Just realized something about myself

just realized something about myself

>be 12, molested by brothers friend
>be 15, raped by random dude
>be 18, drugged and raped.

I have been raped by more people than I have dated. What on Earth.

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>you will never date user and rape them
why live?

The funny part is that I was even raped by a boyfriend!!! Why can't I stop getting raped!!

And what exactly are you complaining about?

Clearly youre hot and irresistible
Not a robot

well obviously you just deserve it if you've been raped that many times
its your fault right user?

Can we talk about it over discord? I can make a throwaway real quick

Here comes the EPIC very compassionate man who seeks out the vulnerable to manipulate! have fun man.

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Tbh If I could molest my self I would

yeah same i think it'd be hot to rape a clone of myself.

We cam dream

can i rape you?

yes this wasn't orginal

I never implied I was compassionate user. Women like this want to be controlled.

If it was a gender swapped clone then yes. We'd take turns raping the shit out of each other

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I'd try and make my clone some what mentally retarded so when I rape him he suffers more but when he rapes me its more agrresive

>be 12, molested by brothers friend
>be 15, raped by random dude
>be 18, drugged and raped.

this is some florida sounding shit

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Is OP a femanon?

im not sending you noodz, but you can make throwaway

hot. how old were all the rapists at the time? did they cum inside you?

Stfu. You weren't raped. Just because you regret it doesn't mean it is rape. Stupid fucking roastie.

When I was 12, 16. When I was 16, 22. When I was 18, 30. The last one was the only one that came in me.

why would you post about this here if it damaged you?

Did you enjoy it? My female friend was randomly pulled into a van while walking on the sidewalk and raped. It ruined her for life but she also came a few times during her rape.

Because no one knows who I am and I can just say anything. Never really got to talk about this with anyone before.

I can't say I enjoyed any of it in the moment, but thinking back on it, it was kinda hot. I'd be okay with like a rape fantasy thing with a partner or something, but I wasn't attracted to any of the guys that raped me so I can't really say I enjoyed it.

How do people allow themselves to be raped? Alright they are stronger than you, but go for the eyes or something, gouge at the fucker's eyes. Drugged is another thing. But surely you know who did it. If the police don't do anything because lack of evidence you can at the very least follow them later to a dark alley and take a pipe to their ankles or something. Don't just take this shit lying down.

I was talking to some femanon last night who had the same thing happen to her on discord. It wont help posting here about it I imagine though. I would talk to a therapist

The first time, I just didn't really know what to do I guess. I was really conflicted because I felt like i might've accidentally led him on, and I didn't want to make things awkward for my brother since he doesn't have many friends.

Second time, he had a knife.

Third, self explanatory.

She was groomed when she was young by some old pedo who was like 25, its pretty fucking disgusting

I really like talking about it though. It makes this feel almost normal.

Why does it keep happening to you? Are you beautiful and have big tits?

My friends tits are massive and I'm sure that didn't help her.

How do you deal with the anger you would have from this? also sure but theres probably better places than Jow Forums

I don't have huge tits or anything. I have wide hips, I'm not fat, my face is pretty average. Guess its just bad luck.

I'm not really mad anymore. Nothing can really be done i guess. I just wanted to talk about it without consequences.

Fuck the knife, I doubt he'd actually use it, the pussy.

But shit, that's fucked up. I'd be angry as fuck if that shit happened to me. Surely you have some male friends though. Gather a bunch of people and just fuck em up.

yea thats exactly what the other femanon said, still shit anyway though

I don't really have any friends. Which is why I am here.

Rapists go after people they perceive as vulnerable, not desirable. You got rapped because people thought could get away with it, not because you are a 10/10 qt3.14.

Did you report them to the police?

I want to rape you. come over so I can do it

And I just wanna say, after being raped its really hard to find someone you enjoy having sex with. I wanna feel that dominance, and masculinity, but no guys really do stuff like that anymore. I'm talking to a guy right now who says he'll do things like that to me now, but I feel like he's not gonna go through with it.

Why are you here then, stacy.

Tried to report the second guy, mom wouldn't let me take him to court because she didn't believe me.

Great mom.

Anyway, I'd talk to the rapists. Like just straight up show up at their door and be like 'what the fuck'. Also get some pepper spray if they try some shit. Might want to use it even if they don't though.

If it's his fetish then he'll do it. Hell sometimes I even fuck my gf when she's sleeping. She enjoys the rape play stuff and so do I.

that's very sad anonette. how you feel with it?

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I dated a guy who fucked me really hard when I was passed out on edibles. I wish I was like semi awake because I'm sure it was great, but it was still hot waking up sore, covered in little marks and bruises and full of cum.

thats hot OP. tell us more about the 30 year old that came inside you. how did you feel

What do you mean, like you want to be raped again?

I choke the daylights out of my gf when I fuck her; is that the kind of thing you mean?

Ngl OP that's pretty fucked, just don't think about it too much I guess

cool but personally I'd go for the 12 and I'm almost 30 haha where ya from OP some slut country or what haha

almost forgot to sage

I talked to a girl who got gange raped by black guys and it turned her really racist but also gave her a BBC fetish and she came during the rape

We were hanging out at a hotel party with a couple people I knew. He gave me something and told me it was LSD (which i know now entirely that accepting drugs from a stranger is stupid, but people I was close with knew him so idk), then after about 30 mins, I was vomiting a bunch and couldn't really stay completely conscious.

He told everyone he was gonna go tuck me in, in the other room of the hotel. One of the most prominent things I remember was hearing him lock the door, and I told him, "why'd ya do that for?", then I came to my senses after a second and tried to get out, but couldn't since I couldn't even walk. I tried yelling but nothing would come out, and eventually I was on the bed.

I kept fading in and out, trying to get up, but he would press his hand on my throat and keep me down.

Eventually I ended up bent over the bed, he was keeping his hand down on the back of my head and I could hardly breath, so I kept trying to pry myself up the sheets. I remember being so weak, even extending my arm outwards a little bit was nearly impossible, and I was starting to pass out more and more.

The last thing I remember, he was pulling my hair so that my torso was lifted a bit while he fucked me from behind, with the other hand playing with my nipple.

Woke up the next day really sore, neck had imprints on it, and I was dripping with cum. He was nowhere to be found.

She's here to humblebrag about being desirable.

>I was dripping with cum
mmm i doubt the valdidity of your story. he cum would have been long gone/dried up after that time. cool larp. saged

cum doesn't dry up when its in you.

itll drip out over the course of less than one hour unless he also tied you upside down like a raw pig. sagd

I got up and it dripped out. Im sure some of it got out but its pretty hard to get all the cum out without standing up unless you push it out.

hot story but iknow your a dude and so does googles type algorithim

>I was close with knew him
did you ask them for his name?

you're obv. trying to get her to prove she's a girl so you can see some tits. go to my dude

>beta white knighter white knighting a fucking roastie larper
fuck off back to >>>plebbit you shitstain

I guess you were fucked up from previous rapes into drugs etc, maybe as escapism or something so I cant blame you to much for taking them, the fact you get raped 3 times or whatever confuses me though, there must be something about you that caused that

not an argument, sub 85 IQ boi

fuck off basedboy

That's what happens when you live in a black neighborhood unfortunately. Blame your parents

Really hot, thanks for sharing. I'm going to masturbate to your rape.

>18 years old
>needing mom's permission to report crimes
