1. Why the fuck would a comedy show care about this shit?
2. How can he say they are a super organized danger to society and also shut-ins who are powerless at the same time?
3. Why would he claim they are on edge and made fun of and can go on a killing spree and then go on and immediately make fun of them?
1. Why the fuck would a comedy show care about this shit?
Other urls found in this thread:
This thread was funny the first 400 times. I think we can put it to rest now.
You incels are just mad because the entire country is laughing at how pathetic you guys are.
They want to push incels to action, they hate white people so they do anything so they can cover the news with it
People shit on incels with good reason, but all their women hating and talk of violence is actually being DONE by sexist pricks like Chris Brown.
The only difference between incels and niggers like that is that these kind of niggers actually have sex.
>reddit ruined being a virgin loser
is there anything they can't do
They tried pretty hard to push lefty values and memes here with pretty much 0 results
imagine being this mad about this video while also making fun of manlets
You made a muhfukken DOO doo in your muhfukken UNDERwear Broooo!
Do you think people wear underwear just as like a doo doo cradle? CUZ THAT'S HOW YOU'RE TREATING YOURS, B-B-B-B-B-B-B-BROOOO!!!!
Walking around carefully all day, balancing a turd in there. Come on bro. What are you doing.
it's just what happens when CC writers decide to go to Jow Forumscringe for their material. this is the result. they make hit pieces on really boring internet movements.
I seriously doubt the people who wrote that segment concealed carry.
They try to find literally any boogeyman other than non-whites for terrorism attacks and massmurders
Literal who talking about the flavour of the week.
It's weird how the same people get triggered by incel posting, black people and people making fun of drumpf
And I've got a message for these faggot cucks....watch your fucking backs motherfuckers.
But Jow Forums told me all incels are nonwhites because aryans are the most aesthetic & "fvckable" race
There's that word again, stealing memes, when the right word is "annoyed by lefties and telling them to go back to redddit/tumblr"
and now all those faggots are on r9k
>Shitting on the bottom of the social ladder
This is an interesting thing for an advanced caring society to be doing
We are getting close to something
aussie wannabe John Oliver making assumptions left and right like he already has an hbo show
yeah, i think we're getting dangerously close to you getting your feelings hurt and nothing else happening.
Pretty much just unironic bullying of the weakest group of people, like bullying christians because they won't blow up your news headquarters or have it shut down.
>It is often said, the toastier the roast, the bigger the beef. Something mysterious happens amidst a given roastie’s goring and boring, the punishing penetrations and serial prolapses. That once delicate, sliver of an innie blossoms like an angry meaty tulip, one that holds only gaping darkness as its pollen. Diving deeper into her labyrinthine labia, we peer into an incredible world beneath the beef and bologna, one ruled by a kind of ‘Rule of the Jungle,” only this empowered ecology spreads itself open to a new batch of invasive species almost every evening. Those Papilloma particles are pummeled and pulverized into her flesh, the same as the sticky spores of Gonorrhea, the motley lots of adenoviruses, amoebas and anaerobic fauna, many from vastly far away places. Driven through her epithelial layers and deep into her beef, they burrow and seek out nutrition, infection, and begin to terraform the vaginal tissues into a land suitable for the apocalyptic droves deposited throughout each cycle of the sun. Her immune system has long since grown into an abiding symbiosis with the invasive menagerie of bacteria, fungie and flagelating mystery monsters, even incorporating genes delivered by the various retroviruses and postules of microRNA sent throughout her blood stream at the behest of her vagina’s new tenants. Designed by nature to be a fertile pasture for reproduction, now her semen-soddened womb whistles hollow like a ghostly edifice remaining from a war. But she has become enhanced in other ways by her network of viral supporters. HPV has hacked her dopamine and serotonin circuitry, making her bolder and more brazen, more risk-seeking and even more sexually insatiable.
