High test lads edition
God bless the lad who posted this, I am still laughing.
Fucking captcha
Someone tried at least ..
So reddit is currently shitting on people who don't wear shorts when it is hot outside. This is making me even more self aware, I hate shorts so just wear chinos when it is hot and never get sweaty. I have literally never owned shorts since I was 10.
And now, all of a sudden, it is weird if you wear trousers when it is warm and everyone looks at you? What the actual fuck?
>it's an user falls in love with a co-worker who was nice to him episode
going to go and have dinner lads
I fall in love every time a woman notices me.
Kek that was me last night, how was the rest of your high NCIS escapade?
unless I'm only going to the corner shop I dont wear shorts outside. Just doesnt feel British
I have eczema, do they expect me to wear shorts as well? fucking cunts
Storytime, should I drop my friend being a complete assfaggot?
> Long-time friend, complete asshole sometimes but lovable
> Buys himself expensive shit all the time and getting into debt
> Usually deals with it well but finally went too far
> Begs me for money, I won't say the exact amount but its very significant
> Pay off his debt because he's a friend and we agree that he'll pay me back interest free in two months
> Two months later
> Ask for my money back, says he's back in debt
> Immediately shows me new jewelry and a fucking 100 quid lightsaber
> Hmmm
> Three months later
> Show him a debt letter I have saying I need the money back to pay off my own debt
> Shows up at my house, posts money through the letterbox and stops replying to my texts
I'm completely confounded, why does he resent me for asking back what was owed.
Most redditors need to do everything they can to cool down because they're fat faggots.
>100 quid lightsaber
what a cunt
Seriously. It is fucking madness. I need to find another site to browse at work because this is actually making me angry. Even if I wanted to wear shorts, I would have to buy new shoes, socks, the works and fuck that
>Turn bedroom light on
>See a spider dash under some furniture
Been so long since I've had a spider (that I know of) in my flat, god I hate summer.
>new jewelry and a fucking 100 quid lightsaber
JFC I would have lost it.
Just found it increasingly bizarre lad haha
checked out some more moments from the show when I was sober to see if I was exaggerating, seemed just as ridiculous
the really deep "I did" at the end with him holding the fucking cable gets me
just drawn a massive big pair of baps on my drive with a stone lads, ill never stop having the mentality of a 12 year old
Reddit's now layout is fucking vomit worthy.
What will Britain be like in 2100? Will the UK still exist?
Will Christianity basically be extinct?
What will be the dominant religion?
What will technology be like?
This meme was literally me the past 2 days
I dont like to think about it desu lad. The future depresses me
>letting reddit make you this insecure
spiders are frens. He wont mind if you put him outside though he likes to travel
don't follow this yank advice, in the UK it's perfectly fine not to wear shorts.
>tfw no hacking gf
see I'm the opposite, I'm sad in winter. summer is hot but I beat myself up if I don't get up and get outside
How do I stop being terrified of everything
>it's another you vent too much and she just stops replying episode
Yeah, I'm planning to hopefully use the resources my uni makes available to try and get a leg up. The thought of wageslaving is bad but the thought of having spent all that time and effort and then ended up stacking shelves at the fucking co-op or something is even worse.
drunk some red wine and now I'm craving some meat
gonna make a bacon sarnie
I know, but there are literally thousands of people agreeing with the shit they are saying there. Currently there are 15 posters in this thread. It shouldn't fuck with me, but it does
nobody ever looked good wearing shorts in the last four centuries
>she replies 5 mins later saying "that must suck haha"
>So reddit is currently shitting on people who don't wear shorts when it is hot outside
Reddit is literally that guy in the office at the first sunny day of the year starts wearing cargo shorts and sandals without socks, waving his gross feet around for everyone to see.
Don't listen to reddit.
>fat ginger waster on corrie has 2 girls after his dick
State of the writing in this
>drunk some red wine and now I'm craving some meat
>got a gaggia classic + grinder
>making costa tier coffees at home
feels good man
i think i just finished my dissertation lads
its due at noon tomorrow
i cant help but think its a piece of shit though
Why does cotswold have such stacked/fluffy hair when its straight? Its like stacks of shredded paper.
Does anyone else hate the heat?
I associate heat with stress because of exams.
Also, the way women dress in the Summer makes me scared and feel sick in the stomach for some reason.
give us an excerpt from it laddie
Every man on his 16th birthday should go on a nice fishing trip with his frens to the gf ocean and see how many qts they can catch (keeping the best five or so).
>Pickle Rick was 9 months ago
my waifu lads, in't she cute
just want to cuddle her with that soft asian skin
Don't vent to women, they're fucking useless.
