What race are you?
Are romanians considered white?
no in an original manor
I don't know, in Hearts of Iron 4's "Formable Nations" mod, they're counted as part of the Latin Union.
>he doesnt play road to 54
Does this warrant mixed?
Pajeet reporting.
Thats solid proof then. The old question of are romanians white is solved.
I get to see romanian truck drivers trough my job. They look less white then roaches and are mostly retarded. Never speak any english, german, polish, russian and dont understand handsigns. Its a pain with you people. Even fucken hohols have their shit together.
I hope the amerisharts actually have some proofs if they chose "white" in there.
das white, dawg. with impurities, but still white.
OK, then I voted white. Hope that is sufficient, supreme leader.
> 14% of people voted hispanic
dont you guys have other things to be doing like gardening or moving drugs across the border....
I voted mix. Im half white, half south east asian.
Greetings fellow blackbots
If Im a mutt of different euro ethnicities am I white?
mexican-filipino-puerto rican amerifag reporting in.
> mexican
> American
Pic one
>tfw shitload options for Asians
>tfw 1 option for white
mexican and black.
German + Korean (supreme gentleman)
1 race, human race :^)
Ayo waz gud mah nigguh?
American """white"""
Kek someone should make a meme of a paint color chart, have a brown beige color named "American White"
>60% are voters who have zero excuse to be here
White Jew
Hungarian/Polish is white right?
Hurr whites have it easier durr
Non gyp Romanians, yes
Don't make me bust out the dating statistics faggot
We're in first place since whites can't be robots.
This is a blackbot thread now
>dating statistics
At least you go on dates
>the new face of Jow Forums
le 60% face originello
>current patch
>road to 56
Post more creaturas.
Yes, I looked for Slavic as well but nowhere to be found
>scientists have determined what the average Jow Forums user looks like, and it's beautiful
That's what an average amerifat looks like, r9k is worse
>mfw europoors don't realize that the mutt meme is a Jow Forums push to radicalize european countries to hate non-whites like americans already do
wow you really are a sheeple.
while i agree that whites probably have it better in the dating scene there is also a higher percentage of them so your statistics and the OP's pie chart would probably fit with that idea, in that there would be an inflated quantity of minorities but also a large quantity of whites, due in fact to the sheer numbers multiplying the amount of outliers(robots).
a few more iq points and you might make it, muhammed.
Jokes on them, I already do
Im italian, tf am i supposed to vote, in doubt i voted latino/hispanic
I mean whoever thought it could work as anti-pol didn't think it thru.
isn't there some difference between south and north italy?
North is german kind of white and south is more like mexican, im in the center so i think that i might be the almighty italian mutt
>Implying being white counts for shit in Euro nations
This. I wish we had more creaturas, asian and black girls maybe I could then get someone.
Do you mean Chinegros?
There are a lot of non whites in big cities like Berlin or London
depinde pe cine intrebi
hi I am indian too
why do you call yourself pajeet, do you not find it kind of derogatory
I mean obviously you don't
but I do
shut up ravi
>only American Indian that voted
>shut up ravi
my uncle's name is ravi lol
good guess Ethan
>there are black anons in this thread right now
how do you feel about the fact that white people literally drove your race to extinction? And now your people literally have no culture except white culture?
you literally posted a picture of a white guy pretending to be native american
not even close desu
rolling for jacob or michael
it's kinda surprising how blacks make up such a large percent - I think many people are lying on this survey
Your post made me cry.
you shouldn't cry, you should feel angry desu
then again, I guess there's nothing you can really do
It's not like the whites living did this, even a bulk of current whites aren't descended from those who did the killing and eradication. Understandable to be upset but what would be the solution?
>that pic
Nignog here, what are you a homo or something?
Are bulgarians white or middle eastern?
hapa here, sorry to drive up the number of mixed race people on the board
austrian/korean here. gentlemen, every last one of us diluted aryan. i wish we could just prove it to others
>those results
>le 56 percent face
Also, I am a quadroon (25 percent black, 75 percent white), but everyone IRL thinks I am either a hapa or a castizo (or just white). Hung out with a Hapa friend for a few months and he thought that I was Hapa the whole time until he asked. It is probably because the only black features that I inherited are some slight facial ones that make my face look softer, and I am also an effeminate short beta. Race mixing is weird.
No choice for central asian.
Its whatever, half russian anyways, and have always just put east asian in official shit.