Man, am i the only one who's longing for a childhood i never had?
All i wanted was being able to have a group of inseparable childhood friends, who despite their differences, used to hang out all the time. I never had friends with whom i could explore the town, build a tree house with, and talk about trivial things with enthusiasm. i'm feeling nostalgic about this but i had nothing. I had a computer screen and a tv instead. What a life, i'm jealous of other people's childhoods. Not being able to have long lasting friends, or even a childhood crush is killing my boys. I want to end it all.
Man, am i the only one who's longing for a childhood i never had?
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I know that feel. I almost had that, I was going to develop friends in elementary school but my parents decided to move and I had to start over. Then again in middle school, then once more for high school. It really fucked with my mind, to this day
>tfw destined to be a lone wolf all your life
It hurts but we deal with it.
yeah i know exactly that feel. Moving as a kid multiple times. It fucking sucked. i sometimes feel like life was predestined to be shit. I had all the cards but i couldn't play the fucking game.
Longing for a childhood I never had, or an innocence and carefree happineds I never got to take for granted, is why I liked Azumanga Daioh so much. I still get drunk and marathon the series once a year. The feels are bittersweet.
>longing for a childhood i never had?
Everyone has traumas. You can't reverse time. You should stop worrying about it, and learn to realize when you ARE thinking about it.
user, you have to come to terms with your bitter past. May be in future when you find a waifu who loves you, you might bring some kids into this world. If this happens, you can try and make your children's childhoods better, and that would ease some of the pain.
i'm not thinking about anything now though. growing up sucked the life and energy out of me. the only thing i think about is when i'm going to bed and my car that broke down that i can't pay.
>May be in future when you find a waifu who loves you
I wish user, i wish.
bump for stories of gore, glamour, glor
I don't have any friends anymore, I got rid of them 1 by 1 until I was in a mental institution for the criminally insane, my last friend called me, I said "hello" then hung up
it was music, movies, tv shows, the internet, books that kept me alive
i'm gonna tell you a ton of stories of when I had friends dude
I finally realized unless yur soul is connected, unless you're both in it 100% and you love each other, a relationship is a waste
what do you want to hear-romance, hookups, friendships, debauchery, funny, cool stuff?
so we had this nite in middle school once a month at our middle school and I had been hanging out with these two girls a lot: Denise & Kelly. I liked Kelly but Denise liked me. At the end of the night Kelly tells me to ask Denise out, she likes me. She says yes. I offer the snack stand 5$ for a box of airheads (they out of control), then go over to my friend's house for a sleepover. I didn't want to date denise, so on sunday night i'm telling my school-mainly-friend Mario about it and I'm like "I'm gonna call her and dump her." he wants to listen, so he calls me back and I threeway call her. I dump her and Mario disconnects her right after without saying "bye" or anything!
the next day at school this really scary friend of denise comes up to me (I barely knew her) who was an upperclassman and tells me to apologize. I didn't want to, not really, but I do anyway. I say "I'm sorry." and maybe I or she asks for a hug. I'm hugging her and she latches on and won't let go. THEN Denise became the town bike
She's dating my new friend jon later in the year. I see her at the movies and she's inside and i'm outside the rope. we're talking and I get her to spit out her gum and give it to me. I put it in my mouth. we go to the same movie with some friends from another school (two or three chicks) and guy friends of mine. I look back and jon and denise and they're laying down, they put the armrest up and I think her hand is in his pants.
she dumps him after the movie.
it's the first night of spring break and joey and jon and like "olala cool popular" and i'm not as. but the guys are hanging out and jon and joey come over to my hood. we're hanging out and I get permission to have jon and joey sleep over too (in addition to me). we cause all sort of trouble in the neighborhood (that night and on many other occasions). I guess Denise dumped jon that day, I found out that night. Last day of spring break (it was the best spring break I've ever had up to that point), just hanging with chicks, lickin dicks, etc. i'm kidding about licking dicks. and my new friends. this group was friends till sophomore year though we added some new people and got rid of some old. I think they're still friends.Anyways back to last day spring break.
Somebody says Denise is at her pool and we're invited over. we walk over. we start playing football and I have the idea to start groping denise. so every play I just grope her tits. my friend zack started doing it too (LOL!). we were in the basement and I was all over her, basically dry humping her with a boner. everybody leaves except me jon & denise. me and her are at it until my mom comes to pick me up. I guess Denise tells Jon she dumped him for me.
the story of denise isn't over yet. in 9th grade we're smoking pot at this zoe's house. she has an older brother too, they live in my neighborhood and his friends are the scariest dudes in town. by this time denise has fucked and sucked dicks (like a lot) and has a bf but max puts his arm around her. zoe's brother catches him and max tries to leave and her bro won't let him-he wants the bf to catch him! eventually we're outside and max hangs around even though I tell him he should probably leave.
denise supposedly lost her virginity to a nineteen year old in 8th grade in her parent's house while her parents were outside, they didn't make it to the bedroom-they did it in a hallway
introducing cassie: this girl i liked briefly in 5th grade and dated in 8th grade. She has a kid now. I have a thing for girls who show me respect. Zack, lou, cassie and I are hanging out I think a sunday night before school. we walk across town to lou's and it's dark. I think Zack says "it's obviously you two like each other." I think she says she does and I immediately ask her to be my girlfriend. Her best friend who I never talked to online but had her screenname on her aim profile said "Some things just shouldn't be". Cece apparently hated me then, and came to hate me I guess after we were friends for a while.