>Atop a new cock, the roastie must ride, and the plentiful organisms who have accelerated this behavior are more than happy to go along. Every knew cock that thunders into her caverns will emerge slick with generations of eager microbes, poised to pilfer whichever pussies await. With the advent of cock sharing apps on their phones, the roastie can spread her sexually transmitted spawn at a geometric rate, leading to a new pan-vaginal ecology that extends across the urbanized world. A splat of virii from Jakarta may pollinate the meat flowers of a swingers club in a sleepy British countryside, only to then appear in American college dorms before shipping itself inside travelers bound for Tokyo, Toronto and Taipei. The hyperactive sexual behaviors of the modern roastie ensure these rapid transmissions and go on to create a Darwinian cauldron in which entire continents' best sexually transmitted organisms vie for survival: Turkish syphilis must best a West African Chlamydia for control of a patch of pussy, and all of them fear the HIV, for it casts a great uncertainty over their continued access to unlimited penises. This ceaseless genetic warfare has weaved its way into the roastie’s genome, driving her near mad with compulsion for another go on the cock carousel, her own natural instincts having melded with the minge microbiome steering her. Obstruct or otherwise hinder her access to dick, and you will be met with incandescent feminine rage, albeit tinged by a mind soppy with yearning for yet another new protuberant phallus. The roastie can only think in terms of genitalia and sexual behavior, and so her opponent must obviously be a virgin, or a sexually impoverished beta male. Or his penis has the fault of being one of the few that have not cleaved her bunny bloody. Whatever the criticism, the rage is purely an expression of the busy biome sizzling away within the endless ravines of her rippling beef. She really cannot help herself.
>and nothing else happening
Hopefully we see more Vans of Peace and Acid Splashings of Tolerance soon
You can tell that the one poster having to mention incel in every post is some roastie who is mad that chad won't fuck her, and she don't want to lower her standards so she herself is a pseudo-incel
>making fun of mentally ill losers
You're definitely triggered, incel.
That or they're part of a plebbit raid organized on discord. Even the "Spiderman was supposed to be portrayed as an incel" thread is noticeably hamfisted.
No, I don't visit those sites, but try again
Nobody on Jow Forums has ever said that
no they didn't
the stereotype of Jow Forums in your head did.
The news media is cancer.
Even better
>Making fun of mentally ill losers that they are certain will shoot up a school at some point
Like I get it can be fun to bully retards but it's almost like they're trying to push loser teens even further into shooter territory
Don't bother giving a resonable argument to a leftie, as the bugman will not give you one in return
This. I bet they're hoping to inspire some particularly damaged nuts to do something violent so they have some terror statistics to point to that aren't Muslim.
>whites are übermensch aryans that every woman of every race wants to fuck
>whites are the majority of incels
Pick one (1), cognitive dissonance cases.
Strawmanning anyone who disagrees with your self-victimizing narrative as a "leftie" or a "bugman" is probably part of the reason why you can't get laid in the first place, incel~
You have no proof of me being a incel, and there is no reason for me to try and convince you I'm not, but judging on the way you reply and try to push incel as some leftie meme equivalent to cuck or söyboy, it just comes off as a pathetic tourist from the leftie discord
>t. incel with a victim complex
Take some deep breaths, hit the weights, take a shower, get taller, and get a clue
Whites are statistically the most desired romantic partners no matter how much BLACKED has fucked up your perspective on the world.
>virgin pretending to be Chad on an anonymous Chinese image board
I know you desperately believe in the meme that Jow Forums is contrarian to the point that they're always gonna be opposed to whatever is in power at the monent in the US, but you fell for a shitty meme, and it's sad, so go back to circlejerking on discord, screenshot this if you will and post it there, cause that's what you're doing already, getting some e-handfives and emotes. While you sink deeper and deeper into Jow Forums, and start questioning your values, I want you to remember this post. Leave while you can if you value your lefty values.
Openly mocking people that are highly deranged and violent seems pretty stupid.
At least we don't treat them like inanimate objects. It's who, not that.
They're not really violent, they pent it up inside, until it's ready to explode in violence. mentally abusing people like the report is just death wish, and I hope the reporter gets killed by a virgin and he gets away with it
I wish they’d leave. I just want to be a loser virgin in peace.
t: Jow Forums
If you're not lying, tell me, what's the difference between them and you?
I am lying, but I'll tell you anyway. They are them and I am me.
Damn you
So why are you so bothered with them when they're literally (you)
>get taller
Because their penis has become so lodged in my butt that I'm having a hard time defecating, or frankly even sitting and doing my fucking job, user.
Other than /sg/, you really think they care or even know about this site?
Well, at least you and them aren't virgins anymore then
I know. That's why I can't work or poop. I'm too excited at my newfound normie status and all the sweet prostate orgasms I've been experiencing.
