Reminder that god exists and no one here can prove otherwise

Reminder that god exists and no one here can prove otherwise

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>mfw when I see an ath**st

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We're all trapped on Earth for one month after we die.

the burden of proof lays on the one making the claim, brainlet

You don't have to prove a negative. Shit logic.

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Is this where ghosts come from?

Called the bible dipshits

All the ontologicaland modal arguments for God are too powerful, atheism is for pseuds.

Denying a creater is like denying your ownself and I'm not talking about Christian god

Well from my experience it was all coincidence manipulation, so it wasn't anything ghost like.

This is a bait thread, but this line of logic is fucking retarded.

>Nobody can disprove a god exists
And the same can be said about all other gods, spirits and deities. Also unicorns and leprechauns. Just believing something on the premise that we can't 'disprove' its existence is almost as dumb as believing in something despite contrary evidence.

Fuck off with ur bait. I'm triggered.

The bible is a series of claims without evidence, not evidence in and of itself.

reminder that i am a god and that I can fly and shoot lightning out my ass and no can prove otherwise

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>the lords of the rings books are proof the one ring and sauron exist!
fiction and reality are two different things user
i'll make the apostle thomas on this one
>I want to lay my finger into his hand and put my hand into his side and i'll believe

Reminder that Bane exists and no one here can prove otherwise

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Belief vs facts is a pointless argument, its like two people talking with one having intelligence as his point of preference while the other one has retardation.

>ath**st niggers

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The bible has been proven to predict events and has knowledge never seen before that made the West into the powerhouse it is today

try to prove that I am not god
>protip: you can't

No one can prove the existence of unicorns but no one can disapprove it either
Stupid argument for stupid people and this is coming from a Christian


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What happens with coincidence manipulation?

Depart from me, vile Christ Cuck. Back to your storybooks!


funny how the west didn't become a powerhouse until it started secularizing
funny how the roman empire conveniently fell AFTER embracing christianity
funny how while europe was in the christian dark ages the sandniggers under islam were flourishing

So what? God never did anything for me. Fuck him.

God is real you fucking brainlets

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why cant atheism define atheists

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Begone you child of evil! Your desert paganism has been a cancer for too long! Prove to me your golden calf is a real god!


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Spamming deus vult and posting this weebshit isn't telling me anything. I could just as easily say Yahweh or Allah is real as well, or perhaps Thor and Veles.

>The bible has been proven to predict events
No it hasn't. You're just interpreting coincidence as prediction.

>and has knowledge never seen before that made the West into the powerhouse it is today
The only way it helped the west was to enforce social cohesion and prevent the degenerates from taking over.
Just because it's useful to keep the brainlets in line doesn't mean God exists.

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atheist cucks are as beholden to """"science"""" as Christ cucks are to the Bible, both use misleading/manipulated data to secure their own belief structures

As long as you don't believe that world is fair.
Cause it most definitely fucking isn't

>he thinks God isn't real
Cope more sinning retards

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>he thinks his god is real
Awww, is this world too scawwwy without santa- I mean, (((God)))?

One day you will grow up. Behold, the golden calf!

You don't have to be beholden to anything to be an atheist. It's the default state of all creatures.

Not an argument.
They are too strong. If you're seriously going to use empiricism for God you're a fucking moron. It's something only exists in the realm of pure logic, and there aren't any good purely rational arguments against the existence of God, they all eventually fall back on "show me empirical data" which is supreme pseudo-intellectualism.

>post reason why I think so
>religious people ignore it and pretend like my post never existed like I never said anything
>continue to argue over and past me
>repeat forever

>still no proofs
>complains about sinners on this indonesian fly fishing forum

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No one here can prove I'm not a qt grill. So who wants to be my bf?

>don't have women run rampant and control them
>don't be a degenerate gay fag
literally part of every abrahamic religion
that's like saying the car moves because the fuel tank is full and that alone makes the car move when in reality it's just a part that couldn't move the car without an engine to use the said fuel

All sentient beings in the universe are permutations of a unified superconsciousness in four-dimensional space time, which comprises of said beings growing, dividing and dying in a long chain or "tree" that extends through time back to the synthesis of the very first organic molecules on Earth.

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Posting anime is a sin.

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>God is real
I know he it's, he's me, I am god

>appealing to emotion is an argument

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Jesus was aryan and based
you sinning retards should repent
>someone posts christian threads
>angry ath**st degenerates flood the thread with fake news Christ Chan porn

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>calling god himself a sinner
I've reserved a seat for you in hell user, never post in my name again

He was Middle Eastern you retard.
So you really are that much of a brainlet.

So this is the intellectual level of atheists.
Modal and ontological arguments aren't appeals to emotion you brainlet lmao

>worshipping an anime girl as a false idol
kek, fuck off degenerate

Fuckin aetheists


Didn't call God a sinner
God's still real
But yeah go ahead and keep sinning retards

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leave it to christians to try and dismiss empiricism because it doesn't prove their sky fairy true
literally every argument about god that doesn't rely on empiricism instead relies on either false premises or unsupported conclusions, you cannot name a single one that doesn't

How feminine is your bepis

did you know posting on an internet image board, avatarfagging as an anime girl meant to pull degenerates that don't really believe into the church, and insulting people are all sins
of course you don't because you're not a real christian

you called me a sinning retard and I am god, you shall suffer.

