is there anything lower than an incel?
Is there anything lower than an incel?
Other urls found in this thread:
yes. orbiters.
Any kind of ningen like you
femcels/fembots (if they even exist)
No, even cucks are superior.
Kelly's soles
Pro tip, bro: they don't.
Due to the nature of being female, "femcels" or "fembots" cannot exist. Being female means atleast SOME thirsty piece of shit wants to fuck you, even if it's only because of some fetish they have. No woman -actually- has a fetish for ugly/underweight/overweight guys, they just say they do. How much fetish porn have you seen of hot women fucking ugly/underweight/overweight guys, I wonder? No woman actually desires men with traits that would land them in the robo zone, whereas men -can indeed- desire women that would qualify them to be one of mythical, fictional fembots.
>even cucks are superior
The absolute state of Jow Forums
Yes. Op (You)
People who give up and become trans
did you see that anything4views thread? he's a fat fuck and on a date with a chick
am a "girl" (I present as a guy but was born female) and any guy that I have tried getting with has ghosted me, therefore, I am 50% sure I am the only "femcel" on this board
You fucking waste of a vagina get out of here and stop baiting
1. Then he's a normalfag. He clearly has something charisma-wise that counteracts his physical appearance, or perhaps the "chick" is just doing it for his jewtube money.
2. You're still a man, biologically, regardless of what you identify as. You're just really, really gay.
post pic please, we need to know how HOT you are as a FEMALE
*realising the bait*
*not intentionally falling for it*
You new here, bud?
where am I baiting?
>you're still a man
thanks for reaffirming my gender identity mate
well if I post a pic, I am going to get banned so here's a video from an alternative source
context someone said because I have a vagina I would get anyone I wanted
based zamasuposter
no, it's a natural selection fenomenon: inferior creatures do not reproduce
>shadman tongue poke
Instant camwhore red flag
*he doesn't see that i said biologically, instead of gender identity*
What a joke.
I am, in fact, a biological girl and you saying I am biologically a man is not correct but it makes me feel good
me under her soles
Cucks can get a girl even she cheats.
They have some value to females.
Incels have no value at all.
I dont understand how your voice is that manly if you're biologically a female? I didnt see your pussy so I'm still confused what exactly you are
the tits are good...
No, you said
>I'm a guy, but I was female
And I said
>you are indeed a man
How much of a retard are you? Fuck off, baiter.
how do i buy something for Kelly?
and many, many more
From highest to lowest:
Pedophile who acts on it and serial rapist (they're on par with each other)
what? yes, I was born female
I don't know if you're trying painfully hard to support me or if you don't understand that I have a vagina and XX chromosomes?
are you taking testosterone to make your voice lower? stop... just be female, your tits look good I bet your face is fine too
Would you really prefer being a slaveboi to women and a submissive fuck instead of being alone but preserving your dignity? Get a hold of yourself and don't fall for their game
He's a FtM trans, fuck just stop already
You're an actually retard.
You said you were a man.
I, however, said you were a man.
You're a fucking retard if you can't see that I don't agree with you.
I was taking testosterone but my doctor fucked up and I haven't taken it since september 2017. unfortunately it's too late to turn back though, I'll continue it soon maybe, and continue forcing myself to be a man. it's fine really, I don't care
no user, I think you're the retard here
>You said you were a man.
>I however said you were a man.
yeah no shit, but you said I was biologically a man and very gay, only one of which is true
why is it too late, what did the doctor mess up? maybe you can take female hormones or have a surgery for your voice, that is definitely an option:
>Would you really prefer being a slaveboi to women and a submissive fuck instead of being alone but preserving your dignity?
That would make me volcel, not incel.
Incels do not have a choice.
If you can't see that I'm right then I don't see why you haven't necked yourself yet.
I'll spell it out for you:
>I s-a-i-d y-o-u w-e-r-e a m-a-n
>A-f-t-e-r y-o-u s-a-i-d y-o-u b-e-l-i-e-v-e-d y-o-u w-e-r-e m-a-l-e
Get it now, thicko?
