that theres a whole future in front of me that I'll be dead for. I wonder what I'm going to miss?

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Yeah, exactly this. I will miss when the human race leaves the earth. I will miss when humans wont need to work and AIs will do everything.

Almost makes me feel like I would want to just die now because it won't make much of a difference. Who knows, though, assuming neither of us are too old or have medical conditions or will do it ourselves, we both have decades left user..

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Yeah i have decades left to be a millionaire. But even being rich and having a lot of money doesn't mean that i will live at least... more than 100 years actually? Maybe money can't solve this now. If i just had been born in the 22th century, i would have a lot of chances of living at least a couple of centuries. But sadly it's not the case.

Enjoy life while you can. Do you take good care of yourself currently to ensure the longest natural lifespan possible?

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I do wish I was dead
I wouldn't have to suffer from this shitty life
I go to work a job I hate to pay for shit I don't want so I can live which I don't really want to

I wish I could kill myself but I'm afraid of hell

earth was a mistake.
burn it all down

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I don't drink, i don't smoke. I sleep well. I masturbate daily (this reduces your cancer chances a lot, i know it sounds gross but yea) and i go to the gym. I dont eat bad. So i would say yes.

But every day that passes the telomeres of my cells are shortened. And that makes me live only a couple of decades.

No. I like living, I have curisoity about the future. But If I'm dead I don't care. We all are going to die one day.

This, but unironically.

Fear of Hell, thats a tough one. Kind of wish I were Religious so I could have that taunting me out of suicidal thoughts.

If Heaven and Hell existed, you'd surely be going to Heaven user

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>Do you wish you were dead
>do you want to kill yourself?
not much, but things go in that route

I used to want to kill myself but then something just ticked in me. Like I had some sort of revelation. I don't know if I'm right or not but I literally see no difference between being alive or dead. The world doesn't stop if you die and if you kill yourself because you're depressed you're not solving your problems. You're just permanently postponing your problems if you kill yourself while you would've had no reason to die otherwise.

There's nothing good after 33, Bill & Ted Grim Reaper guy

I'll take note. I always thought there was no good after 20, actually.
These things make me want to kill myself more though user

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As hopeless and terrible as I feel and how bad of a state I am in body and mind, I can't kill myself when I know that it is perfectly possible to fix my life. Even if I never do it and die anyways, it just doesn't make sense.

It's just a matter of whether or not your mind or your life is broken user

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It's all the same imo

I'm not a cowardly person so I'm confused on why I seem to not want to kill myself, perhaps this feeling of cowardice is ingrained in the human psyche as a safety net to suicide. (So you don't do it.)

Yeah, I want to die. I'd just feel like a dick to my family if I did that. I really don't feel like living out the rest of my life alone, it fucking hurts way too much. I just need to get the balls and do it.

Wanting to live is natural, and what we were made for. It is not so much of a shock.

I probably wouldnt kill myself but I wish I could just go to sleep and never wake up.

i wish i could end my life, but keep living as an outside observer just to see all the things that happen in the world. Kind of like i am now, except not living along with it all.