Confess your sins, robots.
Confess your sins, robots
got drunk in high school and took a giant shit in the backyard of a stacy who spread rumors about me
I have never been out of a relationship since my early teens for more than a few weeks at a time.
You are okay, user, god hates sluts.
And faggots. So I you arent okay. Sorry, sinner.
you being a non virgin on my board is the biggest sin here, repent!
> i beat the shit out of my little brother a few years back and i was cast out of the family
what heppensed?
He was being the usual basedboy low testosterone faggot and kept bothering me because he knew I couldnt do shit to him. Looking back now if I knew my mother would rage so hard and kick me out Id kill him on the spot
I committed the greatest sin a Tennesseefag can commit
>Be me
>Be around 11-12
>New bb gun, pretty high powered
>Go outside to shoot squirells
>Hit a few, not that much damage done
>See cool looking bird
>Shoot at it
>Hit it right in the head, makes a little "pap" noise
>Run inside to tell Dad
>He comes outside to see my wonderful accomplishment
>He is speechless when he sees
>"Why did you shoot this bird"
>I'm confused
>He tells me that I had killed a peaceful creature and takes my bb gun away forever
>I begin to cry
>Ask him what it was
>A mockingbird
>I killed a mockingbird
I don't know why I still think about that bird, it was such a small blip in my life but it sticks with me the most. Please forgive me pastor
kill all phoneposters
I lurk /cgl/ to see qt azn grills in cute clothes
>burned down a garage with bum sleeping in it
Some part of me done that without thinking about consequences. We was fooling around with friends puting some fires around garage trying to scare bum. We put out the fire and left. Or so we thought. He was too drunk to notice that garage was burning and died there. It was more than 10 years ago.
>strangled a cat
So we had a cat that was always biting and scratching me without any real reason. One day she scratched my face really hard while I was asleep. I woke boiling with anger and strangled her with my bare hands without even noticing it.
How do you feel about the bum? Considering the cat, can you say that in your heart of hearts it was truly an accident?
Now just imagine how fucked up you would be if you had killed an innocent human. Also your dad is a cuck for not encouraging your sociopathic development
Also Tennesseefag here
>Dating fatty 3/10. At least it's a gf
>Get drunk at her place , she leaves for work (nightshift)
>Her parents asleep
>I go downstairs to watch TV , her little sister (10) is on couch.
>Drunken tickle her and tell her she is so beautiful and I'd marry her when she's 18
>Next day
>She tells family , gf leaves me , tells everyone I'm a pervert
I think it was some sort of primal instinct mixed with child curiousity. We would piss in the bottles and give him to drink as if it was liquor. Throw thing inside garage and in the end would set up fires to draw him out of it. Burning place down was not anticipated outcome. Yet it happened and man died.
I've always loved cats and never harmed any other animals aside from birds and frogs from that day. Spent alot of time with bb gun at some point, killing pigeons. Never had father figure unlike Teneseefag-kun here.
Where are you from? Eastern Europe, perhaps?
Yep. It was sure a bad neighborhood but it was like that almost everyhere. Heroin addicts,drunks. There was six of us back then. Two dead, one in prison. Other two are living with parents and work low wage jobs. It was sure intresting time. Drinking whatever we would find, breathing glue/paint/gas fumes.
You paint a grim picture. Do you have a job now? Are you religious? Do you still drink? How do you feel about it?
I hate pretty much everybody around me. Ever since I can remember the only person I don't hate has been my mother, she raised me well so I don't have violent tendencys or anything, I mostly just stay quite. But every time I hear about somebody I know getting hurt or dying I get a little bit happier.
I don't regret giving my little brother depression, asshole deserves being miserable
had a nice kek user, those are some mighty sins
For years, I have emotionally manipulated my parents with threats/attempts of suicide, refusing to speak with them for months at a time, and backhanded blaming in an attempt to get money from them. Hasn't worked yet, but they keep crawling back to include me in their lives. At this point they are asking for it, so I'll keep trying until I suicide