Fuck off phoneposter.
yes but we're talking scale, and I would rate someone who cant get a gf no matter what higher than a fucking slave who is allowed to touch it
show a pic of your face, maybe you look okay. Without face pic we cant give you real advice which way to go, put some black bars over your eyes if you want to avoid being googled
so you're supportive of me being ftm?
again, you said I was a biological male so I told you the truth, what aren't you getting?
the doctor just messed up and didn't renew my testosterone shots. Its too late for me to detransition because I already got this far, and there's no point in turning back anymore. it's not like I even want to date anybody anyways, it's fine user, don't think about it too much
fuck off, your basically asking "ban yourself please" every time a faggot like you asks for face pics
I've spelt it out for you already, I can already tell you have the IQ of a rock. Get that noose ready bitchboy.
alright, so you said "you're biologically a man", so I told you the truth, then you spurged out and keep on repeating "I told you you were a man"
where did I go wrong?
can some other lurking user point out what the fuck is going on between these two because I don't get it
This is all wrong. Continuing this conversation is wrong if you can't see what I'm doing.
Yeah, spending your time and resources egging on the lowest group in the universe so they do school shootings so you can push an agenda, condemn generalizations of one group while pushing generalizations of another group because stereotyping is good when it benefits you and bad when it doesn't benefit you, and make people forget that you murder human beings for oil so you can maintain your pyramid scheme that is so retarded you need to lie to get people to consent to it.
Pretty sure that is the definition of a lowlife.
The people who are behind this is pretty obvious, considering there are a trillion more worthwhile causes, like ending puppy mills, ending human experimentation, ending wage slavery, occupying wall street, fixing the narcissism problem among social media users, ending assassinations of journalists and activists, getting somebody who doesn't have "royal blood" as a leader, ending the drug war, curing homelessness, ending child abuse, removing the tax exempt status from schizophrenic churches where people who hear magical fairies are allowed to have a say in anything, restoring checks and balances, ending in person bullying instead of just online bullying that you have a record of to put on your resume, finding a solution for automation, establishing ethics for robotics, saving people in third world countries where there isn't a lot of oil, giving every American citizen the right to spy on the government, increasing the overall intelligence of the population so crime is reduced.
You know, all those things that you don't want to happen because you are a control freak psychopath murderer?
add me on discourse if you want to send me a picture:
the discord url and then slash 8PBs9H
One user mistaken the FtM one for a MtF and now that he understood it he denies he was wrong and is feigning he actually understood it all from the beginning
Basically just ignore them
An incel with shit taste in anime
A manlet.
I give you one better ( worse), a cartoonfag
Do I count as an "incel" if I've never even tried getting a girlfriend or getting laid before? I've always been a sheltered autist that just spends all day on Internet and video games.
Guys, sage threads like these. They are a part of a plebbit invasion.
Pic related
If it's voluntary, then yes.
If it's voluntary due to things you can't control (such as appearance), then no.
I'm a very lazy person, so I'm not even sure myself.
manlet incel
I agree about femcels, but I think fembots could exist, though much rarer than the average robot. Being a robot isn't about lack of sex. It's a fucked mental state that involves a lot of self-sabotaging. Incels focus on sex, females can get sex whenever so there is no way they could be involuntarily celibate.
>is there anything lower than an incel?
a rapist
>(I present as a guy)
>guy that I have tried getting with has ghosted me
no shit you moron, they think you're a dude or some kind of walking lgbt meme. of course they wont pursue you.
This. All this Toronto shit has shitwashed the use of incel and robot
oh no, reddit is invading other reddit?
you fags are why they're on every other board bleating 'incel!'
>inferior creatures do not reproduce
Have you not seen the jeremy kyle show?
People keep using them like they are interchangeable when they aren't all. Yes, some robots main feel is no gf, but that's not all there is to it like it is for incels.