Imagine...if you put as much effort into fixing your fucked up life as you did into "BTFOing the lefties on Jow Forums", you wouldn't be such a bitter angsty incel
Because he hates himself retard
Exactly. So then why is /pol9k/ pretending to care about incels being made fun of when, statistically, an incel is more likely to be a "subhuman shitskin" than an aryan vbermensch?
yeah everyone who doesn't share our political opinion see everything as black and white, what dumbasses. life is great innit.
Nice projection, user.
As a voluntary celibate (not virgin) I'd rather just play vidya, watch movies/anime and fap really.
Desperately trying to lose your virginity is stupid anyway, there's nothing special about it, but I'm not in their shoes so I can't speak how it feels to be a virgin well into your twenties.
Is this what your parents told you? I smell projection
So why hang around r9k then
I don’t want Muslims here, it’s harder for them to attack.
It’s also a lot easier to break an incel than a Muslim indoctrination
LMAO at you butthurt virgins. Your clubhouse got found out, deal with it. You are now free to blame liberals for your virginity, as well as complain that they are the only ones mocking you.
Did I strike a nerve with the incels? Awww, just imagine how different your lives would be if you refocused the time you spent on Jow Forums toward lifting weights or actually attempting to do anything resembling something a normal well-adjusted human being would do
>there are no female incels
>most incels aren’t gay/bi
If you think they are deranged and violent why would you want more of them in your country?
Because incels are easy targets, it's no fun to bully and ridicule something that's been through the worst in life, handled the bad cards in the deck from birth
t. incel
Even more projection, gonna have to bring out the old projector for this
People who have sex have always, and will always be "in power at the moment in the US." Virgins will always be pathetic nothings. You're the contrarian. Get a job, loser.
Nice talking to you before your murder-suicide, Optoma.
>You're a virgin!
Why am I getting (you)'s from roasties, I don't want these (you)'s
Voluntary celibate 23yo virgin here, AMA
Are incels even real or is it a shitty forced /tv/ meme that's got out of control?
Why are men expected to do XYZ to get bottom of the barrel women whereas women can simply exist and get a 7/10 easy?
Handhold-less, kiss-less?
if you haven't had sex in the last year you're an incel.
m8 Jow Forums has been a den of virgins for over a decade. No one is getting BTFO.
Kiss-less but not handholdless
What is it about this planet?
Everybody absolutely hates each other but they don't want you to die.
They get mad if you kill yourself, and even angrier if you get murdered like a fucking bitch.
This world is Satan. I am Jesus Christ of Nazareth compared to you freaks.
There's that victim complex again...why do you pathetic losers think there's more of you than there are? Or that people actually agree/identify with your entitled loser style of thinking?
Literally who? Is this some hot new /pol9k/ incel meme/tripfag that you guys have memed into committing another spree killing? No wonder you guys are getting doxxed and your safe spaces are getting shut down, LOL
It’s a reddit meme that became a pejorative to mock virgin men then was used as a meme by some Armenian van killer which gave the media justification to vilify men further by making incel even more of a mainstream pejorative
Do you do it because you gave up, or because you reached enlightenment, and if so, what did you realize?
Because you're not entitled to a gf, you're not entitled to happiness, and you're definitely not entitled to sex. Why is it so hard for you whiny immature incel losers to comprehend this?
The sooner you learn this lesson the sooner you stop being an incel loser; women can literally smell it on you.
Once you stop projecting, I can give you a decent and serious reply.
Who the fuck gave that unfunny Aussie cunt a show? Fucksakes Murrca.
Then why are women entitled to happiness, sex and a boyfriend? Hm?
most incels are lefties. All bernie bro faggots.
Once you stop feeling entitled to sex, you can live a decent and worthwhile post-incel life.
Where did I say that they are? You incels seem to have a problem with projecting then accusing others of doing exactly what you're doing.
Most incels are indians.
Poor guys
5,000 members and counting. This community was created after Jow Forumsincels was shut down on Reddit for misogyny and harassment. Everyone who tells you it's a "pejorative" is lying to you. It's a name they gave themselves, and wore with pride up until virgins starting killing people in their name.
They are called liberals.
>are there ugly men with no game or is it a meme.
lol nice empathy there, go to any engineering department in a university and you will find 10-20 incels in every year.