Car crashes, outrageous fortune, etc. Even the kid who just woke up from a coma after his parents signed the papers to donate his organs. Anything extraordinary that can be purportedly explained away as coincidence.

I think it's not worshiping the anime tiddys, but that the anime tiddys is representing a kind of people that go onto this shit chan.

funny how no atheist has ever proven how the universe can come from nothing or proven how a higher power isn't there

funny that

bitch please, you were disproven about god a few years ago, you might want to read something about the "Higgs-Boson", literally all it needs to shut you up
>arguing against a delusional retard is sinning
you're looking more and more stupid

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Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?
- Epicurus (attributed)

The Epicurus paradox, how do Christians justify this?

And before you say to test us: test us for what? god should already know the outcome.

Aka, God is either evil, nonexistent, or not a god

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Iranians are Middle Eastern. Your point is invalid.

why do you assume the universe had a start in the first place? and it's pretty hard to prove a higher power isn't there when you christcucks can literally just make up any bullshit for how he exists and influences the world every time science proves that a previously thought to be spiritual phenomenon is actually easily explainable by the laws of science

Why do atheists hate Christianity more than any other religion?

Because you try to get away with disregarding logic and fact more that most other religions, and most atheist consider factual evidence above all else.

A book written by humans.


>b-but he'd limit our freedom then! g-god exists i swear! h-he would like to do something but doesn't because he wants us free! :(
your argument is the best to make those retards use the stated "counter-argument", which is stupid as is

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>funny how no atheist has ever proven how the universe can come from nothing
how can god come from nothing?

But factual evidence points to God being objectively and undeniably real.

Nice projecting faggot, i'm not a christian.

God hasn't come from nothing. God has always been.

Either way my point is still valid

if god can have always been, why can't the universe?

Science can literally prove nothing. No one can ever scientifically prove the existence of matter, energy, or anything.

All your evidence is circumstance, coincidence, and a book that has enough logical inconsistency to have been written by an 8 year old

why does that excuse work for a god but not for the universe?

can we not just admit that we as humans don't have the scientific knowledge to understand the universe to that level yet, rather than making up a reason based in faith and not fact?

Why do you think Christianity is more anti-fact than Islam?

Because God created the universe.

It's a good paradox, I'm interested to see if they actually argue against it or ignore it because they can't.

There are only three possible outcomes to the paradox

inspired by god

So yeah

ikfr, but as you see, both of us are not getting any replies because they can't refute them, so we'll probably share the same fate as

I can't say anything about God's existence however even if he exists it's extremely unlikely that any religion actually know what he's like.
Anyone talking about what God wants us to do or what he forbids us from doing is just human and didn't get it from God.
Since God has never interacted with us and we have no way of interacting with him or even observing him, the most reasonable choice is to just live like he doesn't exist.
If he wants us to behave in a certain way he'll have to tell us. Believing in God is one thing but just trusting what some other human says that God wants is not reasonable. Religions can be beneficial but only as a tool to control people to behave in more beneficial ways, they're not the word of God.

If god exists then why did he make me ugly and low iq?

t. brainlet
how could god have created the universe if the universe always existed?

Islam is anti-fact, and you will see atheists rant against them too, just like every religion. But most atheists are surrounded by Christianity and Christians are very loud when it comes to being wrong.

>All your evidence is circumstance, coincidence
you're a good goy

Or not inspired by God and only made by humans.
If I told you that God has told me how it really is, would you believe me?

no he isn't, all the good goys are christians that worship a dead kike on a stick and support israel

Every religion is exactly the same, jews are just as guilty.

Thank you God for such a wonderful life. I am enjoying every second of this delightful paradise.

if you performed holy acts like the disciples did yes

If you predicted world events like they did yes

If you gave us countless wisdom like they did yes

Yes, yes I can.

First, let us define god.

Presumably you are a Christian and so subscribe to the idea that god is omnipotent.

You would be hard-pressed to find a religion whose god is omnipotent. If are one such religion I shall deal with you specifically if you would be so kind as to define god...

But, since most gods are omnipotent, and given that omnipotence cannot exist, then god cannot exist.

Omnipotence is the idea of having total power, thus, god causes all suffering, all fear, all disease, all natural disasters and all heartbreak. This is evil. Since the Judeo-Christian god cannot commit evil, either: A, He is not god. Or B, mass genocide is not evil.

To summarize, can god create a stone so heavy that he cannot lift it?

This simple paradox eliminates omnipotence, and so eliminates god.

>if you performed holy acts like the disciples did yes
>If you predicted world events like they did yes

It's better to say 'I don't know' and admit you don't know everything about the universe than to fill in the gaps with bullshit about omnipotence.

For the holy acts read the bible

You haven't given reason to why he is wrong

But that doesn't prove they happened

Read this:

Why are there so many LARPing christians on Jow Forums now?

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none of those are actual predictions of anything
they are extremely vague statements that you can easily interpret any way you want

this argument fucking sucks and i'm a christian

the whole movie sucked too.

>The mark of the beast for buying and selling
>2004 Microchip which can be implanted
>The sea and the waves roaring
>2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami
reaching as fuck

its a win win because you can claim everything that happens as proof but claim everything that is wrong as metaphorical or that it just hasn't happened yet