I know some of you guys have talked to her. What is she like in private conversation? Im too much of a pussy to DM her.
I know some of you guys have talked to her. What is she like in private conversation? Im too much of a pussy to DM her
Why does it even matter you dumb faggot
just do it idiot the worst that could happen is she says go away and blocks you and in that case she wasnt worth talking to anyways
I'm curious if she acts the same way one on one as she does publicly.
Yes but why does that matter unless you have delusions of interacting with her outside of the internet
In reality it doesn't. I'm just lonely and want to know if she's as perfect as I think she is.
who is she and how can I contact her
It's Muffy. Her instagram is cadaverqt,
She's pretty nice in dms, I'd just talk to her user, she told me she tries to respond to everyone
I don't want to bother her or scare her or anything. Is she as cute and shy as she makes herself seem on her Curious Cat?
I'd say a bit less shy, but still really cute! Don't worry about bothering her, I started by messaging her asking if we could be friends, she's nice and I'm sure you won't creep her out
She is cute, but you niggers orbit hard. Than you cry about women and not being able to date. Leave my board faggots.
It's not like she's completely out of our reach. She has very few followers and is willing to talk to anons. I bet she'd date one of us.
You are fucking pathetic, you're not a robot. You're a pathetic stalker normie.
How does that make me a stalker?
You realize you orbiting her not only validates her, but then makes her feel above everyone else right? You are literally turning her into a toxic piece of trash that things shes above everyone because social media validation.
lmao, Muffy is nice but you fuckers need to die
You people are the most disgusting and pathetic I've ever seen, orbiter shits are the worst.
Don't kid yourself, no one is talking to her for her riveting personality.
I've talked to her once on skype, and a few times via DM on insta. She acts like every other ironic 2cute4u chan girl. She isn't a con artist like ciara, but after you get past the way she looks in all her profile pics on insta, shes just an average girl who likes the attention of internet men.
Bullshit. She's never given out her skype and only talks through instagram dms.
Yeah, I've never seen her mention Skype, she's said she only gives out discord to close friends though
I don't really care if you believe me or not, I was just stating my experience with her. You sound buttmad that she didn't talk to you on there.
lol whatever, but it's true. we might even meet personally during the summer break as we live really close by.
>phoneposting on r9k
Your opinion is invalid
Where does she live then?
Does it even matter much user? she is pretty cute though, I'm pretty sure this one is a rare..
Confirmed by muffy to be fake
That's a common. Check this one out though.
lmao you sound like an ultra faggot
she sent me pics of her penis, its feminine but im not really into brown ones. i would post the pics but i dont want to get banned
Holy crap user where did you get that???! Consider me impressed and how many more do you have
She posted it on her story I believe. I've only seen it here a handful of times.
From her curiouscat, faggot.
poooost moooore
also does anybody have a mega.nz or google drive of these
>getting this buttblasted as an orbiter
I'm building one, but I don't have a lot of pictures
I have a story screenshot that I've never seen posted here. I took it when she first started gaining traction. I may keep it for myself though.
women like these are style over substance. her personality i assume would be underwhelming. dont be afraid just DM her and find out yourself.
no no no no no
user anon user anon user anon
Just for reference, it's her resting her head on a pillow with anime characters overlayed on it. Let me know if you've seen it around first.
user, you are TAUNTING me. I have NOT seen this image ANYWHERE..please user take pity on me
Here, just because I appreciate fellow Muffyfriends. Don't overuse it.
user, I cannot thank you enough, that is quite the rare muffy. Not Avery (obviously) but still I must thank you
They are never as perfect irl as you think they are. Having that mindset will cause massive pain and retardation when talking to peeps. Expect them being boring AF, and serendipity if they aren't.
user, I cannot put into words how much I genuinely appreciate this. I will think about this every single time I open my Muffy folder and choose not to post it out of respect..
Of course. It looks like she's not wearing any makeup in it either which makes it all the better.
Her nose is fucking big, she's ugly as hell.
She's definitely wearing eyeliner, I notice, but i don't think shes wearing anything outside of that. Interesting..
user that's a regular sized nose
t. big nosed user
>thinking that a teenager's skin could be that smooth and even without makeup
Do you talk to girls irl?
Her art is so beautiful. I wish she took commissions.
t. fat and ugly roastie
No, user, shes just using a filter in that image I believe.
How do i message this hoe?
I will post her nudes if i get some
t. chad
Muffy would never send nudes.
Who do we nominate for such task cause I'll gladly volunteer
Here's another one I never see posted here. You're welcome.
You absolute madman you wouldn't dare
This is my entire Muffy folder , let me know if theres any you want me to post.
Well, if you provided her contact, i easily could
Women are easy brah
Give it a month at most
She's pizza dude.
Well I do know she has an instagram but I dont know much more outside that
give me the feet pic.
You forgot to say 'please', user..
Ah fuck that shit i dont fuck with that
As if you could anyways faggot.
just imagine how sweaty and stinky they'd be after a day wearing those
her nose is massive
You don't have this one yet?
Could you post 20 and 27? I'm trying to compete my set
I'd love to nibble on that nose tbqh
Wait user what was that post?
It was a photo of marky
She is extremely boring and distant, even sunny was better than this basic bitch
post conversation screencaps pls
I won't let the Muffy thread die.
God I hate orbiters so much. This dumbs slut is just sunny 2.0 and we all know it
>This dumbs slut is just sunny 2.0 and we all know it
Bumping for muffy
knockoff crispy lol
She is an attention whore. You guys will be forever virgins.
More like new and improved crispy
>new and improved
In what way? Crispy is objectively cuter.
> crispy is objectively cuter
I gotta stop you there buddy, sorry but you're wrong, like one of the people who think ciara is cure wrong
Cute not cure sorry
I'm haven't bumped this thread yet.
Is there an Jow Forums Discord that I'm not aware of?
It's just through instagram dms
She post some weird stuff on her tumblr.
I wouldn't complain, Sunny is an ugly pig, where did all the cute attention whores go??
you guys and this whole thread are pathetic
stop fawning over this roastie and go outside
Oh great another attention whore roastie. You guys sure know how to choose them
>those nails
what le fug
also OP is a gaybo
Just looked at her curious cat. She pretends to be nice and pure but it's pretty obvious she's masquerading to attention whore. Stupid cunts like this are the reason Jow Forums is dieing
How long do you think until we find out she's the school slut and Jow Forums ruins her life?
post her instagram
Agreed the nails are fucked
Also looks like she's carry alot of baby fat