Shut up we've these posts you barely see any of his head
if you wear shorts outside, when its below about 35c, you're either not british, a chad, or a fuck autist
i did this
working with a girl and she always talked to me then she got my number and we talked every night as well. then she said she loved me, i said i loved her, then her family moved away and she went with them.
mad af as well as she was a lezzer, and she had a gf as well. but we kissed a few times on works do's. her gf hit me once actually. i just laughed and walked off. i thought it was strange at the time as i didn't know they where seeing each other so i thought there was nothing wrong in what i was doing
That is a good feel lad. Splitting on a coffee machine with my housemates is one of the best decisions I've ever made
>tfw overweight
>6'2" and about 15 stone
>wear loose clothes that still look ok, always have a jacket / jumper and never just a shirt or t shirt
>see equally chubby guys in skin tight t shirts and shorts wandering around like its nothing
Literally how. How can people do this.
Mate I'm just finishing up my masters thesis and it looks like GCSE tier writing. Fuck it.
Congrats by the way
>caring what reddit says
seriously? The absolute state of you
das a nice fish fren pls dont smoke
oops meant to reply to
Overcast with rain is the best weather because I feel much less guilty being inside and the social interaction that I am missing out on is not thrust in my face. I feel anger rather than sick but I get what you mean.
Hopefully technology will get there soon for you fren
Good for you lad, I hope it goes well.
I did mine in a week last month, I think it is actually pretty good but the time scale scares me so I am shitting it for results
Looking through more of this subreddit, it's actually a really good one tbf. This one got me chuckling, literally so many middle class girls at uni, and my flatmate from last year to a fucking tee
A star that burns twice as bright burns half as long
>6'2" and about 15 stone
that's not super heavy for that height surely?
>get no (you)s
This talk of shorts reminds me of how I almost lost my paper round.
>have paper round from year 8 to the start of sixth form
>wear my white long sleeve shirt and trousers from my school uniform whenever I do it, no exceptions
>one day it's hailing heavily
>man I'm delivering papers to asks why I'm not wearing a coat
>instinctively say "because I don't give a fuck"
>he stares at me and does say anything
>I realize my mistake
>awkwardly get back on my bike and ride away
>then come back and awkwardly deliver a paper to the house next door that I forgot while he's still staring at me
/tv/ getting worked into a seeth over Pickle Rick was absolutely wonderful
No I'm about the same, just got a bit of a belly is all
27.1 degrees is no joke. Absolutely disgusting weather.
>keep getting (You)'s
>makes the hours fly by while I'm just chatting shite with people online instead of watching a film or playing a game
be honest with me lad how long have you spent making sophie turner edits
He has been getting those comments from the beginning.
Fuck knows lad. I've just started trying to lose weight myself. My collection of shirts I can actually wear without feeling like a retard has gotten dangerously low. If I put something on and it's skin tight it's coming right the fuck back off in place of something baggier.
hey mine was a masters thesis as well, what you studying?
i think the writing is fine just the actual content i'm worried about
and whether or not it will survive the plagiarism checks
yeah ive spent so long on this that i'm worried ive gone completely wrong and wasting months of my life
because they're not concious about what they wear nor would anyone really care in the first place. stop worrying you pansi
The sticky there and on [s4s] were genuinely wonderful.
britfeel seems very well educated and higher class
brit/pol/ though is full of people with no gcses
Karenposter, you're going to fail.
>mean to go off to get some actual sleep for once
>end up talking and participating in random discussion for the next 4-5 hours
every time
Yes it does cost 200 of the Kings pounds but you just buy this shit once and it literally lasts the next 15 years of your life.
Every morning/evening you get that real fucking CREAMY latte, fresh ground espresso. I'm tired of 50% chance the Barista hands you a scalded latte that just tastes of fucking hot liquid cardboard
>very well educated and higher class
we have some lower class dropouts here but yes quite a few lads who obviously had decent upbringings.
what switches you got on that keyboard lod?
>making costa tier coffees at home
I too like dessert beverages instead of actual coffee
Eighty-first for remove mould.
still above 90 in my shitty little cave of a room, i cant stand this much longer, dont everything i can to cool down
>hes not part of the aeropress master race
Haha lads I just smoked some weed and now it feels good to nod my head
DUDE, weed is awesome
fak off m8 i aint no posh boi ponce
Sound for Games
I know, I made some shit life decisions lad
Help lids
It's a custom brown cherry pok3r rgb with black steel base and black keys from another poker
It isn't super heavy, but it is a noticeable belly and slight moobs.
I genuinely don't see how someone can wear skin tight clothes like this, I know I look terrible so why show it off to the world?
what about /brit/? I always just imagine that's full of normies
and as for britpol I disagree, I think a fair amount of them would be at university (and having to hide it), I have a friend who is very smart and goes on pol
the REST of pol, however, now that's another issue
I think it's full of teenagers, incels and fucking idiots
>using fahrenheit
fuck off you yank
you haven't spent enough time here obviously, there's a wide range of outcasts coming from all different types of classes and backgrounds
I have one user, use it when guests ask for black American n it blows their mind
>no gcses
fook of ya wanka, i bladdy got a c in pe u posho cunt
Might as well try that and see where it goes, tinder is shallow as fuck so be warned
nice lad, got blues myself.
Digits like that wasted on fahrenheit
I'm sorry lad I honestly have no idea. Try to make her laugh