On Monday cassie and I didn't talk. I think I wore my dad's cologne each day now that I had a new gf from my school. I guess I reeked of it because ian said "DID YOU PUT ON COLONGE?" I lied and said I fell asleep with incense (that smelled really good (the only one that did-I think it was called "soda pop")).
Come the weekend we go to cassies house and she and I make out on a couch while the dudes are playing pool. I keep putting my gum in her mouth. I go home and later go to lou's with them. cassie had told them of my move. I think it's sunday or Saturday and we go to the movies. I make out with cassie and she's wearing this stupid vest. We see our friends from (girls) from the other school and sit with them in the foodcourt. Later, Sophee (one of the girls) tells me cassie's vest was stupid. I don't remember how cassie and I broke up but I think I dumped her. then sophee and I dated. enter fionn!
Fionn used to bully me in life ed (or sex ed) whatever. We started hanging out 7th grade. he was friends with zack. this girl named allie from the other school was really mean to me over aim and I had never met her. at the 4th july fireworks I meet her and sophee and anothergirl (maybe Maggie). Allie and fionn were dating when we started aiming. But allie and fionn broke up. we get invited to the mall to hang out with zack's gf Amanda (who I had never met) kayla, & allie, & their guy spencer. I was planning on asking allie out but kayla was so beautiful and I felt really bad for allie cuz I ended up not (she knew I was going 2). fast foreward a few years and supposedly alex and Kelsey are on the phone with allie and she's masturbating. back to fionn. he was wrecking my new relationship with Amanda up after she & zack broke up (after kayla & I broke up), telling her shit and lying to my face supposedly. he ends up going out with sophee and she dumps him for me. I remember a moment outside a basketball game while she's dating fionn (I think he had moved to her school) with denise and sophee but idk what happened. they were nice to each other but sophee called her weird to me after on aim. it was really cute how sophee didn't show to a game at my school when she said she would but she left me a note with a friend inviting us over that Friday. we went though I knew this relationship was over before it began. I made out with her on a couch and we looked up and fionn was looking down on us. flashback to a wrestling meet at their school zack lou and I went to where sophee dumped fionn and he asked "For Robbie?" and idk what she said but he was on the wrestling team and went into the locker room to cry. sophee was a team manager or something and there was a raffle for a free pizza which she fixed for me to win. I never got the pizza tho. sophee started wrestling a guy from our school (older) in practices and dumped me
alex and I went over to her school from the mall during a wrestling thing from our schools and she wouldn't look at me. she didn't even say hi. my friends and I were having this crazy party with a strobe light that night and I really let sophee have it over the phone. she was crying and kayla came on to bitch me out.
this was the night I learned about myspace & facebook
sophee has 4 kids now, denise is married
Livestream your suicide you boring cunt
in seventh grade sophee & Amanda (sophee first) said we were going to go to prom together and have sex that night. sophee came to our turnabout in 11th grade and I was friends with a different alex and ben and went just with them. we were pretty loser at that point but they wanted to go to sophee's afterparty. I said I would drive them and they got the address. I guess some jock that was dating sophee named alex gave them an address that wasn't even right-we were deep in the Milwaukee hood. I dropped them off somewhere and went home (I wasn't about to crash sophee's party)
>tfw no tomboy childhood friend that secretly loves you but to embarrassed to say it
i'm not killing myself, but I agree i'm not giving any real details
this is how I look back at my childhood
I was from Wauwatosa WI, but I spent last summer in san diego. one night this homeless woman was with a guy and she said "You look so fucking sexy" I came back and said "you're really hot" The guy demanded I buy her a 7 up. I did. Some guys steal her purse I guess when I walk back past them the guy is gone, but I had heard shouting and the guy put his hands on her and some guys beat his ass. she has 5 boyfriends. i'm her boyfriend now, she's gonna cheat on them with me. "Wanna have sex?" she asks. Soon I'm fingerbanging her while she's lying on the pavement in that main park. I end up ditching her with (her) some crackheads. her name was angelique
I grew up in a town with my best friend, though I didn't know it until I was 18. His name was Philip Bartholomew. I love him and always will.
I would have had that if my family didn't have to move halfway through middle school. But of course, I moved across the US, before cellphones were a thing, at a time when most kids already have their friend groups figured out. I never had a chance.
Kind of. I had a nice group of mates but living in the centre of London meant we weren't able to do anything. Spent most of our days just sitting around on top of garages or on ripstiks.
I just wish I was able to grow up in the countryside.