>there are probably a higher # of stacies you've seen get railed by chad than you've spoken to IRL
is the solution to only watch a small number of girls? could be
>there are probably a higher # of stacies you've seen get railed by chad than you've spoken to IRL
is the solution to only watch a small number of girls? could be
Porn is bad, ruins your brain (Hipofrontality), ruins marriages (creating false sexual expectations) and you finally go nuts (can't control your sexual urges). And jews control Porn industry.
>ruins your brain
I'd like to get some reliable sources on this as it sounds like complete utter bs
Regardless porn is just there to relieve us from the stress of having to imagine, well, basically porn which is what we have done (and still do) when we hadn't/haven't got porn at our disposal kek
>Whaa spoonfeed
Google that faggot, there have been hundreds of discussions like this already.
Hardcore porn is cuckoldry training by proxy.
I only watch patrician softcore, solo or lesbians.
Watch is much pornography as you want, as long as it depicts only penis in vagina coitus
>spout some stupid shit without any proof
>claiming your interlocutor should have to defend your thesis, searching proof themselves
that's not really how it works. not if you wanna get any credit for your statements anyway
>makes a claim without evidence
>his """evidence""" is just r/nofap threads anyway
>makes thread no.9001 about the same topic
>expects people to have patience with chronic newfaggotry.
General threads on Jow Forums, Jow Forums, and even /vg/ post sources. Youre just a lazy dipshit
>Google that faggot, there have been hundreds of discussions like this already.
but wouldn't the exact same negative effects be observed from regular sexual intercourse?
where are the studies showing that ejaculation is bad
Go there then and ask them.
I don't doubt they will be more than happy to give you the same answer the other user gave you.
Ejaculation takes a huge amount of resources from your body. I personally feel without energy afterwards for almost a week, so i try to limit myself to once a month or two.
The difference is that fasting threads on Jow Forums, for instance, post links. This guy said:
>Porn is bad, ruins your brain (Hipofrontality), ruins marriages (creating false sexual expectations) and you finally go nuts (can't control your sexual urges). And jews control Porn industry.
That's a lot of shit to assert with nothing to back it up
What about penis in anus coitus?
>I'd like to get some reliable sources
do you have a problem with your porn consumption?
Yes or No
do you need more extreme and deviant porn every time you jerk off to cum (trap, cuckold etc.)
Yes or No
If you answered either of those with yes you have a problem with your porn consumption.
It's like with every other "drug" some people can smoke weed on the daily no problem, other people stop doing anything and become fuck-ups.
Just introspect, people shouldn't always need a study to tell them how their mental health is like.
>I personally feel without energy afterwards for almost a week
how do you deal with having boners all the time?
Check out Philip Zimbardo, the guy behind the Stanford Prison Experiment.
He's an anti-porn activist
Edge or ignore them.
The less porn you watch the more the boners will be appropriate to the situation, except morning ones.
>people shouldn't always need a study to tell them how their mental health is like.
there are plenty of reasons for a person to be depressed. chads don't have to watch porn, nobody that is "socially well adjusted" and good looking necessarily needs to even masturbate for an ejaculation.
i'm not sure nofap is going to magically fix all my "problems".
everyone just tells me to wait longer and longer and i'll notice a difference but then it just gets unbearable.
Is anything in life not bad?
when i do nofap but interact with girls i can't think of anything but having sex with them.
it's like my libido gets weaker only if i fap (or, theoretically, had sex)
nofap is retarded, just don't watch porn and jerk off whenever you need to.
I remember when I started to masturbate all I needed was a picture of an attractive woman with a little cleavage.
When I quit porn I was jerking it to all kinds of shit I'm not the slightest attracted to IRL.
just look at this faggot he's straight and by now need fucking GAY porn to get off, that is not normal healthy behaviour.
No he's just a homosex in denial
modding video games
animals, plants, nature
dank bud #420 (btw do u blaze it?)
absolutely braindead idea
>I'd like to get some reliable sources on this as it sounds like complete utter bs
You know nothing
I'm actively trying to change my habits after seeing a thread on here the other day about user's porn habits became less extreme after nofap.
This board is bad because there's too much porn images. i think i'm going to have to leave for good, which is also a benefit anyway
I can say unequivocally that porn has had no negative affect on my life whatsoever. I've enjoyed it for over 20 year and my collection of Golden Age porn films from the 70s and 80s is my pride and joy. My wife enjoys watching them too.