What's the benefit of a foot fetish?

What's the benefit of a foot fetish?

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what a stupid fucking question is that? Why would a fetish of any kind produce benefits? Also, these whores should take their dirty feet away from the food.

>Why would a fetish of any kind produce benefits?
My penis.

>those toes on the right girl

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Foot fetishist here.

Women walk around wearing flip flops for half the year, which to normies is the equivalent of them walking around in lingerie.

If my girlfriend doesn't want to fuck, she'll more than likely at least let me give her a foot rub and jerk it. Or a footjob.

thats not a benefit you degenerate

>your gf gives you a footjob or lets you rub her feet when she doesn't wanna fuck

Seriously? All the girls I've dated thought foot stuff was completely fucking weird and only did it once, got grossed out and never let me try it again.


>My penis
Then the benefit of foot fetish is your penis

cant get STDs from feet

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Looking like a fucking retard and being pathetic? Getting an infection from the bacteria/fungi the feet picked up? IDK

toez make my head spin round and round

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He's talking about a hypothetical gf he might have in the future.

>toez make my head spin round and round
I could do the same with a 2x4.

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>quit looking at my boobs, creep!
>quit looking at my feet, creep!
youre danged either way , but im still a leg and foot man

dumb post

post cute toes instead

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All the fun you want, no babies, no aids.

>have to keep buying a girl new socks and nylons because you keep cumming on her old ones
>easily degenerates into grosser fetishes like cucking

footfags are on a slippery slope

"Might" is the key word here. And yeah, there is no benefit to this shit. Enjoy having no gf's, my fellow virgins.

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Knowing that you can kill yourself without your family missing you

>foot fetish
Hello weak-willed submissive beta male

Asian girls have the best feet

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Try going to Japan.

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There was this russian girl I knew once who thought my feet fetish was cute and she offered to jerk me off with them and she said she would always put lotion on them to get them extra soft.

All italians like feet because italy is a feet btw

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>All italians like feet because italy is a feet btw

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and who told you you were allowed to post images of MY foot waifu?

half white half japanese best combo

There's a source to that? It's just a random webm I saved. If there's more you better speak the fuck up.

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>If there's more you better speak the fuck up.

I don't feel like posting my collection desu

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zip it up on megaupload then, you cannot, *CANNOT* leave me hanging now.

she gets boring after five pictures

Then why do you have so much? At least upload the video folder

i'm not him
just know that bitches cunt

Why is this webm 21mb wtf


Aren't most fetishes more common in Japan or are you saying that the Japs are especially more accepting of foot fetishes?

My theory is that they are more common in men with higher sensitivity to disgust, as antithetical as it sounds. I'm a pretty clean person and I find vagina quite disgusting unless I'm in the mood and I think most men inherently understand that they are breeding grounds for dangerous bacteria, which is why pussy eating was probably uncommon throughout most of history as men didn't want to get sick.

Foot fetishes have near zero STIs risks and are more common during times with higher STI rates in the general population. Men with them would likely be healthier than those without them and they would have a lower chance of dying from chlamydia. That's why men have more fetishes than women.

Dammit, that bastard actually left me hanging.

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who is this original trouser arouser

I dunno, I go to /s/ occasionally and sometimes they have asian feet threads.

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There was this one absolute madlad on youtube who filmed Asian chicks on campus and some of them had absolutely perfect soles.
Then his channel got deleted.
His name was something with "bear" and a video was called "Beijing Toe Spider" (lol).

God her feet were amazing.

Anyone know him? Maybe he has a clips4sale or something.

What does it take to become so ballsy to just ask chicks to flop their bare feet on a library table and have them put oil on their soles while you're filming all this shit in public anyway?
How long do you need to search for chicks to even be down with that.

Anyway, #based feet in this one btw


Asian feet are life.

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I'll be jacking it to that later for sure

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Checkt sempai


This guy films extremely close up candid videos of Asian girls' feet under tables. He used to have a channel on youtube, before it was deleted, but I think most of his videos are on pornhub.

there used to be a channel called joeyvidzzz or something and he had natalie portman's feet as the wallpaper for his channel page

Thoughts on socks?
Sexy or not?

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Very much so. Especially neon or pastel socks.

Nah. Nothing or torn up stockings for me.

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footbear, he has a channel still

Cot damn that was him
Too bad his best shit seems to be gone

discord gg qvHHzh8

Join my foot discord
Dead now but it needs some active users to change that

Also if anyone has pics with torn stockings, post them. It's kinda rare

Best answer

Its ideal for robots, your sexuality can become parasitic and you can feel like you got lucky just by being right place/right time and having the balls and subtlety to record.

All the good channels have died one by one, I still live in hope of finding pheatphreek vids again one day.


Do anime feet count?

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