How cheap are your meals user?also comfy tuna thread

How cheap are your meals user?also comfy tuna thread

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not cheap. i work and live rent free at home.

Utterly disgusting, user. I think you can do better with whatever money you spend on meals.

Onions, canned beans, and pasta.

I only eat apple and drink water.
Get on my level, plebs.

Not cheap at all since I'm really picky about food.
Also, maybe add some more veggies to that tuna.

Depends. I eat mostly natural food, so it is hard to say if it cheap or not.

That looks like cat food and the remnants of my post Thanksgiving shjt

blow it out your asses.I bet you fucking cook your foods too,fucking normals

around 1 money
with three meals a day thats 21 moneys a week which seems accurate according to my receipts

Tuna? Cheap? Where do you live user, in Tunatown?

oh i eat fake tuna

that looks awful, OP. could do with some more veg for a start.
my meals are usually pretty cheap because i eat a lot of canned and discounted stuff. not buying any animal products reduces costs too.

>more expensive than sardines
>more mercury than sardines
>doesn't have crunchy spines to add some oomph
there's NO reason to pick tuna over sardines as NEET food in 2018

Rude. There's nothing wrong with boiling some rice or pasta and frying a piece of ham. It can hardly be called cooking but it does taste better this way.

tuna actually tastes good and is superior by protein:calorie ratio

heres what i do for tuna.
crunch some dried jalapeno into your tuna mix and mustard.
cayenne pepper for more spice.
use as a dip would recommend.

Looks like fuckin food youd feed to an opossum.

If I really need to save some money its bread and water here.

Show me a based sardine sandwich, you cant.

Jokes on you. I am robot - my mom cooks for me. Well, only dinner but still.

not original user, but here you go.

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0,83 USD o spend too mach on 2b figure

you could add mayo and pasta to that for not much more

i spend 15 - 20gbp a week. I only eat meat, fish, organs and eggs. this is the only way i have found to cure my acne, as soon as I reintroduce vegetables, fruit or carbs I breakout with cysts all over my face. it's also helping me lose weight so i can't complain. it's improving my life for the better in multiple ways.

I love these food threads. We need more to be honest. Here's some pancakes and eggs I made this morning. My meals usually cost no more than ten dollars.

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No joke but I hope you heard about the tuna recall. They found human meet mixed in with the tuna. I shit you not.

originally fake news

>permanently destroying my body with a shit diet at a young age is better than having some acne like all other teens do

i can live off spinach, broccoli, eggs, chicken, tuna.

This shit actually looks tasty as fuck and it's healthy too. Guess I know what I'll eat tonight.

i'm 24. 25 in 2 months. accutane didn't work. and it's not destroying my body, humans are built for ketosis.

this pic is the purest form of comfyness you can achive without dying

>maple syrup
>hercules place

>fuckin richfag humble bragging about how he visits Disney

>human meet mixed in with the tuna
>mixed in
>human meet

glad you've found a cure for your acne, but that is an awful diet for your health.

It's actually pretty healthy. I get all of my nutrients from organs, the body is more than capable of converting fat into ketones to use as energy. If fat wasn't a good source of energy and our bodies preferred fuel then we wouldn't store it in abundance all over our bodies. in comparison to glycogen we only store a small amount of it in our liver and muscles, our most abundant source of energy is fat, this is a big indicator as to which fuel the body prefers for long term sustenance. combine that with fat being the most dense form of calories, at 9cal per gram as opposed to carbs at 4cals per gram, everything points to fat being the fuel of choice.

in france it's pretty cheap, idk about the rest of the world

Had smoked salmon for my first time yesterday. Was remarkably good, albeit a little hard to swallow. Stupid stomach of mine is absurdly picky when it comes to textures.

>what is colon cancer
>what are vitamins

dude, there's a lot more that matters than just what gives you energy. any calorie will give you energy. i hope you're at least taking a multivitamin and doing something for electrolytes.

Nope. no multivitamins and no electrolytes. been eating this way for close to a year, if I drop dead from malnutrition I will be sure to update you but nothing as of yet and you would think with vitamin c being water soluble it would be the first to disappear and thus I would have scurvy... but nope. People have been lied to, vegetables, fruits and nutrients in general are not as critical as people believe them to be, it's obviously the unpopular opinion but it becomes the truth, at least for me the more I continue to eat this way, the better I feel, it just solidifies in my mind how misled people
really are.