Why's Jow Forums so bitter? (GFD & RR))

reddit.com/r/RoleReversal/comments/7mtyiy/whys_Jow Forums_so_bitter_among_other_concerns/

But really, what happened to the gentle femdom general on /d/?

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Its rooted to wanting literally any kind of affection so you could argue the most distraught people are into it, also the angriest

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This is now a gfd cuddle thread

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I mean he isn't wrong. Since he is a redditor though he fails to realize all relationships are a buyer's market and that men are being abused and taken advantage of a lot more than women. Its only so much more obvious because the female dominant relationship enables the woman to feel she is more justified in doing increasingly abusive things.

It's on /soc/ now for some reason. There's also a subreddit.

I am ready to die now God please

Okay *cocks gun*

cock mentioned

>noone to welcome u home from work with a big hug

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>tfw noone to fall asleep with on a rainy day

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Because it's almost impossible to get a gfd gf, especially for a robot.

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fuckin kek

these reddit soiboys think some manic pixie dream girl wants to mother a manchild like in anime

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Get back on reddit, please. This isnt some autistic screech just pls pls

>tfw you've evolved beyond the desire for a relationship and companionship
Feels good, maybe one day the rest of you will catch up.

It would be literally physically impossible for me to get a gentle femdom gf. My proof here is that no robot has one. Help.

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is the person who created that thread a domme? seems so

what happened to that shotaqueen girl from 2015? Is she married to some shota now?

that /soc/ thread is fucking disgusting

were all gonna make it brah

comfy gfd server if anyone interested fZ3zMKy

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>tfw no qt to hug you from the back

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I'm bitter because /gfd/ women make up .00000001% of the female population, and it's a fantasy that is simply too good to be true.

>no oni demon gf to give u her alien aids but cuddle after

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>tfw no qt virgin bf to torture and shower with love

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I'd rather be the dominant one in the relationship because I don't want my gf to be my mom but
>tfw no gf who regularly hugs you from behind when you're doing something else and regularly initiates affection for no reason

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affection for no reason actually sounds really nice, like she is just happy that you exist at all. the mom stuff might be only in bed or only out of etc

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As all /soc/ threads are. Pretty sure its filled to the brim with fake subs as well, guys who just want to get laid by any means.

>women being happy that you simply exist
It doesn't work like that, user. Women like men for what they can provide. They don't have that sort of unconditional affection. I mean, maybe SOME do, but they're surely outliers, in the aggregate. I promise that I'm not trying to crush your dreams; it's just that you shouldn't go into the dating market with these sorts of expectations, because they will surely be crushed. I would also wager that the only kind of woman who would express the sort of affection you spoke of would be one with quite low SMV; so, either an overweight 3/10 with low self esteem who's happy that any guy would date her or an older woman. The latter sounds nice, because I have a fetish for older women, but the kind who go for younger men are rare + the prospects of a relationship like that working out in the long run are very low, and there are many reasons for that.

GFD art and fanfics are nice, though...it makes me long for the feeling of security I cannot get for my mother, but looking at this stuff just inevitably makes me upset and bitter, because I know it's something I'll never have.

I used to be into the female being the dominant one but I realized that it was just my beta submissiveness that felt that way and a girl wouldn't want to date someone like that
Of course women like men who provide, women are naturally submissive

>Why does Jow Forums hate GFD (GAY FAGGOT DYKES) & RR (RABBIT RACING)?

you cracked the code user wtf

>tfw no gf to standing lean on

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>oh no this couch only big enough for 1 person what will me and my qt gf do

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>still don't have this
I'm getting really mad, WHERE IS MY WHOLSEOME CUDDLY GF

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Because we're the only place on the internet that can actually voice our minds without getting banned.


Stupid fucks go in it and post without posting an image because they think the alt hentai board is for feels textdumps.
This reddit might be worth looking at, I hadn't considered floral pattern shirts.

The real problem is that even if they existed in an appreciable number, you've still gotta compete with basically every other man in existence and if you couldn't win that competition with normal vanilla women you're not going to suddenly win it with gfd.
It's a rigged game and you just can't win, my man.

I'm not bitter, I'm just being realistic. I don't look like a skinny twink so any kind of femdom relationship is exceedingly unlikely.

I'm a switch though so I can at least get over it.

>tfw no gf to share a blanket with and fall asleep watching anime/movies while cuddling all night

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fuck you why did you have to post this

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gfd threads went to shit after desolation left

>im so glad i have you user, i had so much fun today

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that's fucking enough, stop this instant god damn you

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>you did great today user, im happy for you. Now come here and let me love on you for a bit

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you are evil made flesh

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>tfw this will never be me
why even live?

>hey, user, lets go do stuff and get of the house. Let me drag u around for a bit ok? We'll come back tired and snuggle after i promise

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Y-You better stop with this

stop this already my heart can't take much more

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>tfw i met my reddit tourist bf that still can't figure out how to post on Jow Forums on the zeemap.
p lucky desu

> I will never be able to able to live without this feel haunting me

love that subreddit. can't stop visiting it

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The redditfag zeemap isn't working right now, I'd never even known about it before. Your bf is lucky, im glad you found someone.

I want to fucking die end it all please just make this pain and heartache go away

I read her username as "huffing little farts".

/v/ and its brap sniffing obesession messed with my brain.

i think the original zeemap was just for the r9k/d threads, which my bf said was linked to on some subreddit or another. this was like, 3 years ago though so i'm sure they had a few iterations of it before they got banned.

>comfy gfd server if anyone interested
I hope you get cancer

>its so cold out today user, good thing i brought these scarves. Look were matching its so cute haha. Im still cold tho so lets lock arms oof

forgot image
oroignal torture of the tfwnogfs

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I'm just going to bed now with my heart in pieces, hope you are happy user

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Normalfags, they're scum. They come here to be assholes and are their lovely, bubbly selves back on an account on social media where everyone knows it's them.
The people who are cool/nice on here are the real nigg4s.

Oh thank God you didn't get a big scarf and suggest we wear it together
That would make me get too upset it wasn't real
But this matching scarf thing is getting to be too much

I-Is this really gentle femdom anymore? I could actually see a girl doing this
Goddamn it I used to hate this cutesy shit but now I want it more than ever

i love me some cutesy shit, im a khv so theres no way to be sure what i really like til i nut but i got a good idea its a very intimiate type of stuff. im kinda drunk as well. matching scarves would be cute man idk bout u.

>im busy with stuff rn but i wanna cuddle you still, maybe just sit on my knee and let me hug you until im done?

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>tfw the idea of cuddling and being emotionally intimate with a girl gives me sexual arousal
What the fuck is wrong with me

y cant reddit pompoir

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i dont hthink its uncommon user, for those of us who have had little social interaction the minimal is enough for us go feel arousal

say your cuddling with a qt someday and u pop a boner, she probably wont get mad she will either be kinda complimented and help u with it or ignore it
were all ogonna make it lad

>help you with it
I don't want sex until marriage (I'm a guy)
Is THAT weird? I never cared too much about sex

um, how about you focus on learning how to eat box before you start worrying about some made up vago gymnastics to suck the sperm out yo dick

I mean I did care about sexual desires but I never imagined myself actually doing it unless I was married/deeply in love with her

she' s a camgirl
and no

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google, how do i get a reddit mommy gf?

no sex until marriage is admirable but very unbeliveable user, someday when you get a gf she will want to do lewd things as much as you do

>she will want to do lewd things just as much as you do
I guess we'll both have to repress our desires user

how do i eat the box user i dont know anything about this subject
also checked tirps

We hate because no one loves us.

I'll love you user
In a non gay brother kind of way