you faggots are all doing it wrong.
remember the rule of thumb:
>horizontal for attention
>vertical for results
you faggots are all doing it wrong.
remember the rule of thumb:
>horizontal for attention
>vertical for results
Unless you're in prison or some shit, why would this be your preferred method for suicide?
Tried that, I'm not a bleeder apparently
go to tumblr or some other gay place where people do that. we aren't faggots like that.
there are better ways user
i cut myself to relieve my emotional tension, it's like clenching your jaw or fists
then why not clench your jaw or fists instead of cutting yourself?
People who cut themselves are faggots, regardless of method.
The best method is the throat
ain't it obvious? am a attention whoring sack of shit
is there any "cheating" in suicide if you make it more painless so mentally its easier to do?
Could the key to suicide be to treat it not as if you're about to die, but just treat it as anything else or even a game
Kek that cant be real
Isn't it crazy that some people harm themselves to relieve stress?
You could practice equanimity when committing.
Pain isn't really that bad, but your belief towards it.
Some monks set themselves on fire and remain perfectly still and peaceful.
There is, it's called sky diving off of a building. With no parachute.
yeah, weird right?
i think that would technically be classified as basejumping user
Most people that survive that method of suicide say they instantly regret jumping off the building. I would prefer jumping in front of a train.
The cheating is realizing that a little bit of pain is a small price to pay for the end of all pain.
Honestly, it doesn't even hurt while doing it. If you have a good cutting implement, you can swipe fast enough that its nothing. All you get is a "woah, I did this to myself?" If you want a higher chance of mortality, buy a good scalpel on amazon and look up where your radial or brachial artery is. Femoral is too deep to get in one swipe unless you are a skelly.
I thought the same thing, I thought it was retarded as fuck, but it makes sense when you think about it.
When I'm stressed I punch, kick or throw something. I guess it works in the same way, but they just really hate themselves and take the pain out on themselves.
Faker and gayer than the time i fucked a gay tranny